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I have four passions in life. My sport, family, work and God. Each I pursue with dogged determination to be better and to excel. The greatest blessing and experience in life is the privilege of life is having a loving and supporting wife and incredible children. My relationship with each of them is treasured above all. I am blessed in that I am healthy, enjoy the blessing of life and am extremely active. I am thrilled to be able to compete on the international stage for home and country. Success therein is just a cherry on top. Career and work has been an incredible experience. Knowing what I wanted to be early in high school and achieving such has brought about economic emancipation and a lifestyle I could only dream about as a little boy. I bask in the success and abilities given to me and the blessing poured out in great abundance.

 Listings /  Africa

La Hacienda Santa Teresa se encuentra ubicada en el Estado Aragua, al norte de Venezuela. Esta hacienda fue fundada en 1796 por el Conde de Tovar y es la destilería más antigua del país. Actualmente, funciona como museo, complejo agroindustrial, complejo turístico y complejo deportivo.​ Su gran especialidad es la producción del ron venezolano, sin embargo, también se ha convertido en una de las empresas más importantes del país gracias a que desarrollan diversas iniciativas sociales y económicas. La historia de la destilería comienza en 1796, cuando el Conde de Tovar funda una gran plantación de caña de azúcar en los alrededores de una de las haciendas más respetables de la época. A su muerte, la hacienda pasa a su hija Teresa, quien le da origen al nombre de estas instalaciones como Hacienda Santa Teresa. En 1885 Julius Vollmer adquiere la Hacienda y es el responsable de impulsar estas tierras montando la destilería de ron con la adquisición de un alambique europeo de cobre. Hoy en día, la destilería Hacienda Santa Teresa de Venezuela continúa en manos de la familia Vollmer, ya en su quinta generación. Gracias a su ubicación y al mantenimiento de los cultivos de caña de azúcar en las instalaciones de la hacienda, el proceso de recolección de la materia prima se hace en aproximadamente 24 horas. Una vez que la caña de azúcar se encuentra en la destilería, en la Central Azucarera pasa por un proceso que la convierte en una melaza oscura y muy espesa, caracterizada por su alta calidad. Seguidamente, esta melaza se pone a fermentar con la levadura seleccionada y que pertenece a la destilería. La Hacienda Santa Teresa cuenta con dos destilerías en su complejo: la más antigua, donde se destilan alcoholes artesanales con el que se elaboran destilados especiales; y la más nueva, de la que salen alcoholes tanto suaves como pesados. El añejamiento del ron Santa Teresa se realiza en barricas de roble blanco americano y de roble francés Limousin, con un mínimo de 24 meses de reposo, aunque muchos de ellos superan los 25 años de envejecimiento. La mezcla definitiva del ron venezolano de Hacienda Santa Teresa lo deciden los maestros roneros, y se caracterizan por ser un resultado de la mezcla de rones jóvenes y rones añejos. En 2014 fue considerada como la Mejor Destilería de Ron del Mundo en el Congreso Internacional del Ron. Y sus rones han recibido muchos premios y menciones internacionales. Además de su actividad principal, el destilado de ron, en la Hacienda Santa Teresa es posible disfrutar de otras experiencias, tales como la Cata Santa Teresa 1976, realizar un taller de coctelería y hacer la ruta Santa Teresa que consiste en un recorrido por las instalaciones para conocer el proceso productivo del ron y descubrir lo que los motivo a incluir el Rugby como uno de sus pilates de transformación. Finalmente, la Hacienda Santa Teresa también pone a disposición sus instalaciones para las realizaciones de una gran variedad de eventos.

 Listings /  South America

I’m the family person, hard-working woman, a mom of a handsome boy, adventures and a God fearing woman. I worked at the Department of Health as an Administration Clerk for 5 years. We’ve opened an N.P.O Youth Initiative. We are developing youth in programs such as soccer, reading and our culture. We conduct awareness campaigns about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. We facilitate the formation of support groups. And I have passion in farming. We started poultry farming and rabbits and we are selling the eggs in our community. I’ve done short course in Financial Management at University of Forte at PFMA.

 Listings /  Africa

Too Good To Go’s primary goal is to fight the growing issue of food waste. To do so, it provides a solution for food service providers to sell their food surplus, which otherwise would have been wasted at the end of the business day. However, the app is just one way the company fights food waste, as it also directly encourages households, schools and policy-makers to change their behavior and aims to influence legislation that will reduce food waste further. Too Good To Go is now the world’s largest Business To Consumer Platform aiming to fight food waste. This is via a mobile app where businesses can add the food surplus they have, and consumers can view the offer available. The application is mostly for restaurants, bakeries, supermarkets, hotels and canteens. For Too Good To Go, this is a “win-win-win solution” allowing businesses to make money out of food which would be otherwise wasted whilst reaching new customers, and consumers to access food at affordable prices to reduce food waste, all parties having a positive impact on the environment. After downloading the app, users have access to a range of meals available nearby. They can either view what’s close by or search for specific meals with different options, such as collection time, location or type of food, for instance vegan or vegetarian. Once they select their option, users receive a receipt which needs to be presented to the shop in order to receive the food bag. Typically, consumers will have access to a 3 to 5 euro “magic bag” with an original value of 10 to 15 euro, being able to buy food that’s worth three times the amount they paid. The app is now available for more than 38,000 restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, bakeries and canteens using it every month in 17 European countries. They are the B Corp certified Social Impact Company fighting food waste throughout the food system and pushing for change, because the food we waste accounts for 10% of all GHG emissions, yet is the #1 food waste action we can all take now.

 Listings /  WorldWide

Foodbank is Australia’s largest food relief organisation, operating on a scale that makes it crucial to the work of the front line charities who are feeding vulnerable Australians. Foodbank provides more than 70% of the food rescued for food relief organisations nation-wide. At Foodbank we believe everyone should have access to good quality food. We’re here for the everyday Australians who are going without. And it’s our job to help change that. We work with 2,950 frontline charities and 2,890 school breakfast programs to get over 87.9 million meals out to those who could use a hand every year. One in six adults in Australia haven’t had enough to eat in the last year, and 1.2 million children have gone hungry. Foodbank provides food relief to more than a million people each month. Foodbank is a not-for-profit, non-denominational, federated organisation operating in every state and territory in Australia. Foodbank Australia is the only Australian food relief organisation that is a certified member of The Global Foodbanking Network (GFN), comprised of 32 member countries, 19 of which are accredited. Food insecurity is a big problem, requiring a big coordinated response, and we rely on countless partners to do what we do. Our national and state-based teams work with the entire food and grocery industry including farmers, wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers to source food and capture donations. We also collaborate with suppliers, manufacturers and transporters to produce key staple foods that don’t come in sufficient quantities via rescue channels. To distribute the food, our state teams work with an army of volunteers to pick, pack and get the food to where it’s needed.

 Listings /  Oceana/Antarctic

Tea Soul creato da professionisti e dilettanti della cultura del tè e del tè. Siamo una comunità di intenditori di prodotti originali di alta qualità, buon gusto e varietà di sapori e consistenze di tè offerti dalla cultura orientale. Siamo pronti a condividere con voi la nostra esperienza. Offriamo una vasta gamma di gelsomino, tè verde e bianco a basso contenuto di caffeina e tannino, oolong semifermentato delle province di Guangdong, Fujian e Taiwan, tè rosso Pu-erh invecchiato dello Yunnan. Il nostro tè vanta un sapore originale, un gusto originale e proviene da un ambiente originale. Viene lavorato a mano ed è una bevanda verde salutare. Nella nostra selezione ogni buongustaio troverà il suo tè preferito, o scoprirà qualcosa di nuovo. Ci impegniamo a trovare i migliori tipi e sapori, la nostra carta del tè è costantemente aggiornata e ampliata. Il tè è un ottimo modo per passare dei bei momenti con gli amici, e anche un'occasione meravigliosa da trascorrere da soli con se stessi e riflettere. In tutti i casi, offriamo un'ampia selezione di servizi da tè e servizi da tè. Bellissime tazze fatte a mano, se siete in ufficio, accessori in bambù per gli amanti delle cerimonie del tè. Abbiamo anche un vasto assortimento di confezioni regalo di Porcellana e argilla fatte a mano. La vetreria è perfetta per la torsione a mano del tè, che viene rivelata nelle deliziose composizioni floreali. Ti invitiamo a scoprire il mondo della cultura del tè, dove la massima priorità è la qualità e il gusto raffinato. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, siamo pronti ad aiutarti nella selezione di tè e articoli da tè, contattaci e condivideremo la nostra esperienza con te. Tea Soul created by professionals and amateurs of tea and tea culture. We are a community of connoisseurs of high-quality original product, good taste and variety of flavors and textures of tea offered by Eastern culture. We are ready to share our experience with you. We offer a wide range of jasmine, green and white tea with low caffeine and tannin, semi-fermented oolong from Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan provinces, aged Pu-erh red tea from Yunnan. Our tea boasts original flavor, original taste, and is from an original environment. It is processed by hand and is a healthy green drink. In our selection every gourmet will find his favorite tea, or will discover something new. We are committed to finding the best kinds and flavors, our tea card is constantly updated and expanded. Tea is a great way to have a good time with friends, and also a wonderful occasion to spend alone with yourself and reflect. In all cases, we offer a wide selection of teaware and tea sets. Beautiful handmade cups, if you are in the office, Bamboo accessories for lovers of tea ceremonies. We also have a wide assortment of gift sets of handmade Porcelain and clay. Glassware is perfect for tea hand-twisting, which is disclosed in the lovely flower arrangements. We invite you to discover the world of tea culture, where top priority is quality and refined taste. If you need help, we are ready to help in the selection of tea and tea ware, please contact us and we will share our experience with you.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Dal 1435 la famiglia Mazzei produce vini unici con spirito e passione che si rinnovano di generazione in generazione. A Fonterutoli nel Chianti Classico come a Belguardo e a Zisola vive la stessa filosofia nella valorizzazione dei vitigni autoctoni. Contemporanei dal 1435. 600 anni di attività vitivinicola, ricerca e valorizzazione del territorio nel Chianti Classico, in Maremma e Sicilia. Visita la spettacolare cantina di Castello di Fonterutoli. Da oltre sei secoli, la nostra famiglia si dedica all’attività vitivinicola con passione e impegno che si rinnovano di generazione in generazione. La continua ricerca di nuovi orizzonti qualitativi ci ha portato a estendere le nostre attività su diverse frontiere enologiche, da quella storica del Castello di Fonterutoli nel Chianti classico, verso due realtà altrettanto promettenti: Belguardo nella Maremma Toscana e Zisola nella Sicilia Sud-Orientale. Attraverso il loro potenziale espressivo vogliamo declinare in contesti diversi il nostro patrimonio di esperienza, sempre nel rispetto delle caratteristiche e delle specificità di questi grandi “terroirs”. La costante attenzione a questi valori si riflette su tutti i nostri vini, per la soddisfazione dei “connaisseurs” di tutto il mondo che riconoscono nel nome Mazzei uno dei punti di riferimento del panorama enologico italiano. Con questo spirito lavoriamo per continuare a meritare la fiducia dei nostri estimatori, nel presente e nel futuro. Since 1435 the Mazzei family has been producing unique wines with spirit and passion that are renewed from generation to generation. In Fonterutoli in the Chianti Classico as in Belguardo and in Zisola, the same philosophy lives in the enhancement of native vines. Contemporary since 1435. 600 years of winemaking, research and enhancement of the territory in the Chianti Classico, Maremma and Sicily. Visit the spectacular Castello di Fonterutoli winery. For over six centuries, our family has been dedicated to the wine business with passion and commitment that are renewed from generation to generation. The continuous search for new qualitative horizons has led us to extend our activities on different oenological frontiers, from the historical one of the Castello di Fonterutoli in the classic Chianti, towards two equally promising realities: Belguardo in the Tuscan Maremma and Zisola in South-Eastern Sicily. Through their expressive potential we want to decline our wealth of experience in different contexts, always respecting the characteristics and specificities of these great “terroirs”. The constant attention to these values ​​is reflected in all our wines, to the satisfaction of the "connaisseurs" from all over the world who recognize in the name Mazzei one of the reference points of the Italian wine scene. With this spirit we work to continue to deserve the trust of our admirers, in the present and in the future.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and I am currently living in South Africa at Cape Town for seven years. I am single from now and busy shaping my programming skills and IT knowledge at Cape Peninsula university of technology (CPUT). I am a software developer, I am always keen to discover and learn about new technology and invention in IT world, I have a good understanding of programming languages, internet cloud services and Desktop support CompTIA A+. I am a self-motivated person, reliable, determined, very skilful in communication, fast learner with an open mind to expose myself into new world and concept. Live is a journey about challenges and discovering that’s why I am always ready to face new challenge in technology and software world. I really like to play guitar and read books about science and others because knowledge for me is one of the keys to open doors, make a difference and discovering new area in live.

 Listings /  Africa

End Hunger UK is a coalition of more than 40 national charities, frontline organisations, faith groups, academics and individuals working to end hunger and poverty in the UK. Whilst a significant amount has been achieved over the past few years in raising the public and political profile of hunger in the UK, we believe in working together to build a broad ‘food justice movement’ across the UK. By mobilising thousands of people engaged in tackling food poverty in its many forms, we can build a powerful movement for change. Some members of our coalition work directly and indirectly with those experiencing food insecurity. For example: Between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019 the Trussell Trust’s Food Bank Network provided more than 1.6 million three-day emergency food supplies to people in crisis. Of this number, 577,618 were children. 9 out of 10 of Church of England parishes are involved in food provision in some way, mostly through helping to manage food banks or by providing venues, volunteers and donations in support of local food banks. Trussell Trust and independent food bank volunteers are giving more than 4 million hours of volunteer time, that would be at least £30 million a year in paid work. The amazing work being conducted by charities, community groups and individuals – as well as businesses and local authorities – will not be enough to end hunger in the UK. All members of this campaign coalition are united in their belief that to really tackle the root causes of household food insecurity, we require a concerted effort from the UK and devolved governments. Only action at this level will ensure that everyone has enough money to feed themselves and their families with good quality, healthy food. Since 2016 End Hunger campaigners have worked on issues around holiday hunger, Universal Credit and getting food insecurity measured in the UK. More than 1,000 people and 50 groups have taken action. As a result of their campaigning, the government provided £2 million in funding for school holiday food and activity programmes, annual measurement of household food insecurity has been introduced, and an extra £1.7 billion set of measures was announced in the 2018 Budget because of the increased awareness on the impact Universal Credit is having on people’s income.

 Listings /  United Kingdom

Established in 2009 to address widespread hunger in South Africa, FoodForward SA connects a world of excess to a world of need by recovering quality edible surplus food from the consumer goods supply chain and distributing it to community organisations that serve the poor. More than 80% of the food recovered is nutritious food. A staggering 14 million people don't know where their next meal is coming from. One third of all food produced in South Africa is dumped in landfill, while more than 14 million people are hungry. FoodForward SA is the catalyst that connects a world of excess to a world of need. Started in 2009, FoodForward SA was established on the premise that there is a significant amount of food waste that can be harnessed to address the problem of food insecurity. We have a national network of warehouses and logistics infrastructure across the county and are well suited to manage projects on a national scale. In partnership with major food retailers such as Pick n Pay, Shoprite and Fruit & Veg, wholesalers and manufacturers, our mandate is to collect edible surplus food and non-food products for redistribution to registered and verified beneficiary organisations that offer invaluable services in the areas of child care, youth empowerment, abused women, the disabled, frail care and more, in disadvantaged communities across South Africa. More than 85% of our beneficiary organisations are involved in skills development/remedial work.

 Listings /  Africa

As the world’s hunger specialist, Action Against Hunger's primary goal is to create a better way to deal with hunger. For more than 40 years, we have led the global movement that aims to end life-threatening hunger for good within our lifetimes. Our teams have been on the front lines, treating and preventing malnutrition across more than 45 countries. Action Against Hunger saves the lives of children and their families. We are there for them before and after disaster strikes. We enable people to provide for themselves, see their children grow up strong, and for whole communities to prosper. We constantly search for more effective solutions, while sharing our knowledge and expertise with the world. We push for long-term change. Our global efforts save hundreds of thousands of lives each year, but millions of undernourished children remain in need of lifesaving treatment. We are committed to helping all children access the urgent hunger care they need to survive. The world needs a better way to deal with hunger. Together, we're creating it. For everyone. For good.

 Listings /  North America

Our vision is an Africa without hunger. Our mission is transformation through education. Educating our donors, beneficiaries, volunteers and suppliers about the role they play in eradicating child hunger. Donated food is used to stimulate and encourage measurable results in Early Childhood Development centres. RAH Africa offers a social investment opportunity to provide fully balanced meals for pre-school children necessary for their holistic development. We depend on passionate, active volunteers for meal packaging events and food distribution. Our Programme has solid, measurable results and restores hope for hungry children. Our focus is on reaching the most vulnerable: hungry children, specifically those who attend pre-schools, or Early Childhood Development (ECDs). According to the University of Cape Town’s Children’s Institute, over 3 million children under the age of 17 are food insecure.

 Listings /  Africa

My name is Noxolo Femele and I'm 42 years old and I have 2 kids, both are girls age 17 and 14 years old. I worked for 43 Air School as a Receptionist for the past 5 year, and while I was there I used to help out at the Admin area and at Marketing department. That had lead me on having the ambition to become 1 of the Managers, but unfortunately we got retrenched. Then I went to work at Lendcor group as a Sales consultant for 1 year 6 months same we got retrenched. That's where I decided to start my small business just to make money until now, but things are not doing well due to Covid-19.

 Listings /  Africa

I am a God fearing individual, and I’m also a father to two beautiful kids, a boy and a girl. I worked for Tekkie Town as a Sales Assistant and I was chosen as the best Sales person for the entire Mpumalanga province. I also worked for the Department of agriculture as a Data capture. I have a passion for sports, football is one of my favourites and one day I wish I can own a soccer team. While I was in high school, I always wanted to be a lawyer, but due to financial constraints I could not become one. My interest in the justice system came when I realised that the late former president Mr Nelson Mandela was also a lawyer representing his people. I wish one day I could give back to my community and its people because my community gave us the likes of the late Steve Bantu Biko, one of the BCM Members who fought for the people of South Africa. My community is one of the underdeveloped communities of this country, but I know that one day all of this will change because I know that with education anything is possible. When a child is educated, communities will change for the better and if one community changes, then our country will change for the better as well and poverty will be no more. Education topped with one’s perseverance is the key to a bright future for all. With this pandemic people have lost their jobs and in some households you find that no one is working and people resort to drugs and alcohol, some get depressed to a point of taking their own lives. If we can start developing jobs for people, our continent would become a better place for us all. Being part of an initiative that supports the empowerment of those less privileged is one of my greatest wishes. I will be glad if all my wishes do come through because nothing is as important as education and hard work, and an educated country means a better world for us all.

 Listings /  Africa

1834 Dopo 25 anni passati come maestro di cucina al servizio dei Principi di Cattolica, Salvatore Alaimo riceve in dono la cappella sconsacrata di un antico palazzo nel cuore di Palermo. Sulla porta d’ingresso appende una tavola di legno con un’incisione che recita “Focacceria” e decide di cucinare per il popolo. 1848 In onore della Sicilia che festeggia l’indipendenza dai Borboni, il primo governatore del nuovo Regno organizza un banchetto proprio in Focacceria a base di sfincioni, focacce e marsala. 1851 Nasce la “focaccia maritata”, creata da Alaimo per consentire anche alla povera gente di mangiare carne: un taglio economico, ma cucinato in modo raffinato, viene aggiunto alla tradizionale “focaccia schietta” (nubile). 1860 Prima di risalire l’Italia per unificarla, Giuseppe Garibaldi si ferma a Palermo, accampandosi nella piazza della Focacceria, che per una decina di giorni diventa la sua mensa quotidiana. 1861 La nobiltà palermitana si scaglia contro la Focacceria S. Francesco, che svela e diffonde al pubblico l’ottima “pasta ch’i sardi”, fino a quel momento, preparazione riservata alle mense reali. La ricetta è la stessa utilizzata ancora oggi. 1890 Da Pirandello a Sciascia a Guttuso, sono decine gli illustri scrittori e artisti che si incontrano abitualmente alla Focacceria, che diventa così un caffè letterario, una sorta di circolo culturale. 1901 L’architetto Ernesto Basile, mentre siede insieme al noto Vincenzo Florio a un tavolo della Focacceria, disegna su una tovaglia l’attuale logo, il prospetto del locale, i tavoli in ghisa e le sedie in ferro battuto. 1902 A 60 anni dalla nascita, il locale viene definitivamente battezzato “Antica Focacceria San Francesco” e nel menù entrano nuove deliziose pietanze, presenti ancora oggi: arancine, panelle e sarde a beccafico, per citarne alcune. 1834 After 25 years spent as a cooking master in the service of the Princes of Cattolica, Salvatore Alaimo receives as a gift the deconsecrated chapel of an ancient palace in the heart of Palermo. On the front door he hangs a wooden board with an engraving that reads "Focacceria" and decides to cook for the people. 1848 In honor of Sicily, which celebrates independence from the Bourbons, the first governor of the new Kingdom organizes a banquet at the Focacceria based on sfincioni, focaccia and marsala. 1851 The “married focaccia” was born, created by Alaimo to allow poor people to eat meat: an economical cut, but cooked in a refined way, is added to the traditional “sincere focaccia” (single). 1860 Before going up to Italy to unify it, Giuseppe Garibaldi stops in Palermo, camping in the Focacceria square, which for about ten days becomes his daily canteen. 1861The Palermitan nobility lashes out against the Focacceria S. Francesco, which reveals and disseminates to the public the excellent "pasta ch'i sardi", up to that moment, a preparation reserved for royal tables. The recipe is the same still used today. 1890 From Pirandello to Sciascia to Guttuso, there are dozens of illustrious writers and artists who usually meet at the Focacceria, which thus becomes a literary café, a sort of cultural circle. 1901 the architect Ernesto Basile, while sitting together with the well-known Vincenzo Florio at a table in the Focacceria, draws the current logo, the façade of the restaurant, the cast iron tables and the wrought iron chairs on a tablecloth. 1902 60 years after its birth, the place was definitively baptized "Antica Focacceria San Francesco" and new delicious dishes enter the menu, still present today: arancine, panelle and sardines a beccafico, to name a few.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

1885 Apre l'osteria Manuelina, frequentata negli anni da grandi come Montale, D'Annunzio ed Einstein: inizia la rivoluzione della Focaccia di Recco. Manuelina si sposta nella sede attuale e diventa il ristorante tipico amato da tanti buongustai e citato da Umberto Eco nel Pendolo di Foucault. Nasce la Focacceria Manuelina, un fast food tipico a pochi metri dal Ristorante. La Focacceria Manuelina sbarca a Milano con il secondo punto vendita nell’Annex Rinascente. È l’anno di una nuova grande rivoluzione! Il Ristorante diventa Il Ristorante Gourmet, per un’esperienza ancora più immersiva e di gusto. Oggi siamo noi, i pronipoti di Manuelina, a portare avanti la tradizione. Negli anni siamo riusciti a mantenere la sua passione, la sua dedizione e il suo rispetto per la qualità della cucina e delle materie prime fino a far diventare “Manuelina” un vero e proprio brand che racchiude il rinomato Ristorante, un Taste Hotel a 4 stelle, un prestigioso catering e naturalmente la nostra Focacceria Bistrot. In 1885 the Manuelina tavern opens, frequented over the years by greats such as Montale, D'Annunzio and Einstein: the Focaccia di Recco revolution begins. 1960 Manuelina moves to its current location and becomes the typical restaurant loved by many gourmets and mentioned by Umberto Eco in Foucault's Pendulum. Focacceria Manuelina is born, a typical fast food a few meters from the restaurant. Focacceria Manuelina arrives in Milan with the second store in the Annex Rinascente. It is the year of a new great revolution! The Restaurant becomes the Gourmet Restaurant, for an even more immersive and tasteful experience. Today we, the great-grandchildren of Manuelina, carry on the tradition. Over the years we have managed to maintain his passion, his dedication and his respect for the quality of the cuisine and raw materials until "Manuelina" becomes a real brand that includes the renowned Restaurant, a 4-star Taste Hotel, a prestigious catering and of course our Focacceria Bistrot.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Il Gambrinus: il più importante Caffè di Napoli. Tra i locali più celebri della penisola, membro dell'Associazione Culturale Locali Storici d'Italia, salotto letterario partenopeo, celebre galleria d'arte, animatore della cultura cittadina, questi in breve i tratti d'eccellenza del Caffè che dal 1860 è punto di riferimento tra i più importanti della cultura della nostra città . La storia del Gran Caffè Gambrinus inizia con l'Unità di Italia quando, nel 1860, al piano terra del palazzo della Foresteria, l'elegante edificio del 1816 che oggi ospita la sede della Prefettura, viene aperto il “Gran Caffè”. Affacciato direttamente su Piazza Plebiscito e Palazzo Reale, il Caffè diventa in breve tempo il salotto del bel mondo cittadino. La fama dovuta all'opera dei migliori pasticceri, gelatai e baristi provenienti da tutta Europa procura subito al Caffè la benevolenza della famiglia reale e il riconoscimento per decreto di “Fornitore della Real Casa”, onorificenza tributata dai Savoia soltanto ai migliori fornitori del Regno delle due Sicilie. Nel 1885 il Gran Caffè sembra essere sul punto di chiudere, ma di lì a poco le sue sale sarebbero state aperte ai napoletani e ai viaggiatori in una nuova più grande magnificenza. Nel 1890, infatti, Mariano Vacca, uomo avveduto e frequentatore di artisti e attori, prende in fitto i locali della Foresteria e ne affida la ristrutturazione all'architetto Antonio Curri, docente di Architettura, nonché Ornato nella Real Università di Napoli e professore onorario dell'Istituto di Belle Arti. Grazie alla perizia di più di quaranta tra artigiani e artisti, il Caffè diventa uno scrigno prezioso di opere d'arte: le sale vengono decorate con i marmi di Jenny e Fiore, gli stucchi del Bocchetta, i bassorilievi del Cepparulo e le tappezzerie del Porcelli; le pareti decorate dai più importanti paesaggisti napoletani. Il Caffè diventa una preziosa galleria d'arte nel cuore nobile di Napoli e viene valorizzata con l'ultima conquista della modernità , l'illuminazione elettrica. Per festeggiare la rinascita, il Caffè viene ribattezzato “Gran Caffè Gambrinus”, in nome del leggendario re delle Fiandre inventore della birra. L'intenzione è quella di fondere nell'immaginario le due più famose bevande d'Europa: la birra, nordica, bionda e fredda, e il caffè, scuro, bollente, piacere tipicamente napoletano. Inaugurato ufficialmente il 3 novembre 1890, il Gran Caffè Gambrinus diventa da subito il cuore della vita mondana, culturale e letteraria della città : re, regine, politici, giornalisti, letterati e artisti di fama internazionale ne fanno il luogo dove incontrarsi, discutere e scrivere versi, come nella migliore tradizione europea del caffè letterario. Le sale iniziano ad essere indicate per l'argomento degli incontri e dei simposi che vi si tengono: la sala politica, la sala della vita, la sala rotonda. Il Caffè è ormai tappa obbligata per qualsiasi visita della città: non c'è un solo viaggiatore che, arrivato a Napoli, rinunci a fare sosta al Gran Caffè Gambrinus. Lo storico locale partenopeo è sbocciato nel periodo della Belle Epoqué; infatti durante gli anni del primo novecento era il centro della cultura e dell'arte della città; ricordiamo tra gli ospiti più illustri l'imperatrice d'Austria Sissi, che degustò un ottimo gelato alla violetta, Gabriele D'Annunzio che scrisse al Gambrinus i versi della celebre canzone “A'vucchella”, Matilde Serao che fondò il quotidiano “Il Mattino” seduta proprio ai tavolini del caffè, Benedetto Croce che fece di Napoli la sua seconda città , lo scrittore irlandese Oscar Wilde che si recò nella città partenopea con Lord Alfred Douglas dopo i tristi giorni di prigionia, Ernest Hemingway, il filosofo francese Jean-Paul Sartre che scrisse pensieri su Napoli ai tavolini del Gambrinus “davanti a una granita che guardavo malinconicamente mentre si scioglieva nella sua coppa di smalto”e tantissimi altri. Sull'onda francese anche a Napoli verso la fine dell'Ottocento arrivò il Cafè Chantant o detto anche Caffè Concerto. Insieme al Salone Margherita, il Gambrinus fu uno dei ritrovi più frequentati dalla nobiltà napoletana. Con il passare del tempo, nella versione napoletana del Cafè Chantant si andò a delineare e a definire la figura della “sciantosa”, personaggio principale del concerto (il termine deriva da una storpiatura della lingua napoletana della parola francese chanteuse che letteralmente significa “cantante”. Il Gran Caffè Gambrinus prosperò fino al 1938 quando il prefetto Marziale ne ordinò la chiusura perché considerato luogo antifascista e da quel giorno i locali furono ceduti in parte al Banco di Napoli. Dei fasti che vide il Gambrinus, con questa scissione rimase solo il ricordo, imboccando una triste strada di decadenza. Agli inizi degli anni '70 Michele Sergio dà inizio alla battaglia per recuperare i locali del Caffè situato nel cuore di Napoli. Grazie al lavoro minuzioso di restauro degli antichi stucchi e di recupero dei pregevoli affreschi, il Gran Caffè Gambrinus rinasce a nuovo splendore. La battaglia è vinta. Napoli si riappropria della sua storia. Riportato ai suoi antichi fasti, il Gran Caffè Gambrinus torna ad essere il cuore pulsante e il salotto elegante della città. Oggi, il lavoro di valorizzazione iniziato da Michele Sergio è portato avanti dai figli Arturo e Antonio Sergio che fanno ancora grande l'unico storico caffè letterario della città di Napoli. The history of the Gran Caffè Gambrinus begins with the unification of Italy when, in 1860, the “Gran Caffè” was opened on the ground floor of the Foresteria building, the elegant 1816 building which now houses the headquarters of the Prefecture. Directly overlooking Piazza Plebiscito and Palazzo Reale, the café quickly becomes the living room of the beautiful city world. The fame due to the work of the best pastry chefs, ice cream makers and baristas from all over Europe immediately procured the benevolence of the royal family and the recognition by decree of "Supplier of the Royal House", an honor bestowed by the Savoy only to the best suppliers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. In 1885 the Gran Caffè seems to be about to close, but soon its rooms would be opened to Neapolitans and travelers in a new, greater magnificence. In 1890, in fact, Mariano Vacca, a shrewd man and frequenter of artists and actors, rented the premises of the Foresteria and entrusted the renovation to the architect Antonio Curri, professor of Architecture, as well as Ornato at the Royal University of Naples and honorary professor of 'Institute of Fine Arts. Thanks to the expertise of more than forty artisans and artists, the Café becomes a precious treasure chest of works of art: the rooms are decorated with Jenny and Fiore marbles, the stuccoes by Bocchetta, the bas-reliefs of Cepparulo and the tapestries of Porcelli; the walls decorated by the most important Neapolitan landscape architects. The Caffè becomes a precious art gallery in the noble heart of Naples and is enhanced with the latest conquest of modernity, electric lighting. To celebrate the rebirth, the coffee is renamed “Gran Caffè Gambrinus”, in the name of the legendary king of Flanders, inventor of beer. The intention is to fuse in the imagination the two most famous drinks in Europe: beer, Nordic, blonde and cold, and coffee, dark, hot, a typically Neapolitan pleasure. Officially inaugurated on November 3, 1890, the Gran Caffè Gambrinus immediately became the heart of the social, cultural and literary life of the city: kings, queens, politicians, journalists, writers and artists of international fame make it the place to meet, discuss and write verses, as in the best European tradition of literary coffee. The rooms begin to be indicated for the subject of the meetings and symposia that are held there: the political room, the room of life, the round room. The Caffè is now a must for any visit to the city: there is not a single traveler who, having arrived in Naples, gives up stopping at the Gran Caffè Gambrinus. The Neapolitan local historian blossomed during the Belle Epoqué period; in fact during the years of the early twentieth century it was the center of culture and art of the city; we remember among the most illustrious guests the empress of Austria Sissi, who tasted an excellent violet ice cream, Gabriele D'Annunzio who wrote to Gambrinus the verses of the famous song "A'vucchella", Matilde Serao who founded the newspaper "The morning" sitting right at the coffee tables, Benedetto Croce who made Naples his second city, the Irish writer Oscar Wilde who went to the Neapolitan city with Lord Alfred Douglas after the sad days of imprisonment, Ernest Hemingway, the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre who wrote thoughts about Naples at the tables of the Gambrinus "in front of a slush that I looked sadly as it melted in its enamel cup" and many others. On the French wave also in Naples towards the end of the nineteenth century the Cafè Chantant or also called Caffè Concerto arrived. Together with the Salone Margherita, the Gambrinus was one of the most popular haunts of the Neapolitan nobility. Over time, in the Neapolitan version of the Cafè Chantant the figure of the "sciantosa" was outlined and defined, the main character of the concert (the term derives from a distortion of the Neapolitan language of the French word chanteuse which literally means "singer "). The Gran Caffè Gambrinus prospered until 1938 when the prefect Martial ordered its closure because it was considered an anti-fascist place and from that day the premises were partly sold to the Banco di Napoli. Of the glories that Gambrinus saw, with this split only the memory remained, taking a sad path of decadence. At the beginning of the 70s, Michele Sergio began the battle to recover the premises of the café located in the heart of Naples. Thanks to the meticulous restoration of the ancient stuccos and the recovery of the valuable frescoes, the Gran Caffè Gambrinus is reborn to a new splendor. The battle is won. Naples regains its history. Returned to its former glory, the Gran Caffè Gambrinus is once again the beating heart and elegant lounge of the city. Today, the enhancement work started by Michele Sergio is carried out by his sons Arturo and Antonio Sergio who still make the only historic literary café in the city of Naples great.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Benvenuti “Al Vèdel” e “Podere Cadassa”. La nostra storia inizia da qui. Da questo piccolo lembo di terra adagiato sulle sponde del Grande Fiume, racchiuso fra il silenzio della campagna agreste e la magnificenza di quello che fu il Gran Ducato di Parma e Piacenza. Da una parte il fiume Po a delimitare quel caleidoscopio di uomini e racconti che è il Mondo Piccolo narrato da Guareschi e dall’altra parte la Reggia Ducale, la piccola Versailles, nelle cui stanze ancora oggi si rivivono i fasti della vita di corte. Siamo a Colorno, alle porte di Parma. Siamo nella Bassa parmense. Siamo nella Food Valley italiana. È da qui che veniamo ed è da qui che parte il nostro racconto. Tutto ebbe inizio nel lontano 1780, quando l’anziana zia Cleofe decise di trasformare il proprio rustico in uno spaccio di generi alimentari e posto di ristoro per viandanti. “Dalla Siora” aprì le sue porte a viaggiatori, commercianti e compaesani. “Dalla Siora” si poteva trovare ristoro, ci si informava, si riposava. Come in famiglia. La famiglia Bergonzi che continuò negli anni la tradizione dell’ospitalità e dell’amore per la buona cucina, con la trattoria “Marietta” nel 1927, “Da Ernesto” nel 1962 e infine con il ristorante “Al Vèdel” nel 1976. In campagna tutto era fatto in casa. Anche la cucina era artigianalità. E così, come vuole la tradizione di questa terra, a fianco del rustico si trovava il Podere Cadassa, il piccolo laboratorio di famiglia per la produzione dei salumi tipici del parmense, a partire dal più nobile degli insaccati: il Culatello. Il lavoro artigianale delle sapienti mani dei norcini veniva così offerto agli avventori del locale, proprio come succede oggi ai clienti de “Al Vèdel”. “Al Vèdel” è il nome che abbiamo deciso di conservare per il nostro ristorante. “Al Vèdel”, perché la cucina non è solo una questione di famiglia, ma anche di territorio. O almeno questo è quello che proponiamo noi tutti i giorni ai nostri ospiti e che qui si ha la certezza di trovare. “Al Vèdel” è infatti il nome dialettale de “Le Vedole”, la piccola località alle porte di Colorno, dove, da quel lontano 1780, la nostra famiglia ha il piacere di accogliere quei viandanti che nel corso del tempo sono diventati clienti, turisti, gourmand. Tradizione, qualità e ricerca. Questa è la nostra cucina, questo è il nostro sapere, questa è la nostra arte. A family history. A centuries-long history. A story of flavors. Welcome to “Al Vèdel” and “Podere Cadassa”. Our story starts here. From this small strip of land lying on the banks of the Great River, enclosed between the silence of the rural countryside and the magnificence of what was once the Grand Duchy of Parma and Piacenza. On the one hand the Po river delimiting that kaleidoscope of men and tales that is the Little World narrated by Guareschi and on the other hand the Ducal Palace, the little Versailles, in whose rooms the glories of court life are still relived today. We are in Colorno, on the outskirts of Parma. We are in the Parma lowlands. We are in the Italian Food Valley. This is where we come from and this is where our story starts. It all began back in 1780, when the elderly aunt Cleofe decided to transform her cottage into a grocery store and a refreshment place for travelers. “Dalla Siora” opened its doors to travelers, traders and fellow villagers. "From the Siora" you could find refreshment, you inquired, you rested. Like in the family. The Bergonzi family who continued the tradition of hospitality and love for good food over the years, with the restaurant "Marietta" in 1927, "Da Ernesto" in 1962 and finally with the restaurant "Al Vèdel" in 1976. In the countryside everything was homemade. The cooking was also handcrafted. And so, according to the tradition of this land, the Podere Cadassa was located next to the cottage, the small family workshop for the production of typical Parma cured meats, starting with the noblest of sausages: Culatello. The craftsmanship of the skilled hands of the butchers was thus offered to the patrons of the restaurant, just as happens today to the customers of “Al Vèdel”. “Al Vèdel” is the name we have decided to keep for our restaurant. “Al Vèdel”, because cooking is not just a matter of family, but also of territory. Or at least this is what we offer to our guests every day and that you are sure to find here. "Al Vèdel" is in fact the dialectal name of "Le Vedole", the small town on the outskirts of Colorno, where, since that distant 1780, our family has the pleasure of welcoming those travelers who over time have become customers, tourists , gourmand. Tradition, quality and research . This is our cuisine, this is our knowledge , this is our art.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Dal 1870 il Finsterwirt Oste Scuro è la meta ideale per chi è alla ricerca del buon cibo, del buon vino e di un’atmosfera unica. Accanto alla piazza del Duomo di Bressanone, questo antico locale offre qualità autentica senza compromessi e all’insegna di un‘ospitalità che si perpetua ogni giorno, a pranzo e a cena. Lo chef Hubert Ploner cucina piatti creativi e raffinati, realizzati principalmente con prodotti Slowfood, biologici e di provenienza regionale. La carta dei vini sorprende con più di 400 etichette che descrivono non solo l’Alto Adige ma anche altre regioni italiane ed estere. Accomodatevi nelle sale storiche o sulla terrazza con un magnifico pergolato e lasciatevi viziare dalla famiglia Mayr e dal loro team. Se siete qui è perché ve lo siete meritato. Alto Adige, alta cucina. La qualità dei prodotti di prima classe e la creatività dello chef Hubert Ploner fanno del Finsterwirt Oste Scuro un luogo di culto gastronomico nel bel mezzo della città vecchia. A pranzo o a cena, chi visita Bressanone almeno una volta deve fermarsi qui, questo è poco ma sicuro. The Finsterwirt Oste Scuro has been a haven for food connoisseurs since 1870 and boasts delectable menus, refined wines, and a unique ambience. The building is steeped in history and is located right next to Piazza Duomo in Bressanone. Genuine quality and outstanding service are what you come to expect when dining at the restaurant, which serves mouth-watering meals every day. Chef Hubert Ploner follows the Slow Food principles and creatively mixes organic and regional ingredients to prepare refined dishes. The wine menu is a veritable encyclopaedia of more than 400 South Tyrolean, Italian, and international labels. Take a step back in time as you sit down in these wood-panelled dining rooms, or head out to the terrace and its beautiful arbour. The Mayr family will take care of your every need: after all, you are worth it. Refined palates feel right at home in South Tyrol. Even more so at the Finsterwirt Oste Scuro. Chef Hubert Ploner deftly and creatively uses exceptional ingredients for his dishes, and the meals have made the restaurant the go-to place at the heart of the old city centre. In other words: when visiting Bressanone lunch or dinner here are an absolute must.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

I am Elnet Girly Ndlovu. I am 29 years old. I was born and raised in Mpumalanga, South Africa. I graduated from high school in the year 2012 and am currently studying for a higher certificate in economics and management sciences through the university of South Africa. I have also obtained a certificate in business administration and Computer literacy, of which I seek to study further to do entrepreneurship. I began my career as a customer service representative in 2014. Naturally, I have a growth mindset that enables me to grow and to help me by learning from mistakes to improve myself continually. I am kind, loving, caring and a person who is full of empathy often. I am a go-getter, positive, bubbly person who loves a positive fun filled environment. I am self-motivated and also enjoy motivating my team members. I work well in a team or individually. I am passionate about education, uplifting others, entrepreneurship and making a better society for the future generation to come while walking the journey of self-discovery I have more than four years experience in customer service and administration combined with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Administrative Assistance, Meeting Scheduling, Executive Support. I have excellent interpersonal skills, I am also a fast learner and adapt quickly to a new environment My hobbies are reading books, listening to music, walking and learning new things.

 Listings /  Africa

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