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Storica pasticceria milanese fondata nel 1817. Luogo di incontro e di incanto famoso in tutto il mondo, Cova celebra l’artigianalità, l’italianità e l’eccellenza, offrendo a una clientela d’élite cosmopolita prodotti di sublime qualità. Corre l'anno 1817 quando Antonio Cova apre il "Caffe del Giardino" al lato del Teatro alla Scala. Le sale sfolgoranti di specchi e lampadari diventano ritrovo del bel mondo dell'epoca e profumano di spirito patriottico, animato di fervore anti-austriaco gli spiriti dell'epoca. Distrutto dai bombardamenti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, nel 1950 il Cova muove dalla sede originaria verso l'attuale sito di Via Montenapoleone 8, dove diventa un salotto elegante e raffinato, riproponendo arredi ed ambienti mutuati da quelli originari. Distrutto dai bombardamenti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, nel 1950 il Cova muove dalla sede originaria verso l'attuale sito di Via Montenapoleone 8, dove diventa un salotto elegante e raffinato, riproponendo arredi ed ambienti mutuati da quelli originari. L’espansione internazionale del marchio ha iniziato nel 1993, quando Cova apre ad Hong Kong SAR il suo primo negozio oltre frontiera. Nel 2013 diventa parte del Gruppo LVMH e continua la sua espansione nel mondo. Nascono quindi boutique di Pasticceria in Cina, a Taiwan, negli Emirati Arabi e nella vicina Montecarlo. La storia di Cova si intreccia a quella della città e dei suoi momenti più rappresentativi. Ritrovo di una clientela cosmopolita, di borghesia e nobiltà, il Cova entra a pieno titolo nella storia e nelle storie di Milano. Cortesia e accoglienza sono punti fermi dell'arte di ricevere, che punta a servire la clientela con garbo, gusto e riservatezza. Unendo una presenza attenta al più piccolo cenno e la cordialità di professionisti del settore, nasce un ambiente raffinato dove musica soffusa, tovaglie di lino e divanetti in velluto ospitano esponenti del jet set, viaggiatori accaniti e semplici curiosi. Cova is one of Italy’s oldest pasticceria and an international destination. Celebrated for its product excellence, impeccable service and fascinating interiors, Cova is an institution that exalts tailored craftsmanship and creativity. Founded in 1817 by Antonio Cova –a Napoleonic soldier– Cova is one of Italy’s oldest pasticceria. Celebrated for its product excellence, impeccable service and exquisite interiors, this historical Milanese institution has always been a place where tradition meets elegance and style. Fashionable rendez-vous for patriots of the Risorgimento, those days Cova hosted the very representatives of the high society and the most stylish crowd. And it has never stopped: from Giuseppe Verdi to Ernst Hemingway to contemporary élite, even after the relocation to Via Montenapoleone 8 in 1950. In 1993 Cova inaugurated its first venue in Hong Kong SAR, beginning its worldwide expansion. Today Cova, part of the LVMH Group since 2013, is present in Hong Kong SAR, Shanghai, Beijing, Taiwan, Monte Carlo and Dubai, recreating the traditional Italian combination of creativity and elegance around the world. Milanese culture has inspired and energized Cova that has unveiled its pastry making art, conquering the senses and touching the imagination of its nobility and bourgeoisie. The heritage of the city evolved with Cova, one being essential to the other. The ardor and the artisanal know-how of its Chefs, the exceptional quality of its products and the inner art of hospitality of its discrete service initiated the unique Cova experience in the 19th century and continue nowadays magnifying its heritage and matching the needs of an increasingly conscious clientele.

 Listings /  WorldWide

Il caffè prende il nome dal suo proprietario greco (greco in italiano) che lo aprì nel 1760. Personaggi storici tra cui Stendhal, Goethe, Arthur Schopenhauer, Bertel Thorvaldsen, Mariano Fortuny, Byron, Franz Liszt, Keats, Henrik Ibsen, Hans Christian Andersen, Felix Mendelssohn, Wagner, Levi, María Zambrano, Lawrence Ferlinghetti e persino Casanova hanno preso il caffè lì. Per più di due secoli e mezzo, il Caffè Greco è rimasto un rifugio per scrittori, politici, artisti e personaggi illustri a Roma. Trenta secoli fa una colonia greca si stabilì intorno a Piazza di Spagna e vi fondò il "Caffè Greco". A quei tempi la piazza era un lago, come lo diventa ancora nei giorni di pioggia. Romolo e Remo, quando furono sazi del latte di lupa, sorseggiarono allegramente la bevanda fuligginosa, che un cameriere del Caffè Greco portava loro di nascosto. Casanova, Goethe, Gogol, Stendhal, Byron, Andersen e altri grandi personaggi frequentavano la bottega fondata dagli Elleni. Nel 1918 nasce l'intenzione di istituire un circolo di studi in alcuni spiriti eletti. Tre volte si radunarono in una polverosa biblioteca, ma era filosofico ei concetti che impregnavano l'aria oscuravano tanto quegli spiriti, da mortificare la loro primitiva divisione. Discordanti e disperati si separarono, finché una voce si levò di nuovo a raccoglierli. The café was named after its Greek (Greco in Italian) owner, who opened it in 1760. Historic figures including Stendhal, Goethe, Arthur Schopenhauer, Bertel Thorvaldsen, Mariano Fortuny, Byron, Franz Liszt, Keats, Henrik Ibsen, Hans Christian Andersen, Felix Mendelssohn, Wagner, Levi, María Zambrano, Lawrence Ferlinghetti and even Casanova have had coffee there. For more than two centuries and a half, the Caffè Greco has remained a haven for writers, politicians, artists and notable people in Rome. Thirty centuries ago a Greek colony took up residence around Piazza di Spagna and founded the "Greek Coffee" there. In those days the square was a lake, as it still becomes on rainy days. Romulus and Remus, when they were sated with she-wolf milk, happily sipped the sooty drink, which a waiter from the Caffè Greco brought them secretly. Casanova, Goethe, Gogol, Stendhal, Byron, Andersen and other great people frequented the shop founded by the Hellenes. In 1918 the intention of setting up a circle of studies was born in some chosen spirits. Three times they gathered in a dusty library, but it was philosophical and the concepts which impregnated the air so darkened those spirits, as to mortify their primitive division. Discordant and desperate they parted, until a voice rose again to gather them.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Il Caffè Florian fu aperto il 29 dicembre 1720 a Venezia in Piazza S.Marco da Floriano Francesconi con il nome di “Alla Venezia Trionfante”, ma ben presto la clientela prese l’abitudine di chiamarlo “Florian”. Nei quasi tre secoli di vita il Florian è stato meta di incontro di artisti, scrittori, intellettuali, politici e personaggi illustri come Lord Byron, Goethe e Casanova. Simbolo di stile e qualità il brand Florian propone una selezione di prodotti esclusivi e prestigiosi che rappresentano l’arte di vivere con eleganza. La gamma Gourmet, la linea Lifestyle e la collezione Design si distinguono per la raffinatezza dello stile italiano e l’eccellente qualità dei prodotti. Disponibili nei corner presso i Florian di Venezia, Firenze, Londra e sul sito internet Caffè Florian first opened its doors in St. Mark’s Square, Venice in 1720, baptised “Alla Venezia Trionfante” by its owner Floriano Francesconi, but the clientele soon took to calling it simply “Florian”. For nearly three centuries Florian has also been the meeting-place of famous artists, writers, intellectuals and politicians such as Lord Byron, Goethe and Casanova. The symbol of style and quality, the Florian brand name offers a selection of exclusive and prestigious products representing the art of elegant living. The Gourmet range, the Lifestyle line and the Design collection are characterized by refined Italian taste and the excellent quality of the products.

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Il Pedrocchi è uno dei simboli di Padova, luogo eletto per la degustazione del caffè e della cucina. Riconosciuto come la sede più esclusiva del centro della città dove realizzare gli eventi più importanti e spettacolari. Senza nome, del prato senza erba e del caffè senza porte”: la Basilica di S. Antonio, detta “del Santo”‚ il Prato della Valle, fino all’800 privo d’erba, e il Caffè Pedrocchi, “senza porte” perché rimase aperto giorno e notte dall’inaugurazione nel 1831 fino al 1916. La presenza a Padova di un Gran caffè internazionale si deve ad Antonio Pedrocchi, famoso caffettiere, citato da Stendhal ne “La certosa di Parma”. Ai primi dell’800 nei numerosi caffè si mescolavano nobili e borghesi, intellettuali e popolani. Antonio Pedrocchi sognava un caffè monumentale, dall’architettura rappresentativa e funzionale, situato proprio al centro della città, di fronte all’Università e alla Gendarmeria Austriaca e chiamò a realizzarlo Giuseppe Jappelli, famoso architetto ed ingegnere di idee illuministe e profondo conoscitore del gusto asburgico che lo inaugurò nel 1831. Divenne presto crocevia di intellettuali e letterati “luogo dove nascevano le idee”, dove si organizzavano feste, balli, riunioni massoniche e persino trattative commerciali, un punto di riferimento per i padovani, ma anche per i viaggiatori e gli uomini d’affari provenienti da tutta la Penisola che in quest’imponente edificio neoclassico trovavano sempre accoglienza e ristoro. Il successo fu immediato e il caffè divenne ritrovo di studenti, artisti e letterati come Ippolito Nievo o Giovanni Prati, ma anche di patrioti, come Arnaldo Fusinato. Tra gli ospiti illustri oltre a Stendhal, si ricordano Alfred De Musset, George Sand, Téophile Gauthier, Gabriele d’Annunzio, Eleonora Duse, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti e molti altri. Lasciato in dono al Comune di Padova, con l’impegno “di promuovere e sviluppare tutti quei miglioramenti che verranno portati dal progresso dei tempi, mettendolo a livello di questi e nulla trascurando, onde nel suo genere possa mantenere il primato in Italia”, il Caffè Pedrocchi ha ormai conquistato una posizione privilegiata nel centro e nel cuore di Padova. Pedrocchi is one of the symbols of Padua, a place chosen for tasting coffee and cooking. Recognized as the most exclusive venue in the city center where the most important and spectacular events are held. Without a name, of the lawn without grass and of the café without doors: the Basilica of S. Antonio, known as "del Santo"‚ the Prato della Valle, up to the 19th century without grass, and the Caffè Pedrocchi, "without doors" because it remained open day and night from its inauguration in 1831 until 1916. The presence in Padua of a great international coffee is due to Antonio Pedrocchi, famous coffee maker, mentioned by Stendhal in "La Certosa di Parma". At the beginning of the 19th century, nobles and bourgeois, intellectuals and commoners mixed in the numerous cafés. Antonio Pedrocchi dreamed of a monumental café, with a representative and functional architecture, located right in the center of the city, in front of the University and the Austrian Gendarmerie, and he called Giuseppe Jappelli, famous architect and engineer of Enlightenment ideas and profound connoisseur of Habsburg taste to build it. who inaugurated it in 1831. It soon became a crossroads for intellectuals and writers "a place where ideas were born", where parties, dances, Masonic meetings and even commercial negotiations were organized, a point of reference for Paduans, but also for travelers and businessmen from the whole peninsula which always found welcome and refreshment in this imposing neoclassical building. Success was immediate and the café became a meeting place for students, artists and writers such as Ippolito Nievo or Giovanni Prati, but also for patriots, such as Arnaldo Fusinato. In addition to Stendhal, the illustrious guests include Alfred De Musset, George Sand, Téophile Gauthier, Gabriele d'Annunzio, Eleonora Duse, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and many others. Left as a gift to the Municipality of Padua.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

L'attività della ditta Mulassano comincia nella seconda metà dell'800, con apertura di una bottiglieria in via Nizza 3. L'allora proprietario, Amilcare Mulassano, era titolare anche della rinomata Distilleria Sacco, produttrice del famoso sciroppo di menta. Nel 1907, il locale fu poi trasferito nella più centrale piazza Castello luogo che non ha più lasciato. Nel corso dei primi anni il locale si trasformò in Caffè. Angela Nebiolo era andata sposa bambina a Detroit, negli Stati Uniti, dove il marito e i cognati gestivano ristoranti e locali notturni. Aveva 15 anni. Il lavoro non la spaventava: l'appassionava quel mondo nuovo e frenetico: scoprì l'automobile, prese la patente giovanissima. Ma, nel cuore, le batteva forte la nostalgia: avrebbe dato l'America intera pur di tornare a Torino, la sua città natale. E così fu: nel 1925 Angela e Onorino Nebiolo, che nel frattempo avevano avuto due figli, tornarono in Italia con il proposito di gestire un locale tutto loro. In quei mesi la famiglia Mulassano aveva messo in vendita il proprio scrigno prezioso: il caffè Mulassano. Ai coniugi non parve vero e con i risparmi accumulati in America, comprarono il locale. La spesa: 300 mila lire di allora per la sola licenza. Con l'intento di ridare vigore agli affari del locale, cercarono di ideare delle nuove proposte da accompagnare all'aperitivo. Avevano portato con sé dagli States una macchina che tostava il pane: così importarono, per primi a Torino, il toast. Non paghi di questa innovazione, pensarono di utilizzare quel pane morbidissimo, usato per i toast, senza tostatura e con una speciale e più intensa farcitura: fu così che il signor Onorino inventò il tramezzino. Dapprima lo serviva in accompagnamento agli aperitivi, poi, visto il successo, lo propose per lo spuntino di mezzogiorno dei tanti impiegati e delle sartine di via Roma e via Po. Alcuni anni più tardi, Gabriele D'Annunzio gli diede il nome che ora conosciamo: "tramezzino". Furono anni intensi e di grandi successi; la buvette divenne popolarissima, come è oggi. Ci andava un giovane studente in medicina allora sconosciuto: Achille Mario Dogliotti; ci tornò spesso anche da affermato chirurgo. Per l'aperitivo venivano Luigi Spazzapan e Italo Cremona, Gigi Chessa e Giacomo Grosso, Gigetta Morano e Caterina Boratto. La Torino dell'arte e del cinema oltre che la Torino d'ogni giorno. Fra i più assidui Mario Soldati e Gianandrea Gavazzeni che hanno frequentato il Mulassano per decenni. Nel 1938 i coniugi Nebiolo vendettero il locale per andare a gestire alcuni cinematografi della periferia e il locale, con la guerra conobbe un periodo di declino. I suoi tesori sparirono sotto la calce. Negli anni '70 il Mulassano è tornato quello del commendatore Amilcare e di Onorino grazie ad un accurato restauro che l'allora titolare, Antonio Chessa, svolse con grande pazienza e sapienza. La nipote di Antonio Chessa, Vanna, insieme a un nuovo socio Patrizio Abrate, ne conserva oggi la tradizione e la cura, illuminati da quella passione per la quale lo zio ha dedicato una vita. Oggi il locale è come fu pensato da Antonio Vandone e rimane patrimonio della città di Torino e di chi ne vuole godere la bellezza. The activity of the Mulassano company began in the second half of the 19th century, with the opening of a bottle shop in via Nizza 3. The then owner, Amilcare Mulassano, was also the owner of the renowned Sacco Distillery, producer of the famous mint syrup. In 1907, the restaurant was then moved to the more central Piazza Castello, a place it has never left. During the first few years the place was transformed into a café. Angela Nebiolo had gone as a child bride to Detroit, in the United States, where her husband and in-laws ran restaurants and nightclubs. He was 15. Work did not scare her: she was passionate about that new and frenetic world: she discovered the car, got her driving license very young. But nostalgia beat strongly in her heart: she would have given the whole of America to return to Turin, her hometown. And so it was: in 1925 Angela and Onorino Nebiolo, who in the meantime had had two children, returned to Italy with the intention of running their own place. In those months the Mulassano family had put their precious treasure chest up for sale: Mulassano coffee. To the spouses it didn't seem real and with the savings accumulated in America, they bought the place. The cost: 300 thousand lire at the time for the license alone. With the intention of reviving the business of the place, they tried to come up with new proposals to accompany the aperitif. They had brought with them from the States a machine that toasted bread: so they were the first to import toast in Turin. Not satisfied with this innovation, they thought of using that very soft bread, used for toast, without toasting and with a special and more intense filling: this was how Mr. Onorino invented the sandwich. At first he served it as an accompaniment to aperitifs, then, given its success, he proposed it for the midday snack of the many employees and tailors of via Roma and via Po. A few years later, Gabriele D'Annunzio gave it the name we now know : "sandwich". They were intense and successful years; the buvette became hugely popular, as it is today. A young medical student then unknown went there: Achille Mario Dogliotti; he also often returned as a well-known surgeon. For the aperitif came Luigi Spazzapan and Italo Cremona, Gigi Chessa and Giacomo Grosso, Gigetta Morano and Caterina Boratto. The Turin of art and cinema as well as the Turin of every day. Among the most assiduous Mario Soldati and Gianandrea Gavazzeni who have frequented the Mulassano for decades. In 1938 the Nebiolo couple sold the place to go and manage some cinemas in the suburbs and the place, with the war experienced a period of decline. His treasures disappeared under the lime. In the 1970s Mulassano returned to that of Commendatore Amilcare and Onorino thanks to an accurate restoration that the then owner, Antonio Chessa, carried out with great patience and wisdom. Antonio Chessa's niece, Vanna, together with a new partner Patrizio Abrate, today preserves the tradition and care, enlightened by that passion for which the uncle dedicated a life. Today the place is as it was thought by Antonio Vandone and remains the heritage of the city of Turin and of those who want to enjoy its beauty.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

La storia inizia nel 1763, quando l’acquacedratario Giuseppe Dentis apre la sua piccola bottega nell’edificio di fronte all’ingresso del Santuario della Consolata. Il locale all’epoca era arredato semplicemente, con tavole e panche di legno. Nel 1856, su progetto dell’architetto Carlo Promis, viene edificato l’attuale palazzo e in questa sede il caffè assume l’elegante forma che oggi possiamo apprezzare: le pareti vengono abbellite con boiseries di legno decorate da specchi e lampade e fanno la loro comparsa i caratteristici tavolini tondi di marmo bianco, il bancone di legno e marmo e le scaffalature per i vasi dei confetti. Alla fine dell’Ottocento viene posta esternamente la devanture in ferro, con le vetrinette ai lati, le colonnine e i capitelli in ghisa. In questo ambiente viene svolta l’attività di confetteria e di caffè-cioccolateria. L’invenzione del bicerin è stata, senza alcun dubbio, la base del successo del locale e, più che invenzione, fu evoluzione della settecentesca bavareisa, una bevanda allora di gran moda che veniva servita in grossi bicchieri e che era fatta di caffè, cioccolato, latte e sciroppo. Il rituale del bicerin prevedeva all’inizio che i tre ingredienti fossero serviti separatamente, ma già nell’Ottocento vengono riuniti in un unico bicchiere e declinati in tre varianti: pur e fiur (simile all’odierno cappuccino), pur e barba (caffè e cioccolato), ‘n poc ‘d tut (ovvero “un po’ di tutto”), con tutti e tre gli ingredienti. Quest’ultima formula fu quella di maggiore successo e finì per prevalere sulle altre, arrivando integra ed originale ai nostri giorni e prendendo il nome dai piccoli bicchieri senza manico in cui veniva servita (bicerin, appunto). La bevanda si diffuse anche negli altri locali della città, diventandone addirittura uno dei simboli di Torino. Stefani-Mondo scrive: “...è la bibita prediletta della mattina: ministri, magistrati, professori, negozianti, fattorini, cestaie, venditori e venditrici ambulanti, campagnuoli ecc, tutti spendono volentieri i loro tre soldi per rifocillarsi economicamente lo stomaco“. Il prezzo di tre soldi, cioè 15 centesimi di lira, venne mantenuto dalla metà dell’Ottocento fino al 5 dicembre del 1913, quando passò a 20. “…per venti soli centesimi si aveva il classico bicchierino che costituisce un nutritivo spuntino…“. La storia del Bicerin, come questo locale venne nel tempo a essere semplicemente chiamato dai torinesi per il successo della sua bevanda, nel tempo si intreccia saldamente a quella della “Consolà”. La nuova miscela era infatti il sostegno ideale per i fedeli che, avendo digiunato per prepararsi alla comunione, cercavano un sostegno energetico appena usciti dalla chiesa. Ugualmente era molto gradita in tempo di Quaresima poiché, non essendo la cioccolata calda considerata “cibo”, poteva essere consumata senza remore durante il digiuno prescritto. The story begins in 1763, when the acquactress Giuseppe Dentis opens his small shop in the building opposite the entrance to the Sanctuary of the Consolata. At the time, the place was simply furnished, with wooden tables and benches. In 1856, based on a project by the architect Carlo Promis, the current palace was built and here the café takes on the elegant shape that we can appreciate today: the walls are embellished with wooden boiseries decorated with mirrors and lamps and make their own the characteristic round white marble tables, the wooden and marble counter and the shelves for the confetti jars appeared. At the end of the nineteenth century the devanture was placed externally in iron, with the showcases on the sides, the columns and capitals in cast iron. In this environment, the confectionery and coffee-chocolate shop is carried out. The invention of the bicerin was, without any doubt, the basis of the success of the place and, more than an invention, it was the evolution of the eighteenth-century bavareisa, a drink at the time very fashionable that was served in large glasses and was made of coffee, chocolate, milk and syrup. The bicerin ritual initially provided for the three ingredients to be served separately, but already in the nineteenth century they were combined in a single glass and declined in three variants: pur and fiur (similar to today's cappuccino), pur e barba (coffee and chocolate), 'n poc' d tut (or “a bit of everything”), with all three ingredients. This last formula was the most successful and ended up prevailing over the others, arriving intact and original to our days and taking its name from the small glasses without handles in which it was served ( bicerin , in fact). The drink also spread to other places in the city, even becoming one of the symbols of Turin. Stefani-Mondo writes: “ is the favorite drink of the morning: ministers, magistrates, professors, shopkeepers, messengers, baskets, street vendors and vendors, country men, etc., all willingly spend their three sous to economically refresh their stomach". The price of three soldi, that is 15 cents of a lira, was maintained from the mid-nineteenth century until December 5, 1913, when it passed to 20. "... For only twenty cents you had the classic glass which is a nutritious snack...". The history of Bicerin, as this place came over time to be simply called by the Turinese for the success of its drink, over time is firmly intertwined with that of the " Consolà ". The new blend was in fact the ideal support for the faithful who, having fasted to prepare for communion, sought energetic support as soon as they left the church. It was also very welcome in time of Lent since, not being the hot chocolate considered "food", it could be consumed without hesitation during the prescribed fast.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

My name is Glorymar Hernandez, but I prefer to be called “Glory”. I was born in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, and grew up amid the crowds of the city, the tranquility of the Andean mountains and the joy of the Caribbean coast. A mixture that has taught me to enjoy wherever I am, that aroused my curiosity to know the world, and that has helped me to adapt, with relative ease, to changes. I have a degree in Philosophy, my research works are in Philosophy of Language. Since 2019 I have been working as a Spanish teacher. I decided to start teaching my mother tongue thanks to my experience learning other languages. I had the opportunity to live for a year in Ireland, where I went to learn English and, currently, I am in Italy, where I have had the opportunity to learn Italian. These experiences allowed me to realize that, although seeking perfection when trying to “speak like a native” is the ideal, what really matters is being able to communicate, make ourselves understood and be open to the experience of knowing other cultures and understand that there are many different points of view. Professionally, I have had the opportunity to work in different contexts such as banking, outsourcing consular procedures, and teaching at university level. The biggest lesson I learned from these experiences is that I am not an office person. I prefer to own my time and have the freedom to work wherever I am. For this reason, I have decided to dedicate myself to teaching Spanish online and to enter the digital world. I consider myself a very curious and versatile person, that is why in my free time I enjoy handcrafting (such as sewing or knitting), volunteering, being in contact with nature, and trying to learn new things, like playing the guitar. Regarding my geographical preferences, the beach and the mountains are my main refuges, because I can escape from the noise of the city and connect with myself. That is why I would like to be able to live with my husband on a mountain, not far from the sea.

 Members /  Greater Europe

I’m Toni-Leigh, born and bred in the Mother City of Cape Town. My fiancé and I, are parents to a lively 2-year-old girl who arrived 5 years after losing our 3-year-old son to a rare genetic disease. I love learning new things. Growing up, I was a voracious reader, reading anything and everything (even the classifieds and property ads) and with the advancement of technology over the years, I can have information at the tip of my fingers, so I’m always eager to learn new things and I’m a fast learner. I’ve always had an interest in Information Technology and was the go-to person in my office before my colleagues would go to the IT office, and now I’m looking into further studies so that I can develop my knowledge and skills. In 2005, I graduated from Varsity College with a Diploma in Travel and Tourism, with aspirations of travelling worldwide in my profession. Things didn’t quite work out that way, having worked in retail and a company assisting young people to live and work in the UK. In the last decade or so, I’ve been in the tourism industry behind the scenes, working for an online holiday accommodation booking agency and more recently a company that does tours and safaris in Southern Africa. I also do freelance work remotely, such as, captioning for a speech-to-text service and social media evaluation. I am an introvert, but enjoy working with and being in the company of others, while also enjoying being on my own. In the past I used to view being an introvert as a weakness because those higher up in the ranks of the companies I worked for were extroverted but in recent times I realised how much of a strength it is being an introvert as I also have a strong sense of empathy, which I believe is key in Customer Service and building interpersonal relationships with colleagues and clients. I’m passionate about customer service and going the extra mile and l love that feeling of knowing that I’ve made a difference in someone’s day, whether big or small. People tend to describe me as hardworking, punctual, efficient, dependable and trustworthy. Covid-19 affected the tourism industry drastically, however, I still want to travel anywhere I can, just soaking up the different cultures and experiences. The last year has been both challenging and rewarding and it has made me see things in a different light and so it has been somewhat of a new beginning for me. I am motivated now more than ever to seek out new passions and adventures and to get out of my comfort zone.

 Listings /  Africa

Hello, I’m Deborah! I was born in Congo RDC and came to Cape Town, South Africa in October 2012 to study at university. I have a National diploma in Financial accounting and a diploma in Financial information system. I am an ambitious young lady and I love to be surrounded by positive people. I’m a dedicated and conscientious team player with the ability to provide support and advice to people, customers, or co-workers and make a difference. I am organized, responsible, very loyal, focused and I can have the work done on time and meet deadlines. While doing my National diploma, I was also working as a part-time customer service sales representative. I became a full time agent right after I graduated from university. I am a customer relation professional with more than six years of experience in customer service work, inbound and outbound calls, emails and social media. I have excellent verbal skills, with the ability to communicate my thoughts and information in a clear and easy to understand manner. I am confident that the experience, the capabilities I have, make me ready for any opportunity. I speak French, English, Swahili, and Lingala I love singing and dancing, reading, and my favorites animals are dogs and cats. Looking forward to be part of Zagenie family! Thank you!

 Listings /  Africa

Fungi Perfecti, LLC is a family-owned business dedicated to promoting the cultivation of high quality gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. Having been in business since 1980, we have been instrumental in developing new technologies and markets for gourmet mushrooms throughout the world. Mushrooms are fleshy fungi that reproduce through the sexual matings of germinated spores. Only recently has the cultivation of exotic mushrooms become a practical endeavor. Cultivating mushrooms is not necessarily difficult: it requires only a willingness to learn, a little work, and adherence to some well-defined guidelines. Mushrooms can be grown throughout the year indoors or during a few months outdoors. One of the most exciting innovations in mushroom culture is a concept Fungi Perfecti has been instrumental in promoting: Mycological Landscaping. Mycological landscaping involves the cultivation of exotic mushrooms as beneficial companions to plants in gardens, lawns, or within woodlands. Fungi Perfecti has been actively searching the wild for candidates having strong potential for culinary value. Each year, we clone dozens of species having gourmet appeal and test them at our research facility—indoors and outdoors. Imagine having a selection of choice exotic mushroom patches, protected in the privacy of your backyard, to be enjoyed through the seasons and perhaps through generations! For everyone seriously contemplating mushroom cultivation as a business, we urge you to learn the sterile culture skills necessary for spawn production. You will be glad you did. Central texts in helping the aspiring spawn maker to achieve these skills are Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms and The Mushroom Cultivator, treatises we highly recommend. We keenly sense that fungi will play a pivotal role in new industries of the 21st Century. Gourmet and medicinal mushrooms will continue to appeal to organic gardeners, commercial cultivators, researchers, nutritionists, and ecological managers. We forsee a quantum leap in their popularity when the public realizes that these fungi can help: -support the immune system. -represent a pesticide-free alternative to the traditional white button mushroom. -are instrumental in the recycling of wood and agricultural byproducts. -can easily be grown by everyone—outdoors in your garden or yard (Mycological Landscaping)—or indoors within greenhouses, solaria, or controlled environments. Through our in-depth classes and information networks, we encourage the establishment of a constellation of independent, organically minded growers whose collective consciousness will define this emerging industry well into the next century. We hope you will join us in this endeavor. The future is ours.

 Listings /  North America

Wamkelekile (‘Welcome’ in isiXhosa) to one and all! My name is Iman Martin – ‘Iman’ having both Arabic and African meanings for ‘faith’. Just like my name, I come from a multicultural background: my mom has Indian and Malaysian origins, while my dad is from the Griqua people/clan in South Africa. In the same vein, I am a Muslim and have Christian relatives, with who I am very close. It is because of my diverse background that I feel I was raised to be both tolerant and respectful towards those that are of a different culture, religion, or ethnicity. Cape Town has been the only home I know, and I’ve never ventured far out of it. I do however envision myself travelling to different parts of the world a few years from now. I am passionate about women’s empowerment and women having the choice to choose for themselves! I have recently graduated from the University of Cape Town, with a Bachelor of Social Work (Psychology Major) and placed on the Dean’s Merit List, awarded for consistent academic achievement. Through hard work and perseverance, I was fortunate to have received a scholarship from the Department of Social Development for three of my four years of study. My mini-thesis explored the experiences and challenges of 1st-year students at UCT adjusting to university. Studying social work has not only allowed me to better understand those around me and their thought processes but also, to better understand myself and the possible reasons why I am the way I am. As part of my course requirements, I had to complete field practicals – by putting the theory that I was learning in class to practice in a real-world environment. My field practice experience ranged along a spectrum: from providing social work services to underprivileged youth in a primary school in Bonteheuwel, to interning in the more affluent area of Upper Wynberg, at an international school. This experience further fostered my innate empathy and non-judgemental outlook for those around me. I am someone who is not afraid to get my hands dirty, work hard and help out where I can: currently job hunting, I have occasionally been helping my father with renovations to his property that include painting, plastering, applying putty, etc. This has taught me many practical things that I hope to apply when I own my own house one day. A few months before now, I worked as a Personal Assistant to a therapist and social worker. This was a remote job that taught me valuable organisation and time-management skills. In my early years of study, I found myself working a sales assistant job at the Robben Island Museum Gateway store, and found that my favourite part of the job was interacting with the different tourists that happened upon our humble store and hearing their stories – where they were from and why they decided to visit SA, etc. I love reading, and since a young age, I’ve been considered a bookworm. I mainly enjoy supernatural and sci-fi novels and webcomics, as well as other forms of content such as newspaper and magazine articles (need to know what’s happening in the world around me). English was also my favourite subject at school, and I think this was also encouraged by my English-teacher mother, who was quick to correct any incorrect grammar and pronunciation when my siblings and I spoke incorrectly. I often assisted her in marking her learners’ English examination scripts and as a result, am quick to pick up on spelling or grammatical errors. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, long walks with my dog Ninja, and photography. This has led me to submit a piece that is currently being exhibited at the Zeits Mocca Art Museum, in their long-running ‘Home is Where The Art Is’ exhibition. Furthermore, my faith has given me strength through the darkest times and taught me to be tolerant and understanding of those around me. I am still very much figuring life and myself out as I go along and am always open to learning from those around me.

 Listings /  Africa

Rome wasn't built in a day. I’m of a very friendly nature and love to be with people who aren’t selfish. I am ambitious and will do anything to achieve my aim - "The Universe applauds action, not thought"  I’m of a very adventurous nature and love to find good in everything I see. There are many things that make us depressed or upset, but that doesn’t mean that we stop living. You dust yourself off, honor the difficult times for the lesson it taught you, and walk away stronger and wiser. Independence and confidence were key in my life from a young age with venturing to the UK straight after school, and eventually ending up in Cape Town as my dream destination to live a happy balanced life where beautiful sunsets are part of your everyday life, and reminds you that dreams do come true. My professional life started as a labourer painting parks in the dire UK winter weather to an Insurance consultant for a huge corporate company. Getting to know me over time, it became clear that I adapt quickly and take pride in everything I do as I strive to leave everything and everyone better than you found them. Covid-19 and the drastic changes that came with it has been the most challenging and rewarding time of my life. With a system that failed us all in so many ways, living a financially stable life is nearly impossible, but forced me to get grounded with nature and realize that the best things in life are truly free. My senses for nature, animals, and my overall humility enhanced drastically. We are all just reminded once again that nothing ever goes as planned and that losing everything including your mind might be necessary to make you realize what a strong, resilient, and galactic species we truly are. Realizing this, I am now more than ever ready to spread love and kindness whilst challenging myself with new adventures that push me out of my comfort zone. There is no other time than the present that truly matters. And in this moment, I am excited to change my reality and the lives of those around me.

 Listings /  Africa

I was born in Port Elizabeth (now Gqeberha), South Africa. I’m an outgoing person who is both introverted and extroverted depending on who I’m with. I enjoy meeting and interacting with new people because I believe this is how you learn and grow as a person. I’m forever looking for new adventures or challenges. I’m a go-getter, never afraid to fail because we learn more from our failures and build character from them. I believe one is never too old to learn something new things. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” doesn’t apply in my life. I enjoy the outdoors, especially hiking, which has exposed me to some of the most beautiful hiking trails in South Africa. I also love taking game drives and explore our nature, especially the animals in their natural habitats. I haven’t had the opportunity to travel beyond the borders of my country. Hopefully one day I’ll travel the world, meet different people and get to experience diverse cultures and cuisines. I had dreams of becoming a medical doctor, but due to financial difficulties, I settled for a National Diploma in Biomedical Technology. At least, I got to work in the medical environment with doctors and other medical personnel for about 5 years. I realised that working in a laboratory was not suitable for my personality because I love people, I enjoy interacting with different people. I enrolled for a Diploma in Marketing and that led me to the pharmaceutical industry where I combined both my medical background and the marketing qualification. I worked in Sales and Marketing departments. I also had the opportunity to turn my passion for fashion into a business adventure and started my online clothing store, which was a very exciting and challenging adventure. I leant a lot about importing and e-commerce. When motherhood happened and I took a break to become a stay home mom. I got involved in fitness and nutrition business. I realised that the entrepreneurship bug has got me and needed to empower myself to avoid mistakes I made in my previous business adventures, that is when I decided to register for a BCom degree in entrepreneurship via Unisa, which what I’m currently busy with. I am also teaching English as a foreign language online on a freelance basis. I plan to also learn one or two foreign languages as I plan to travel the world in the not-so-distant future. I’m excited about the future and learning more in this university of life.

 Listings /  Africa

“Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” A Japanese proverb close to my heart. It has helped me persevere in so many situations in life and those situations have molded me into the woman I am today. Here’s a brief introduction to who I am. I am a new mommy to an adorable baby boy. A jack of all trades. I’m an artist at heart, fitness enthusiast, avid reader, and quite academic. I was born on the 9th of August in the year 1996 in Elim, a small village in the Limpopo Province. I grew up in Johannesburg and later moved to Pretoria in 2006 when I was in Grade 4, where I completed the rest of my school career. I have always been a very dedicated student. I finished school as a top student in my Matric year (2014) in Hoerskool Silverton. Ideally, I thought that I would finish university in record time, but it seems I had a few lessons to pick up along the way. I began my studies at the University of Pretoria but sadly dropped out due to academic and financial exclusion and so I continued the rest of my year as a freelance tutor to make some money and figure out my next move. During this time I found that I work quite well with young kids and have enjoyed tutoring ever since. I returned to the said university again and hit the financial exclusion wall yet again, so I went ahead and tried out a learnership in the automotive industry, for a year, where I earned a stipend. This encouraged me to go back to school and try part-time (Yes, I do not give up easily!) Presently, I am currently pursuing my degree in Mechanical Engineering through the University of South Africa (UNISA). I have always been one to participate in almost every extra-mural activity since my primary school years, I played softball, hockey, and cricket. I took part in cross-country and district athletics to name a few. My love for sports made me gravitate towards what I currently do part-time, I train on a regular basis, and I am a wellness coach and a distributor for a prominent nutrition brand. A large part of what I do involves helping people correct their nutrition and learn more about the benefits of healthy eating so that they can lead a healthier lifestyle and feel great while they are at it. I have been involved in various projects that involved giving back to those in need. I have been involved with an initiative called Feed a Homeless Homie, where we made food for the homeless and distributed it at least one weekend a month, I also helped a friend of mine with a pads drive for less fortunate girls, I also give clothes to homeless shelters for women and children whenever I can and I worked with an NGO known as Keep That Gold Shining (KTG) where we tutored young kids in high schools in the townships. I am a philanthropist at heart and believe that even the smallest contribution goes a long way. As mentioned, I am also an artist, mostly self-taught. I do painting on commission as well as pencil sketching. I do not have a specific style as yet, but most of my work features women from different walks of life. I would like to collaborate with more artists in the future and have exhibitions. I try to read at least one book a month. My favorite writers have always been James Patterson and Dan Brown, however I recently branched out to other genres besides suspense and thrillers. Some of my latest reads are: • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki • Atomic Habits by James Clear • The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho • Half of a yellow sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie • No Longer At Ease by Chinua Achebe I can speak at least 6 of the 11 official languages, I am fairly tech-savvy. I am a quick learner, always willing to pick up a new skill. Life has thrown several curveballs at me and I never backed down. I strongly believe in working hard and not giving up on anything I do. My name means ‘Be Strong’, that is who I am!

 Listings /  Africa

Let's get to know Wandisile Mboxela was born in Cape Town, I’m the last born of four siblings parents background from the beautiful province of the Eastern Cape in Alice, My background was very poor parents had to move to Cape Town where all four siblings born. All my primary education, higher education done here in Cape Town, while was at school developed love for Sport, now I’m applying that love for sport to the young kids in my community keep them out of trouble, we grow up with a lot of trouble in my community now trying to chase that away, to build bright future to the young people by involving them in sport education activities, sport and education goes together if you want to build better future for others. Coming from where I came from, hard work pays, I was offered a Learnership qualification which introduced me to corporate world quite extensively. Good written and verbal communication skills in at least two of three official languages of the Western Cape, problem-solving and conflict management with good planning and organizational skills, ability to handle information as confidential and good interpersonal skills, to contribute and become part of a successful organization that motivate its employees to utilize their skill and talent effectively and efficiently, the knowledge and skills which I acquired over that period of time equipped me for future positions. I am a hard-working individual, and eager to learn, I was recently employed due to Covid-19 company layoff some staff. I was employed as Accounts Controller at Tourvest Travel Service and this involves extensive client interaction. Deliver an effective admin support service to staff and clients, communicate with suppliers regarding outstanding, verbally, via mail and telephonically. I have highly knowledge of Tourism and Hospitality which I achieved through Theta, Tourism Hospitality and Sport Education Training Authority. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change, and I’m looking forward to be the part and the future of ZaGenie. Thank you…

 Listings /  Africa

I am Alonzo Van Aarde, born on 9th July 2002. I was raised in Cape Town, South Africa, I am the oldest son out of 6 children, Recently (last year 2020) I have matriculated in my hometown, Mitchell’s plain. I never quite had a fixed job, but I have had my fair share of holiday jobs in a shoe store, it was called first stop shoes in a shopping complex close to home. In my free time, I would work private jobs with my father and doing shop fitting and house renovations all over Cape Town. I loved helping my father out. It was also a way for me to have extra pocket money. I also worked at a Taylor blinds company, whereby the production of blinds called Taylor blinds in Montague gardens. I took part in various programs whilst at school, namely, in leadership development skills with a NPO called M.O.V.E and another called J.A.M, where I was taught to run my own business. This was done during my schooling, I have obtained certificates for these courses. These two courses were done over a period of 12 months, I was also an RCL members as well as a Prefect at my school. I am also part of a group called M.O.C (mission of Christ), where I furthered my leadership skills but in a more spiritual sense, in doing so we take part in outreach programs and preach the gospel. I speak fluently English and Afrikaans. I am currently studying Japanese, because I am intrigued by it. I am computer literate, Microsoft enabled as well as Linux. I am also a musician. In my spare time, I teach people to play an instrument and also to read music. I also write my own music as well as produce music. I use this skill to help many young and upcoming artists I work with an Organization called My Child Is Your Child, Creating a platform where young people can showcase their talents and make something out of themselves. I live in a rough community where children are killing children and I’ve joined this organization to make a change in a community through various forms of art. My hobbies are, playing different sporting activities, going to the gym, writing music and drawing portraits.

 Listings /  Africa

My Bio will tell you about my past and present. The past is important, but nothing is more important as the present ME! The Beautiful and strong ME! The ME that makes the people who know and love me happy to be in my presence, the present me is what matters. My values and morals and my way of thinking are what is important, the past was just the "making of", the preview one see's of movies and series, the past is an ancient scroll where most of my life is narrated by my parents, teachers, siblings and the other significant people who come and go from one's life, My present is the true picture of what I am and who I am so let me give you insight into who I am: I am a straight talker, yet I am loving and a helpful person who is always willing to learn new things, I follow rules only when it makes sense and is fair. I was born to a mixed-race couple in the "old South Africa (during apartheid)" while the political climate was unstable and in its rebirth stage, my mixed-race background has made me culturally rich. Ancestrally I come from a diverse lineage, I have a Scottish and Irish father, a mother with little french a little Indian (Afghan and Pakistani), I have a little of everything, which has made me the odd one out as I look different from the rest of my family, I do not fit in with the brown people, I do not fit in with the white people and there is nothing wrong with that I do not need to be labeled to feel like I belong, I am one of the reasons why our country is known as the rainbow nation a mix and mashed beautiful product of all that is good. My personality and likes have made me the odd one out and the weird one, luckily my husband is just as weird as I am, I always tell him my weird matches his weird, it makes us a perfect match, we were made for each other destined to be together almost as if it was written in the stars, a destiny fulfilled with a happy future in the ahead of us. Happy and together forever and always, I still find it hard to believe that there is someone out there who not only gets me, who understands me, my way of thinking, and the way I view the world but most importantly who LOVE'S ME for ME! I consider myself spiritual and not religious, although I was raised catholic and attended a convent, where a lot of who I am today was made. The making of ME! The Sisters of Mercy and catholicism had the opposite of the intended effect on me, I am not deeply rooted in the catholic faith, even though I had many lovable and amazing teachers and friends who made my school days worthwhile. Religion does not make sense to me and I consider much of it to be untrue, designed and shaped to manipulate and to rule the masses or one could say those who prefer not to think for themselves who would rather be sheep and led to the slaughterhouse willingly. My philosophy is this: as long as I love myself and my neighbor, I believe I'm living the right way and try to instill those principles and values in my two sons. I believe that knowing and giving Love encompasses all the values needed to live a healthy life, Love naturally breeds, respect, forgiveness, and mindfulness. Love means living from the heart when one lives from the heart it naturally voids the ego, the ego destroys the manically malevolent whereas the heart creates and builds, Love is a tool with which one can build a life rich in emotional health, enlightenment, and mental stability. Love is my church, love is my essence and if ever I am in doubt I read up on the writings left to us by all the great masters, Jesus, Muhammed, Buddha the Dalai Lama and so many more masters, some of whom are more modern and still living and basically all their writings convey the message of Love. So this me and there is more to me than what is written here, but what is written here is more than enough to get to know me better.

 Listings /  Africa

I am a South African, born in the Province of the Eastern Cape and now lives in Cape Town. I have been interested in working with people from an early age. When I was young, my aspirations were to be either a lawyer or a Social Worker or a Priest. To a certain extent, I partially satisfied some of my dreams because I am an academic social scientist and a trained and qualified theologian. My passion, among others, is to assist people, communities in any way I can, may it be through volunteering my time, my skills and or money where I can. In most cases, I mobilize individuals and communities to rally for good causes. I am more interested in causes that involve children, the aged, people living with disabilities and the vulnerable abused women and children. As an environmental consultant, I also try to highlight environmental issues wherever I am. I work with non-governmental and governmental organizations to ensure that environmental sustainability issues are integrated in their developmental plans. Theological training has enabled me to interact with most faith based communities and lend a helping hand where I can. Some of the faith based communities are involved in good causes to help the poor and needy, victims of violence and gender based violence, some are involved in soup kitchens for the homeless and unemployed people and so on. For the better part of my life I have been involved in one or more of community causes to uplift, empower and motivate people either to self rely or to do something for others in the spirit of ubuntu. During my spare time, I enjoy quality time with my family. Sometimes we go out to quiet places where we enjoy time together and sometimes we go to places where there would be play areas for children. This is the time when we mingle with other people, watch street musical groups, different kinds of art displays, street sports. I also like to visit book fairs and scholars/students fundraising activities to support. In some instances, I visit fundraising for old age homes. In Cape Town, there are animal welfare organizations that either raise funds and or are looking for people to adopt an animal (domestic animals). I encourage people in my church to extend a helping hand in some of these noble causes.

 Listings /  Africa

I am a 26-year-old woman, born and raised in Johannesburg, where I have lived my entire life. One of my biggest aspirations is to travel across South Africa and eventually the world. Although I was bred a city girl, my heart lies at sea. Another one of my aspirations is to own a home along the South African coast, within walking distance to the beach. I have been known as a bookworm since childhood. I always preferred to have my nose in a book rather than watching cartoons, hence my passions are reading, writing, and editing. Taking my love for books into account, I decided to study English literature, linguistics, and journalism. I have a great love for animals, and I currently have four dogs and a cat. I also love being out in nature. I am always keen to go hiking, take a trip to the beach, or take the dogs for a walk in the park. Another one of my interests is fashion. I have my own sewing machine and often create clothing for myself. I believe we are all responsible for our actions, and we decide where we want to go in life. I think if you want to do something, and you believe you can do it, you can. All you have to do is put in the effort. Nothing comes easy, but if you put the work in, you will achieve your goals and be anything you want to be. This is something I live by. I also think that building relationships and being able to work with others is extremely important. Succeeding in your endeavors often depends on how you work with and treat people, not just on what you can accomplish on your own. I have only started my journey, but I am looking forward to experiencing new things, building good relationships, and making the most out of every situation or opportunity.

 Listings /  Africa

Born on outskirts of Belgrade – Serbia in family of 4. Immigrated to South Africa in 1991 “running away” from civil war. Even though that I came to South Africa without papers, money, job or being able to speak English, I made this beautiful country my home. My career took me from being a waiter in the restaurant (my first job here) to Restaurant Manager, Sales Manager in Timeshare Company to MD and CEO of ZA Galvanizing. At the end of the August this year, I left my last position of Regional Sales Manager of EXIM International. When it comes to business, I am dedicated, punctual, loyal and organized with the skill set that made me achieve any task in front of me with the high rate of success. Privately, I am a nature and animal lover, a bit of the environmentalist and lifelong naturist. I am one of the funders and first Chairman of Western Cape Naturist Association – WCNA and South African National Naturist Association – SANNA. Passionate follower and supporter of South African Rugby and F1 Grand Prix.

 Listings /  WorldWide

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