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gr. 700 bietole a gambo sottile borragine qualche foglia gr. 80 di ricotta fresca Parmigiano grattugiato 1 patata grattugiata o 1/2 manciata di riso Farina olio extravergine d'oliva sale e pepe e noce moscata Lavate bene le bietole, scolatele e tagliatele finemente. Mettetele a riposare a strati con il sale fino in modo che perdano l'acqua amara. Fare un impasto piuttosto morbido con farina e acqua e lasciarlo riposare. Strizzare bene le bietole con le mani, buttare via l'acqua. Amalgamare tutti gli ingredienti con le mani, ricotta, noce moscata, sale, parmigiano, il riso o patata. Strizzare leggermente l'impasto con le mani in modo che rilascino il loro succo, aggiungere 2 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva. Nel frattempo dividere l'impasto di farina in 2/3 e 1/3. Stendete la maggior parte con il mattarello in una sfoglia molto sottile e più grande della teglia. Mettere un filo d'olio sul fondo e stendere la pasta sfoglia facendola traboccare, togliere l'aria. Versate il ripieno, schiacciatelo bene, copritelo con un disco ricavato con l'impasto rimasto grande quanto la teglia. Ripiegare i bordi sul disco. Bucate qua e là con la punta di un coltello, bagnateli con acqua e olio, stendeteli uniformemente con le mani. Infornare a 180 gradi per circa 45 minuti. Servire tiepido. gr. 700 thin-stemmed chard borage a few leaves gr. 80 of fresh ricotta grated Parmesan 1 grated potato or 1/2 handful of rice flour extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper and nutmeg Wash the beets well, drain and cut them finely. Put them to rest in layers with the salt until they lose the bitter water. Make a rather soft dough with flour and water and let it rest. Squeeze the chard well with your hands, throw away the water. Mix all the ingredients with your hands, ricotta, nutmeg, salt, parmesan, rice or potato. Slightly squeeze the dough with your hands so that they release their juice, add 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Meanwhile divide the flour mixture into 2/3 and 1/3. Roll out most of the dough with a rolling pin into a very thin and larger sheet than the pan. Put a little oil on the bottom and roll out the puff pastry making it overflow, remove the air. Pour the filling, flatten it well, cover it with a disc made from the remaining dough as large as the pan. Fold the edges back onto the disc. Pierce here and there with the tip of a knife, wet them with water and oil, spread them evenly with your hands. Bake at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes. Serve lukewarm.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

A Moasca (Asti), un piccolo borgo nel cuore del Monferrato, zona la cui straordinarietà è valsa la tutela dell’UNESCO, c’è un posto in cui natura, storia, cultura ed enogastronomia d’eccellenza si incontrano e si fondono per offrire all’Ospite un’esperienza irripetibile. Questo posto è Tra la Terra e il Cielo. Il Castello trecentesco con le sue imponenti torri, la terrazza aperta sulle dolci colline, il libero accesso alle preziose opere d’arte accolte, a rotazione, nella sala espositiva, una rigorosa e accorta selezione di materie prime, piatti della tradizione piemontese con aperture al vicino Mare, i grandi Vini del Piemonte e un servizio attento, ma non invadente: tutti gli ingredienti per accompagnare l’Ospite in un percorso indimenticabile di sensazioni ed emozioni, in una dimensione di benessere profondo, Tra la Terra e il Cielo. In Moasca, a small town in the heart of the Monferrato hills declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site, you can find a place where nature, history, culture, good wines and culinary delights meet and welcome the guests with a once in a lifetime experience. This piace is Tra la Terra e il Cielo. That means “Between Heaven & Earth”, a very suggestive restaurant and café built in a medieval castle surrounded by a green and gentle landscape. A strong attention to every detail, the art gallery upstairs, a beautiful outdoor terrace, our menu with the traditional Piedmontese recipes with a marine twist and the great Piedmont wines will make our guests love the place and really feel between heaven and earth.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

La Trattoria Al Gazzettino a Venezia, è un locale tipico veneziano accogliente e informale. L'atmosfera familiare e la simpatia del personale sono un punto di forza della ristorante, oltre alla qualità e freschezza delle pietanze sia per quanto riguarda i piatti di pesce che per quelli di carne. Fuori dalle "classiche" mete turistiche è però situato in posizione strategica a pochi passi dal Ponte di Rialto e dalla Piazza San Marco. Tutto comincia attorno all'anno 1952 quando Maria e Giuseppe Ongaro rilevano il locale da Giovanni Ancelotto, trasformandolo in una piccola osteria. Il nome "AI Gazzettino" nacque dal fatto che gran parte dei clienti abituali erano dipendenti dell'omonima azienda, che produceva il giornale ed aveva la sede non lontano da qui. La sera, l'osteria diventava punto d'incontro per loro, per i facchini e per i gondolieri. Quest'ultimi, di solito, prendevano "l'ornbretta" (un bicchiere di vino che, allora, costava 15 lire) e 2 o 3 sigarette, perché non potevano permettersi l'acquisto del pacco intero. Altra curiosità dell'epoca è che i gondolieri, a pranzo, usavano i tavoli dell'osteria ma si facevano portare le vivande da mogli o fidanzate perché non potevano permettersi di pagare il conto. Ciò nonostante l'attività andava bene e nel 1958 cominciarono ad arrivare anche i primi turisti. I signori Ongaro decisero, quindi, di acquisire anche l'adiacente Pensione, a tutt'oggi funzionante. Passo dopo passo si susseguirono vari abbellimenti del locale affinchè, nel 1971, l'osteria si trasformò in un piccolo, grazioso ristorante. L'impegno e la dedizione della famiglia Ongaro furono premiati, nel 1984, dalla guida Ivlichelin che 1 mise "Al Gazzettino" al secondo posto tra i locali veneziani, infine, nel 1986, alla fine di una lunga carriera professionale e densa di soddisfazioni, gli Ongaro decisero di cedere entrambe le attività ai fratelli Mario e Walter Lazzari. Avvicinandoci al presente, arriviamo a conoscere gli attuali gestori del Ristorante: Margherita, Ridha Bennefla ed il loro, amatissimo, figlio Kabir. Ridha, un signore tunisino molto gentile ed attento ai dettagli, dopo una lunga esperienza professionale (15 anni) nel rinomato "Harry's Bar", accanto al Dr. Arrigo Cipriani, e dopo altri 5 anni in un altro storico locale veneziano, "l'Antico Pignolo", decide che è il momento di avviare una sua attività. Insieme a sua moglie Margherita (una signora veneziana, bravissima cuoca). Decidono quindi dì acquisire "Al Gazzettino" che riapre a nuova gestione il 05 giugno 2009. Il locale è ora dedicato al loro figlio Kabir (un ragazzino dolce, estroverso e vivace che decora tutto l'interno con i suoi allegri disegni), e anche all'amore che unisce Ridha e Margherita e che ha ispirato la fusione dei due nomi: Margheridha. The Trattoria Al Gazzettino in Venice, is a welcoming and informal typical Venetian restaurant. The family atmosphere and the friendliness of the staff are a strong point of the restaurant, in addition to the quality and freshness of the dishes both in terms of fish and meat dishes. Outside the "classic" tourist destinations, however, it is strategically located a few steps from the Rialto Bridge and Piazza San Marco. It all begins around the year 1952 when Maria and Giuseppe Ongaro detect the local from Giovanni Ancelotti, turning it into a small inn. The name "AL Gazzettino" was born from the fact that most of the regulars were employed by the homonymous company, which produced the paper and had the place not far from here. At night, the tavern became a meeting place for them, for the porters and the gondoliers. The latter usually took "eye shadow" (a glass of wine, then, it cost 15 lire) and 2 or 3 cigarettes, because they could not afford to purchase the entire parcel. Another curiosity is that the gondoliers of the time, at lunch, used the tables of the tavern, but it did bring the food to be wives or girlfriends because they could not a afford to pay the bill. Nevertheless, the activity was good and in 1958 began to arrive the first tourists. Mr. and Mrs. Ongaro decided, therefore, to also purchase the adjacent board, still working. Step by step he followed various enibellishments of the premises until, in 1971 the inn became a small chaming restaurant. The commitment and dedication of the family Ongaro were rewarded in 1984 by Michelin who put "Al Gazzettino" to second place among the local Venetians, finally, in 1986, at the end of a long and worthy career satisfaction, the Ongaro decided to sell both businesses to the brothels Walter and Mario Lazzarii. As we approach this, we come to know the current management of the Restaurant: Margaret, and their Bennefla Ridha, beloved son Kabir. Ridha, a Tunisian man very kind and attentive to details, after a long professional experience (15 years) al the famous Harry's Bar", next to Dr. Arrigo Cipriani, and after another 5 years in another local historian of Venice, the "Fonner Pigiolo", decides it's time to start a business. With his wife, Margaret a Vienetian Lady, (very good cook) decided to acquire "THE GAZZETTINO" that opens in new managetnent June 5 2009. The restaurant is now devoded to their son Kabir (a sweet boy outgoing and lively decorating the interior with his lively drawing), it is also dedicated to the love that unites Ridha and Margarita and has inspiird the fusion of two names: Margheridha.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Una trattoria pizzeria piemontese, immersa nella langa che vi farà assaporare la tradizione e la qualità del cibo tipico di queste zone. Il locale semplicemente arredato ha alcuni tavoli sulla piazzetta del paese davanti alla chiesetta e con la vista verso le colline. La signora Piera in cucina prepara il tipico menù piemontese fatto di antipasti, plin e tagliatelle il pezzo forte è il coniglio che si scioglie in bocca. Appena sarete seduti arriverà il giovane nipote Bebo che con fare generoso e spigliato in italiano o in inglese vi accoglierà con una scelta di vini piemontesi e, in attesa dei piatti, con le "friciule" calde, pasta di pane fritta talmente leggere e gustose che salteranno in bocca senza che ve ne aggorgerete. Anche la pizza è ottima e digeribile con farciture anche di ingredienti locali che sehuono le stagioni come la toma di Roccaverano e i fiori di zucca in stagione. A Piedmontese trattoria and pizzeria, immersed in the Langhe that will make you savor the tradition and quality of the typical food of these areas. The simply furnished restaurant has some tables on the town square in front of the church and with a view towards the hills. Mrs. Piera in the kitchen prepares the typical Piedmontese menu made of appetizers, plin (hand made filled pasta with local meat) and tagliatelle the highlight is the rabbit that symply melts in your mouth. As soon as you are seated, the young grandson Bebo will arrive and, generously and confidently in Italian or English, will welcome you with a choice of Piedmontese wines and, waiting for the dishes, with hot "friciule", fried bread dough so light and tasty they will jump in your mouth without you knowing. Even the pizza is excellent and digestible with fillings also of local ingredients that follow the seasons such as the toma di Roccaverano and the courgette flowers in season.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Founded on 1 February 1700, Vergelegen (meaning “situated far away”), has been under the ownership of some of the world’s great explorers and visionaries, each of whom, in their own way, have helped shape Vergelegen to what it is today: a world-class Estate. With Vergelegen’s award-winning wines, history spanning over 300 years, heritage, exquisite gardens and cuisine to suit all tastes, it comes as no surprise that Vergelegen Estate continues to be the choice of the discerning visitor seeking a total sensory experience. Think of Vergelegen to spend quality time with family and friends – wine tasting, heritage, environmental and cellar tours, two restaurants and the seasonal luxury Picnic in the camphor forest, are only a few of a myriad of enjoyable activities at Vergelegen. Vergelegen’s heritage core consists of the Homestead, Library, Mill Ruins, Slave Lodge site and surrounding gardens. The residential Homestead, dating back to the 1700s, with each room authentically furnished, reflects the layered historicism of the over 300 years of Vergelegen’s existence. The Homestead also houses an Exhibition Corridor, comprising a series of pictorial panels detailing the various eras of history, as well as significant visitors to the Estate.

 Listings /  Africa

The story of the Vinchio and Vaglio winery is a love story where the inhabitants of these two villages transformed a difficult and poor, inarable land with slopes so steep that some local sayings proved true: “S’ot dròca la colassion, it la treuvi pì!” (if you drop your breakfast, you won’t find it again!) or “S’ot dròca ël bertin, ot toca curije drera fin ant la val” ("if your hat blows off in the wind, you’ll need to run down to the end of the valley to get it"). This area with its steep slopes and overhanging vineyards at the edge of the woods has been tended and “tamed” to dramatic effort, where every single drop of the “Ruby of Vinchio” (Barbera wine) equates to thousands of drops (and certainly not an exaggeration!) of farmers’ sweat. However, the vineyards have never failed to reward their hard work. These vine rows, in fact, repay the industrious farmers with grapes of rare and exceptional quality. The sun usually shines all day on these hills, there is seldom hoarfrost or fog and no shadow. Great wines grow on these hills. The Rules of the Association stipulate that the President and the Vice-President must come from Vinchio and Vaglio Serra, respectively. This is because of an old rivalry between the two villages, which only ended thanks to the hard work of our company and their willingness to promote the local area. Over time, the animosity between these two offices has turned into a solid working relationship and the strong administrative background of both our President and Vice-President has undeniably played an important role in achieving this result. They have both been mayors of their hometowns. Lorenzo Giordano (of Vinchio) and Cristiano Fornaro (of Vaglio) both are keen oenophiles and, in particular, great connoisseurs of Barbera, though still appreciating the sparkling wines such as Alta Langa. The wines tell the story of the terroir and selected vineyards they come from and reflect uniquely the excellence which has built the reputation of Vinchio Vaglio, Vigne Vecchie, Laudana and Sei Vigne Insynthesis. The Barbera wines are projects that have brought our Barbera to the highest quality levels, thanks to small planting plots that are more than 50 years old. Albarossa, Grignolino, Ruché, Nebbiolo, Freisa, Bonarda, Arneis are all indigenous grapes of this range. Distinctive wines which express the intrinsic value of the territory.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

I am a South African, born in the Province of the Eastern Cape and now lives in Cape Town. I have been interested in working with people from an early age. When I was young, my aspirations were to be either a lawyer or a Social Worker or a Priest. To a certain extent, I partially satisfied some of my dreams because I am an academic social scientist and a trained and qualified theologian. My passion, among others, is to assist people, communities in any way I can, may it be through volunteering my time, my skills and or money where I can. In most cases, I mobilize individuals and communities to rally for good causes. I am more interested in causes that involve children, the aged, people living with disabilities and the vulnerable abused women and children. As an environmental consultant, I also try to highlight environmental issues wherever I am. I work with non-governmental and governmental organizations to ensure that environmental sustainability issues are integrated in their developmental plans. Theological training has enabled me to interact with most faith based communities and lend a helping hand where I can. Some of the faith based communities are involved in good causes to help the poor and needy, victims of violence and gender based violence, some are involved in soup kitchens for the homeless and unemployed people and so on. For the better part of my life I have been involved in one or more of community causes to uplift, empower and motivate people either to self rely or to do something for others in the spirit of ubuntu. During my spare time, I enjoy quality time with my family. Sometimes we go out to quiet places where we enjoy time together and sometimes we go to places where there would be play areas for children. This is the time when we mingle with other people, watch street musical groups, different kinds of art displays, street sports. I also like to visit book fairs and scholars/students fundraising activities to support. In some instances, I visit fundraising for old age homes. In Cape Town, there are animal welfare organizations that either raise funds and or are looking for people to adopt an animal (domestic animals). I encourage people in my church to extend a helping hand in some of these noble causes.

 Listings /  Africa

Let's get to know Wandisile Mboxela was born in Cape Town, I’m the last born of four siblings parents background from the beautiful province of the Eastern Cape in Alice, My background was very poor parents had to move to Cape Town where all four siblings born. All my primary education, higher education done here in Cape Town, while was at school developed love for Sport, now I’m applying that love for sport to the young kids in my community keep them out of trouble, we grow up with a lot of trouble in my community now trying to chase that away, to build bright future to the young people by involving them in sport education activities, sport and education goes together if you want to build better future for others. Coming from where I came from, hard work pays, I was offered a Learnership qualification which introduced me to corporate world quite extensively. Good written and verbal communication skills in at least two of three official languages of the Western Cape, problem-solving and conflict management with good planning and organizational skills, ability to handle information as confidential and good interpersonal skills, to contribute and become part of a successful organization that motivate its employees to utilize their skill and talent effectively and efficiently, the knowledge and skills which I acquired over that period of time equipped me for future positions. I am a hard-working individual, and eager to learn, I was recently employed due to Covid-19 company layoff some staff. I was employed as Accounts Controller at Tourvest Travel Service and this involves extensive client interaction. Deliver an effective admin support service to staff and clients, communicate with suppliers regarding outstanding, verbally, via mail and telephonically. I have highly knowledge of Tourism and Hospitality which I achieved through Theta, Tourism Hospitality and Sport Education Training Authority. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change, and I’m looking forward to be the part and the future of ZaGenie. Thank you…

 Listings /  Africa

La nascita del Brunello di Montalcino risale all’Ottocento, quando alcuni agricoltori montalcinesi iniziano a sperimentare la produzione di un vino rosso con le uve di una vite tradizionalmente coltivata nella zona. Una vite chiamata “Brunello” o “Brunellino” che, verso la metà dell’Ottocento, viene identificata come una varietà del Sangiovese. Un’uva molto pregiata perché capace di produrre vini da lungo invecchiamento cioè vini rossi di altissimo pregio. Il padre precursore del Brunello di Montalcino fu certamente Clemente Santi. Nel 1869 un suo Vino Scelto (Brunello), della vendemmia 1865, fu premiato con medaglia d’argento dal Comizio Agrario di Montepulciano. Negli anni successivi il Brunello ottiene altri importanti riconoscimenti internazionali battendo i rossi francesi persino a Parigi e a Bordeaux. Per molti anni il Brunello rimase una rarità destinata a pochi raffinati intenditori. E’ solo nella seconda metà del Novecento che, da una prelibatezza per pochi, si trasforma in un simbolo mondiale del migliore made in Italy. Con la nascita delle DOC, il Brunello vive una fase da protagonista ed è nel gruppo dei primi otto vini a cui viene attribuita la denominazione di origine. Nel 1966 il Brunello di Montalcino diventa un vino Doc e l’anno dopo istituisce il suo Consorzio. Nel 1980 è la prima Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita DOCG e da quel momento tutte le sue bottiglie vengono chiuse da un contrassegno di Stato che garantisce la loro provenienza. Tuttavia la produzione del Brunello è ancora troppo piccola per affermarsi su scala internazionale. La prima cantina con una vera rete commerciale è degli anni ‘70 ma il Brunello conquista il mercato mondiale solo dopo il 1980 anche attraverso una crescita del numero delle cantine e delle bottiglie prodotte. Montalcino fa da battistrada anche al turismo del vino italiano con le prime cantine attrezzate per visite guidate e un intero territorio che ogni anno riceve migliaia di visitatori da tutto il mondo. Moltissimi riconoscimenti comprovano la qualità del vino: nel 1999 la prestigiosa rivista statunitense “Wine Spectator” inserisce un Brunello fra i 12 migliori vini del XX° secolo e nel 2006 incorona un Brunello in cima alla classifica mondiale.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Nuestro almacén de distribución de cervezas artesanas e hidromiel comparte espacio con nuestra tienda, física y online, de productos artesanos: Zona de Catas. En nuestra tienda tenemos una gran variedad cervezas artesanas e hidromiel, nuestros productos estrella. Y además disponemos de toda clase de productos también de elaboración artesanal hecho en España: Vinos, licores, aceites, mermeladas, mieles, chocolates, turrones, patés, etc. Todo producto de alta calidad que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes para su disfrute y con el que contribuimos a la difusión del consumo de productos artesanos, elaborados tradicionalmente, de una forma más natural y hechos con más cariño, por eso están tan buenos. De ello damos fe por lo que nos cuentan nuestros clientes y porque ¡los hemos probado todos! Con todos nuestros productos podemos elaborar cajas y cestas de regalo para cumpleaños, aniversarios o para regalar a alguien especial. Podemos hacerlos con una selección de cervezas artesanas, o mezclando varios de nuestros productos. A tu gusto, tú decides como la quieres y nosotros te la hacemos. También te podemos preparar los detalles para regalar en presentaciones, comuniones, bodas, etc. Elige uno o varios de nuestros productos y te los preparamos especialmente para que tengas un detalle original con tus invitados. Además, en Zona de Cata organizamos catas de cerveza o vino. Las catas son una experiencia en la que puedes degustar varios tipos de cervezas o vinos acompañados de alimentos que los complementan. Es una experiencia diseñada para aprender sobre el origen, la historia, cómo se sirve, y otros datos interesantes al mismo tiempo que pasas un rato divertido.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

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