One of the biggest flaws of us Sicilians is having a poor memory. We easily forget if someone has wronged us, and that is not necessarily a bad thing, since then, but the problem is that we often forget our traditions and where we come from. One of the most beautiful things that Sicily has, besides art, the sea, the perfumes, the islets, the beaches, is certainly the pastry. I think we all agree that Sicilian pastry is unmatched all over the world And if anyone has any doubts just think of the top 5 typical Italian sweets that come to mind: Tiramisù, Cannolo, Cassata, Babà and the fifth most likely the Modica Chocolate PGI. In short, out of 5 famous Italian desserts, 3 are Sicilian, one from Campania and the other still has not understood whether Treviso, Tuscan or something else. You understand well that if Italy is the home of cooking and pastry and if 50/60% of the most representative desserts are Sicilian we can without a doubt confirm that pastry, even before Italian, is Sicilian. And we can go ahead with all due respect to the French and pastry chefs from northern Italy, also because they then have to explain to me what we should do with their pastry made from 7 gram micro bites, so we have to eat 49 to understand something, but oh well. That said, there is nothing about these desserts today that hasn't been handed down for CENTURIES. Cassata, Cannolo, Modica Chocolate IGP, nougat with sesame or almonds, almond biscuits, mpanatigghi are all sweets that have existed for more than 100 years. Now, considering that until half a century ago Sicilian men worked in the countryside and women looked after the house, in your opinion who has carried on these wonderful culinary traditions? Women. If we go specifically, it was the GRANDMOTS. Because when it came to retirement age and men could rest from their strenuous jobs and the children were already adults, grandmothers delighted in the kitchen taking back those sweets that they had always seen their grandparents make, and so on for centuries and generations. Also, because many years ago there were no specialized pastry shops. In short, if the most important pastry is the Sicilian one, and if the Sicilian pastry exists thanks to the grandmothers, we can only refer to them and their tradition every time we think of a dessert. This is why I decided to honor the memory of my Nonna Lina (Don Peppinu's wife, who passed away 2 months ago) by paying her homage and dusting off all those wonderful sweets of Sicilian tradition. A tribute therefore to all Sicilian grandmothers.
Been there, done that... doing it all over again! Herby, a product of South Africa, vintage '63, Internaut since '82. Roaming the world since the age of 23 to date. Jack of all trades, master of none. Techie, pilot, nomad. Can travel~live~work, anywhere. Global village citizen, living without boundaries, my primary passions are aviation, the sea and Ubuntu Synergy. I am, because we are. Together. We create unity, foster community, motivate affiliates to generate residual revenue, and facilitate networking events. It's time to LIVE your life! My mission is to help people from all walks of life, gain financial independence, while caring for the world around us. I believe charity begins at the cash register. Just say no to donations. Learn how to earn. Make sure you have a meal, an income, clothes, a home and good health. Constantly bombing your mind with books and exercise, are two battles that win the war of longevity. I want to grow old. There is no planet B. I'm a big fan of renewable resources and ethical commerce. Gardens, farming, trees and bees, and anything that carries fleas. Helping our paw-legged friends in shelters, finding furever homes much faster. Same for birds, horses, donkeys, circus prisoners and liberating zoos. Noble causes that need proactive participants. Anyone can help: Scholars, students, employment seekers, those just over broke. Single and stay-at-home parents. Business owners, administrators and managers of any ilk. Retrenched and retired folks who still have much to give. Everyone can become successful super affiliates. Generating residual income is easy, and I will be your guide. With 40+ years in technology, aviation and extensive travel, this digital nomad has a wealth of experience to share. Helping others navigate the fear of failure and proven pathway to success. Point-and-click easy here >> https://herbyolschewski.com/action/worksheet/
Lionel Poilâne (June 10, 1945 – October 31, 2002) was a French baker and entrepreneur whose commitment to crafting quality bread earned him worldwide renown. His father, Pierre Poilâne, started a baking business in 1932, creating bread using stone-ground flour, natural fermentation and a wood-fired oven. Lionel took over the bakery in 1970, continuing the traditional methods. Poilâne is widely known for a round, two-kilogram sourdough country bread referred to as a miche or pain Poilâne. This bread is often referred to as whole-wheat, but in fact is not: the flour used is mostly so-called grey flour of 85% extraction (meaning that some but not all of the wheat bran is retained). According to Poilâne's own website, the dough also contains 30% spelt, an ancestor of wheat. In addition to miches, the Poilâne bakery offers rye bread, raisin bread, nut bread, Punitions (shortbread cookies), and an assortment of pastries to its clients. Poilâne is perhaps one of the most famous names in the baking industry today. Poilâne mastered his single product and trained his apprentices in the physical baking process, which he believed to be the most important aspect of his vision. He believed as much of the work as possible should be done by hand, by one person taking responsibility for their loaves from start to finish. Lionel Poilâne laid the basis of a concept he called "retro-innovation"; combining the best of traditional elements together with the best of modern developments. The only deviation from his father's original formula was machine kneading, saving hours of work for his bakers. He was knighted as a Knight of the National Order of Merit for services to the economy in 1993. Pain Poilâne is produced in the Latin Quarter of Paris, where it is sold at the original boulangerie on rue du Cherche-Midi. A second Paris bakery on boulevard de Grenelle is located in the 15th arrondissement. The worldwide demand for Poilâne bread is met in a facility located in Bièvres which was built in the 1980s. The Bièvres bakery produces around 15,000 loaves per day in 24 wood-burning ovens, which are exact replicas of the ovens used at the Paris locations. These loaves are shipped worldwide. The firm opened a facility in London's Belgravia district in June 2000. On October 31, 2002, Lionel Poilâne was killed when the helicopter he was piloting crashed into the bay of Cancale, off the coast of Brittany. The passengers, Poilâne's wife Irena and their dog, also died in the crash. Poilâne was survived by daughters Athena and Apollonia, who now runs the enterprise. Apollonia is a graduate of Harvard University. Located at 8 rue du Cherche Midi in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, the original Poilâne, created in 1932, continues to be the flagship location of a bakery with international renown. In staying true to its founding principles—making high quality bread for all—and in creatively joining the arts of living well and eating well, Poilâne has flourished, offering its savoir-faire across France and all over the world.
Mandy Shrimpton is the quintessential people’s person. Mandy believes that success is measured by the quality of our human-relationships rather than the results we manifest through sheer will. Mandy firmly established herself as the heart of the non-profit organisation that she co-founded and ran with her adoring husband for 17 years. Mandy loves walking in nature with her family, hugging trees, and preserving the environment. She also enjoys being creative and is particularly fond of painting flowers. As a very happily married and devoted mother to four children, Mandy has cultivated a deep appreciation for the culinary arts and relishes the spare moments she gets to watch her favourite cooking shows. This initiative reflects how Mandy sees the world, helping to create positive synergy. Fostering unity and courteous community, building partner relationships and motivating affiliates. Born and bred in Africa, Mandy understands the concept of Ubuntu. I am, because we are. Together we can make the world a better place. Using her skills and experience to make a difference. Helping others see through the fog of new technologies, avoid common marketing mistakes and develop better business strategies. With a subtle blend of motherhood and effective project management, Mandy is the perfect professional partner, to show others the merits of this initiative. Shining a light on the path to prosperity, while not losing our footing in family values and humble humanity. Sharing is caring, while enriching ourselves spiritually and materially. We cannot give freely, if we don't have. "Sometimes the world makes more sense, through the eyes of a mother. Using protective instinct and family fortitude, to help one another." ~ Mandy Shrimpton
Italians have been baking pizza-like foods for hundreds of years. The modern pizza started appearing in the 17th century in Naples and the Margherita1 was born in 1889 in honor of the then Queen of Italy: Margherita. At Talia Di Napoli, we believe pizza is more than just a meal or a pastime— it’s an art form, it’s an obsession, it’s a way of life. As proud fourth-generation Napolitanos, we started Talia Di Napoli to represent our beloved city’s sacred pizza heritage using only time-honored traditions and the highest quality, all-natural ingredients. In Italy, we believe beauty, excellence and love are meant to be shared — and what better way to convey love than through pizza? So we set out to create something truly special that would allow the world to try authentic Neapolitan pizza — made in Italy, by master pizzaiolos, using all local, organic ingredients — without ever having to get on an airplane. Creating the perfect pizza is so much more than just an ancient recipe — it’s about working with the just-right suppliers that care as much about their products as we do. Rather than rely on the expertise of any given merchant, we tirelessly research all suppliers and switch as needed based on seasonality, expertise and region. If we need cherry tomatoes, we’ll go as far south as possible to ensure they are grown in the sun.
La nascita del Brunello di Montalcino risale all’Ottocento, quando alcuni agricoltori montalcinesi iniziano a sperimentare la produzione di un vino rosso con le uve di una vite tradizionalmente coltivata nella zona. Una vite chiamata “Brunello” o “Brunellino” che, verso la metà dell’Ottocento, viene identificata come una varietà del Sangiovese. Un’uva molto pregiata perché capace di produrre vini da lungo invecchiamento cioè vini rossi di altissimo pregio. Il padre precursore del Brunello di Montalcino fu certamente Clemente Santi. Nel 1869 un suo Vino Scelto (Brunello), della vendemmia 1865, fu premiato con medaglia d’argento dal Comizio Agrario di Montepulciano. Negli anni successivi il Brunello ottiene altri importanti riconoscimenti internazionali battendo i rossi francesi persino a Parigi e a Bordeaux. Per molti anni il Brunello rimase una rarità destinata a pochi raffinati intenditori. E’ solo nella seconda metà del Novecento che, da una prelibatezza per pochi, si trasforma in un simbolo mondiale del migliore made in Italy. Con la nascita delle DOC, il Brunello vive una fase da protagonista ed è nel gruppo dei primi otto vini a cui viene attribuita la denominazione di origine. Nel 1966 il Brunello di Montalcino diventa un vino Doc e l’anno dopo istituisce il suo Consorzio. Nel 1980 è la prima Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita DOCG e da quel momento tutte le sue bottiglie vengono chiuse da un contrassegno di Stato che garantisce la loro provenienza. Tuttavia la produzione del Brunello è ancora troppo piccola per affermarsi su scala internazionale. La prima cantina con una vera rete commerciale è degli anni ‘70 ma il Brunello conquista il mercato mondiale solo dopo il 1980 anche attraverso una crescita del numero delle cantine e delle bottiglie prodotte. Montalcino fa da battistrada anche al turismo del vino italiano con le prime cantine attrezzate per visite guidate e un intero territorio che ogni anno riceve migliaia di visitatori da tutto il mondo. Moltissimi riconoscimenti comprovano la qualità del vino: nel 1999 la prestigiosa rivista statunitense “Wine Spectator” inserisce un Brunello fra i 12 migliori vini del XX° secolo e nel 2006 incorona un Brunello in cima alla classifica mondiale.
As a designer of experience, Federica Piccoli focuses on the inter-connection between land, culture, food and wellbeing. Starting from the personality of the producer/locations, the sensory and emotional experiences are focused on recovering personal rhythm and perception of time and space, and on finding the starting point to fully live blissful moments. "The seven senses of wine", "Tasting ∞ Meditation", and "Esperienze immersive di degustazioni erranti" are examples of designed paths. Wine, chocolate, food and well-being is her passion. She is very active in the land of wine in Italy, from Piedmont Monferrato and Barolo down to Puglia Primitivo passing through Chianti and Montalcino in Tuscany. Federica Piccoli lived abroad for many years, these experiences made her appreciate more and more the importance of appreciating little moments of joy through high quality food and wine that she found in her homeland: Italy. She created a format for wine tasting through the cellars where the wine is produced that one must do at lest once in a lifetime.
Le orecchiette sono una pasta tipica della Puglia, regione del sud Italia. Il loro nome deriva dalla loro forma, che ricorda un piccolo orecchio. L'orecchietta ha la forma di una cupoletta, con il centro più sottile del bordo e con la superficie ruvida. Come altri tipi di pasta, le orecchiette sono fatte con semola di grano duro e acqua. Le uova sono usate raramente. Nella cucina casalinga tradizionale del sud Italia, la pasta viene arrotolata, quindi tagliata a cubetti. Ogni cubo viene pressato con un coltello, trascinandolo sul tagliere e facendolo arricciare (facendo un cavatello). La forma viene quindi invertita sopra il pollice. Le orecchiette si mangiano con broccoli, cime di rapa, cozze e funghi. Ogni famiglia pugliese ha la sua ricetta che si tramanda di madre in figlia. Secondo illustri studiosi dell'enogastronomia pugliese le orecchiette avrebbero avuto origine nel territorio di Sannicandro di Bari, durante la dominazione normanno-sveva, tra il XII e il XIII secolo. Nel cuore del centro storico di Bari c'è una via ribattezzata “la via delle orecchiette” o “via delle orecchiette”. La via in questione si chiama ufficialmente Strada Arco Basso, caratterizzata appunto da un piccolo tunnel che un tempo attraversato conduce alla più antica tradizione di Bari Vecchia, quella della produzione delle fantastiche e popolarissime orecchiette baresi. Le donne preparano le orecchiette chiacchierando e aiutandosi. Hanno un sapere antico che si tramandano di madre in figlia, di nonna in nipote. Ciascuna famiglia conserva i propri piccoli segreti per la lavorazione delle orecchiette che avviene davanti alla gente e sono una vera attrazione del centro storico di Bari, oltre a rappresentare uno spaccato originale della quotidianità pugliese. La buonissima pasta fresca (poi lasciata asciugare su banchi di legno) può essere acquistata anche dalle stesse signore; queste donne, infatti, per permettere ai turisti di portare a casa il gusto tipico delle orecchiette baresi, mettono la pasta fresca in semplici sacchetti di plastica così da permettere alle persone di tornare a casa con un gustoso “ricordo” pugliese. Orecchiette are a pasta typical of Apulia, a region of Southern Italy. Their name comes from their shape, which resembles a small ear. An orecchietta has the shape of a small dome, with its center thinner than its edge, and with a rough surface. Like other kinds of pasta, orecchiette are made with durum wheat and water. Eggs are rarely used. In traditional Southern Italian home cooking, the dough is rolled, then cut into cubes. Each cube is pressed with a knife, dragging it on the board and making it curl (making a cavatello). The shape is then inverted over the thumb. Orecchiette are eaten with broccoli, turnip tops, mussels and mushrooms. Each Apulian family has its own recipe that is handed down from mother to daughter. According to distinguished scholars of Apulian food and wine, orecchiette would have originated in the territory of Sannicandro di Bari, during the Norman-Swabian domination, between the 12th and 13th centuries. In the heart of old town of Bari there is a street renamed “the street of orecchiette” or “street of orecchiette”. The street in question is officially called Strada Arco Basso, characterized precisely by a small tunnel that once crossed leads to the oldest tradition of Bari Vecchia, that of the production of the fantastic and very popular orecchiette from Bari. The women prepare the orecchiette by chatting and helping each other. They have an ancient knowledge that is handed down from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. Each family keeps their own little secrets for the processing of orecchiette that takes place in front of the people and are a real attraction of the historic center of Bari, as well as representing an original cross-section of Apulian everyday life. The delicious fresh pasta (then left to dry on wooden counters) can also be purchased by the ladies themselves; these women, in fact, to allow tourists to take home the typical taste of orecchiette from Bari, put the fresh pasta in simple plastic bags so as to allow people to go home with a tasty Apulian "memory". The delicious fresh pasta (then left to dry on wooden counters) can also be purchased from the ladies themselves; these women, in fact, to allow tourists to take home the typical taste of orecchiette from Bari, put the fresh pasta in simple plastic bags so as to allow people to go home with a tasty Apulian “souvenir”.
Anyone can be a Heritage Ambassador. Help take our past into the future. Spread the word and generate revenue. Make heritage your business and earn with your passion for art and culture. ArtAcadia.org is an umbrella organization for everything pertaining to our heritage and respective cultures. Providing a platform for Heritage Ambassadors, to help take our past into the future. We are a passionate community that is compiling a comprehensive global directory and cultural map. Facilitating networking, training, work opportunities, events and marketplace.
Taking our past into the future with Carolina Reviglio! Carolina enjoyed a carefree childhood in the Piedmont countryside. With many cousins and friends, the passion for culture was instilled from an early age. Surrounded by beauty and art in the family mansion Cimena, expertly curated by her grandmother namesake, Carolina. On the paternal side of the family, her Venetian grandmother was equally influential. The unique character and rich culture of Venice, epitomizes Carolina. While travelling often, she feels most at home, in the isles of Venice. Schooled in Italy and the United States, lived in provinces throughout the length of Italy, Carolina considers herself truly Italian, with an international vision. “My country is rich in heritage, but poor in the pocket to keep it so. It saddens me to see so many buildings in a state of disrepair.” She has honed the skills of renovation and interiors of historic buildings, since 1987. Learning by trial and error, spurned on by failure and ultimate success, Carolina has grown and prospered. Now is the time to give back. Helping artisans of all disciplines to find work and ply their trade with pride. Matching projects to professionals and vice versa. As Heritage Doyenne, Carolina’s primary contribution to this unique initiative, is to encourage the participation of Heritage Ambassadors. This cause is yet another open avenue, to take our past into the future. By intertwining culture and heritage, to create more synergy. “Only once we fully understand where we come from… and truly appreciate our heritage… can we imagine a fabulous future filled with the richness of our past. Life is ours to design!” ~ Carolina Reviglio