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Nuestro almacén de distribución de cervezas artesanas e hidromiel comparte espacio con nuestra tienda, física y online, de productos artesanos: Zona de Catas. En nuestra tienda tenemos una gran variedad cervezas artesanas e hidromiel, nuestros productos estrella. Y además disponemos de toda clase de productos también de elaboración artesanal hecho en España: Vinos, licores, aceites, mermeladas, mieles, chocolates, turrones, patés, etc. Todo producto de alta calidad que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes para su disfrute y con el que contribuimos a la difusión del consumo de productos artesanos, elaborados tradicionalmente, de una forma más natural y hechos con más cariño, por eso están tan buenos. De ello damos fe por lo que nos cuentan nuestros clientes y porque ¡los hemos probado todos! Con todos nuestros productos podemos elaborar cajas y cestas de regalo para cumpleaños, aniversarios o para regalar a alguien especial. Podemos hacerlos con una selección de cervezas artesanas, o mezclando varios de nuestros productos. A tu gusto, tú decides como la quieres y nosotros te la hacemos. También te podemos preparar los detalles para regalar en presentaciones, comuniones, bodas, etc. Elige uno o varios de nuestros productos y te los preparamos especialmente para que tengas un detalle original con tus invitados. Además, en Zona de Cata organizamos catas de cerveza o vino. Las catas son una experiencia en la que puedes degustar varios tipos de cervezas o vinos acompañados de alimentos que los complementan. Es una experiencia diseñada para aprender sobre el origen, la historia, cómo se sirve, y otros datos interesantes al mismo tiempo que pasas un rato divertido.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Sabor a España is a brand of traditional high quality Spanish products. They are master nougat, as well as brittle and dried fruit derivate makers, who try to bring the tradition of Spanish products back to a public that had forgotten about it. Hard work and honesty are values of their family-run business. All their products have one thing in common - they are sold in towns and cities to remind their people that Spain's food tradition is much healthier, more nutritious and tastier than ready-made food. They are currently expanding their trade and have 23 fully operational stores. Sabor a España moved to the town center of the most emblematic Spanish towns and looked for the best spots in each one of them to offer their most typical products. Sabor a España es una marca de productos tradicionales españoles de máxima calidad cuya especialidad son los turrones, guirlaches y derivados de los frutos secos. En Sabor a España intentan llevar la tradición de los productos españoles a un público que lo tenía ya olvidado. Sabor a España es una empresa trabajadora, familiar, honesta y sencilla. Todos sus productos tienen un punto en común y es que vienen a las ciudades a recordar a sus vecinos que la tradición culinaria de España es mucho más sana, completa y apetitosa que la comida prefabricada. Actualmente se encuentran en plena expansión, contando en este momento con más de 23 tiendas por toda España en pleno funcionamiento. Sabor a España se trasladaal centro de las ciudades más míticas del país y buscan los mejores rincones de cada una de ellas para ofrecer este producto tan típico de la región.

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Pasta Grannies is an online platform dedicated to preserving the traditional art of homemade pasta making by showcasing the skills and recipes of Italian nonnas (grandmothers). The channel features videos of nonnas from different regions of Italy preparing a variety of pasta dishes, from classic spaghetti and lasagna to lesser-known regional specialties. Each video is accompanied by a written recipe and translated captions, making it easy for viewers to learn and replicate the dishes at home. The Instagram account features beautiful photos of the pasta dishes and the nonnas themselves, as well as behind-the-scenes footage of the pasta-making process. PastaGrannies is not only a source of delicious recipes, but also a way to honor and celebrate the cultural heritage of Italian cuisine and the importance of food in Italian families. Pasta Grannies è una piattaforma online dedicata a preservare l'arte tradizionale della pasta fatta in casa mettendo in mostra le abilità e le ricette delle nonne italiane (nonne). Il canale presenta video di nonne di diverse regioni d'Italia che preparano una varietà di primi piatti, dai classici spaghetti e lasagne a specialità regionali meno conosciute. Ogni video è accompagnato da una ricetta scritta e didascalie tradotte, rendendo facile per gli spettatori imparare e replicare i piatti a casa. L'account Instagram presenta bellissime foto dei piatti di pasta e delle stesse nonne, oltre a filmati dietro le quinte del processo di produzione della pasta. PastaGrannies non è solo una fonte di deliziose ricette, ma anche un modo per onorare e celebrare il patrimonio culturale della cucina italiana e l'importanza del cibo nelle famiglie italiane.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

El espacio que actualmente ocupa el Mercat Central de València fue, desde la primera expansión de la ciudad, el emplazamiento habitual de los mercados ambulantes. En 1839, se inaugura, en esta ubicación, un mercado descubierto, el Mercado Nuevo, el germen del actual Mercado Central. Hacia finales del siglo XIX este mercado es claramente insuficiente para la ciudad de Valencia. En 1910, el Ayuntamiento de Valencia elige el proyecto de los arquitectos Alejandro Soler March y Francisco Guardia Vial para la construcción del nuevo mercado. Ambos se habían formado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona y habían trabajado en el equipo de colaboradores de Luis Doménech Montaner, arquitecto que se caracterizó por un estilo propio dentro de las líneas del Modernismo. Alfonso XIII protagonizó el acto protocolario con que se iniciaron los derribos. El 24 de octubre de 1910, con una piqueta de plata dio varios golpes en el muro del número 24 de la plaza del Mercado. Finalmente, el 23 de enero de 1928, se inauguró el actual edificio del Mercat Central de València. La espectacularidad del Mercat Central de València es innegable. Se trata de una de las edificaciones más atractivas y visitadas de la ciudad de Valencia. Su arquitectura no rompe la estética de la plaza, donde se integra a la perfección con otros dos importantes monumentos: la Lonja de la Seda y la Iglesia de los Santos Juanes. Es, indudablemente, el edificio más representativo de la Valencia que a principios del siglo XX avanza hacia el progreso tecnológico y mercantil y se siente orgullosa del potencial agrícola de su huerta. Esta apuesta por el progreso y por la producción agrícola se reflejan en de la estructura modernista del mercado y de la ornamentación alegórica que observamos en su interior. Las cúpulas, de hierro, cristal y cerámica (la central, alcanza 30 metros de altura) y las veletas que las coronan - la de la cotorra y la del pez - se integran a una panorámica paisajística de torreones y campanarios eminentemente valenciana. La distribución del interior es racionalista, de manera que los puestos se sitúan a lo largo de una serie de calles rectilíneas atravesadas por dos anchas vías. Se concibió para 959 puestos, destinados en la zona general a tiendas altas cerradas para carnicería, tocinería, ultramarinos y quincalla; tiendas bajas para venta de patatas, legumbres, verduras, frutas y gallina; tiendas altas abiertas para venta de pan, volatería, carne y caza; y, en la pescadería, tiendas altas para venta de salazones y despojos, y tiendas bajas para pescado. Los dos pabellones que flanquean el acceso principal están construidos enteramente en ladrillo visto, con aplicaciones de piedra y de cerámica decorada; mientras que el cuerpo anexionado de Tenencia de Alcaldía sigue la construcción de influencia novecentista y queda rematado por torretas coronadas por pequeñas cúpulas semiesféricas. Ya se han celebrado 100 años desde la colocación de la primera piedra y 90 desde el primer día que se abrió al público. No hay expresión mejor para transmitir lo que es el Mercat Central de València en la actualidad. Un sagrado templo donde los catedráticos de los productos frescos reciben y transmiten la sabiduría de lo más sustancial, nuestra alimentación. La luz mágica que entra desde su cúpula y sus vidrieras, el susurro permanente que acaricia los oídos, la explosión de colores y de aromas, el gusto al final de los sabores clásicos y eternos, mezclados con los más sorprendentes. Un auténtico parque temático de la gastronomía. Como todos los mercados municipales, es también un elemento fundamental vertebrador de la ciudad y sus barrios. Con su actividad comercial, posibilita de manera natural la cohesión y el intercambio social, incluso a nivel intercultural e intergeneracional, de una forma mucho más espontánea y eficiente que cualquier otra iniciativa. En los mercados no solo se compra y se vende, se degusta, se habla de todo y se vive también nuestra historia y nuestra identidad. Como organismo vivo que es, ha necesitado reinventarse continuamente para llegar a este aniversario de su construcción con una excelente salud. Hay que aprovechar las nuevas tecnologías de información y de la comunicación (en las que siempre fuimos pioneros) para ofrecer venta on line, repartos por toda Europa, consignas gratuitas, etc., a la vez que se completa la oferta y los servicios del edificio, mejorando el espacio y ampliando la experiencia de compra con cultura, música, arte, literatura y cocina, mucha cocina.

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A Moasca (Asti), un piccolo borgo nel cuore del Monferrato, zona la cui straordinarietà è valsa la tutela dell’UNESCO, c’è un posto in cui natura, storia, cultura ed enogastronomia d’eccellenza si incontrano e si fondono per offrire all’Ospite un’esperienza irripetibile. Questo posto è Tra la Terra e il Cielo. Il Castello trecentesco con le sue imponenti torri, la terrazza aperta sulle dolci colline, il libero accesso alle preziose opere d’arte accolte, a rotazione, nella sala espositiva, una rigorosa e accorta selezione di materie prime, piatti della tradizione piemontese con aperture al vicino Mare, i grandi Vini del Piemonte e un servizio attento, ma non invadente: tutti gli ingredienti per accompagnare l’Ospite in un percorso indimenticabile di sensazioni ed emozioni, in una dimensione di benessere profondo, Tra la Terra e il Cielo. In Moasca, a small town in the heart of the Monferrato hills declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site, you can find a place where nature, history, culture, good wines and culinary delights meet and welcome the guests with a once in a lifetime experience. This piace is Tra la Terra e il Cielo. That means “Between Heaven & Earth”, a very suggestive restaurant and café built in a medieval castle surrounded by a green and gentle landscape. A strong attention to every detail, the art gallery upstairs, a beautiful outdoor terrace, our menu with the traditional Piedmontese recipes with a marine twist and the great Piedmont wines will make our guests love the place and really feel between heaven and earth.

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In the heart of Puglia, in the characteristic and renowned town north of Bari, BITONTO, the city of extra virgin olive oil, the DANIELI company has its roots in 2003. The company founded and led by DANIELE LOVASCIO, with the collaboration of young, smart and dynamic guys, has been operating for years in the field of production and marketing of typical Apulian artisan baked goods. The main product of this company to which it owes its success is IL TARALLO, offered in various shapes and flavors. DANIELI Taralli are handmade, following ancient recipes handed down in secret and scrupulously guarded. Nel cuore della Puglia, nel caratteristico e rinomato comune a nord di Bari, BITONTO, la città dell'olio extravergine di oliva, l'azienda DANIELI affonda le sue radici nel 2003. L'azienda fondata e guidata da DANIELE LOVASCIO, con la collaborazione di giovani, ragazzi intelligenti e dinamici, opera da anni nel settore della produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti da forno tipici artigianali pugliesi. Il principale prodotto di questa azienda a cui deve il suo successo è IL TARALLO, proposto in varie forme e gusti. I Taralli DANIELI sono fatti a mano, seguendo antiche ricette tramandate in segreto e scrupolosamente custodite.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Domori S.p.A.'s head office is in None, just outside Turin, where the production plant is located. Since its founding in 1997, Domori has been a real revolution for the cocoa world. It was the first ever chocolate company to use only fine cacao, focusing on high quality. The first to produce chocolate with Criollo cacao, the rarest and most valuable ever. The first to control the supply chain right from the plantations in South and Central America and to have its own plantation, allowing it to recover the biodiversity of Criollo cacao in the field. Domori is also the first to rediscover and use an ancient and simple formula for chocolate, using just cocoa paste and sugar. The first to create a 100% pure Criollo bar. And, the first to create a Chocolate Tasting Code for discovering the infinite nuances of aromatic cocoa. Domori is now part of the Polo del Gusto, an Illy Group holding that gathers together all its non-coffee-related businesses. Apart from being a leading company in the production of the finest quality chocolate, Domori has become the Italian distributor of a collection of top-level products: ranging from Dammann Frères teas, to Agrimontana jams, and including fine Mastrojanni wines and Taittinger Champagne. In 2019, the company announced it had signed an agreement to acquire Prestat, one of the best-loved chocolate brands in the UK and supplier to the British Royal Family. The acquisition has provided Prestat with access to the exclusive raw materials used by Domori and to be able to integrate control of the entire value chain in its production, “from plant to truffle”. Owing to its innovative approach, focusing on ongoing research into excellence, Domori’s annual turnover now exceeds €20 m and its products are on sale in Italy and on the main foreign markets. As of 23 July 2020, Domori changed its company name to Domori S.p.A. and decided to become a Benefit Company. As a Benefit Company, the firm intends to work towards goals for the common good and to operate responsibly, sustainably and transparently in relation to people, communities, territories and the environment, cultural and social property and activities, organizations and associations and other stakeholders.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Cremeria Scirocco was born in the spring of 2004 from an idea of Andrea Bandiera. The project took shape during the summer thanks to a trip to Sicily, which brought it closer to the world of slush and Sicilian ice cream. Once in Bologna, the idea materialized more and more until it led to the creation of the Laboratory in via Barelli 1, inaugurated on March 18, 2005. The basic ideas were simple: Tradition, Quality, and Creativity! The idea came after a job crisis: Andrea was a computer scientist for 16 years until, in 2004, he felt the need to change his life, looking for new stimuli and experiences that he could get involved with. And so, he opened the laboratory Cremeria Scirocco. Andrea was always passionate about cooking, especially pastry. He also considered opening a restaurant, but it would have been too demanding. Following his predilection for sweets, he then decided to take the ice cream path, starting - like most Italian ice cream makers - from ready-made and semi-finished bases. He had no experience in the field, and was not sure how to move forward. After a few months, however, he realized that there was nothing artisanal in his work, and so, started studying the chemistry of food, looking for the best raw materials. By placing more and more fresh products in the laboratory, and that, was the turning point. Today, therefore, he only uses quality raw materials, sourced from local, small producers in the area. About 10 years ago, he started making contact with chefs who helped him to grow and develop his skills and knowledge. But above all, the comparison with other chefs allowed him to refine his pairing skills. Andrea has a very satisfied customer base; they are satisfied and often ask him for tailor-made tastes for lunches and dinners. The entire sorbet line is lactose-free, however there are also vegan creams that change in rotation, such as pistachio or hazelnut, made with water or vegetable milks, such as oats. Semifreddi, is made with excellent raw materials, such as tiramisu, with coffee from the Lelli Caffè roaster and self-produced gluten-free sponge cake. His projects for the future include returning to the world of information technology. He has created tablet applications to assist ice-cream makers in their work, with balancing tastes, the best storage ideas, recipe books and many other snippets of advice and ideas.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

The best of Italian ice cream In Milan and around the world: for thirty years, Artico Group has been combining passion and tradition to offer you a unique taste. Artico ice cream parlour was born in March 2012, in Milan, Isola, from the idea and the union of three families, Poloni, Fioretti and Matrone. Already linked by commercial relationships and friendship, they decide to undertake this path together, combining their respective skills, specifically, technical, economic and architectural. Based on the strength of our experience as excellent master ice-cream makers, we are continually researching and experimenting with new balances between aromas and flavours, to transform tradition into art and offer you a unique experience every day. Artico represents the new concept of artisan ice cream. We guarantee the highest-quality raw materials and carefully select all the ingredients for our ice cream, which is always fresh, natural and genuine because it's free of colourings, hydrogenated fats and synthetic flavourings. With passion and commitment, every day we set ourselves the goal of "creating" excellent ice cream. Arctic ice cream school courses provide a solid foundation for producing good, healthy ice cream, in compliance with the rules and craftsmanship, as well as basic management and food safety knowledge. Each course has a maximum of eight students and are divided into three categories: Basic Course, Advanced Course and Professional Course. Our courses offer highly qualified training for anyone who wants to become an ice-cream maker and to start up their own business with competence and passion. Our master Maurizio Poloni, an artisan ice-cream maker since 1981, carries out the technical and practical training alongside a team of teachers and assistants. The Basic Course in ice-cream making consists of a training course of 5 lessons, each 5 hours long, from Monday to Friday. The course is aimed at aspiring ice-cream makers who want to acquire the basic techniques for making traditional Italian-style ice-cream.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Dassie Gelato began in a small hamlet not far from Treviso. Gelateria Canzian is well-known throughout the province. It is successfully run by Fabio Dassie. Antonella, who recently returned from Germany, is one of the staff. These two, work side by side. They share a long sense of sacrifice, and a desire for independence, they fell in love, got married and in 1986, Stefano Dassie is born. The fashion for take-away gelato explodes in the 1990s. Fabio and Antonella open numerous kiosks, where they adopt the same recipes and working methods. Stefano grows up in the preparation areas of these gelaterias, always at his parents’ side. He absorbs their passion and values. In 1996, Libya celebrates the anniversary of the Gaddafi regime, Fabio is invited to delight the palates of 54 heads of state. Still in his teens, Stefano leaves for the United States on a study programme. He returns determined to grow the family business and export it. In 2007, he launches the first Chocolate Day: a weekend dedicated to chocolate gelato and its variations in all Dassie shops. In 2008 the family takes over “Il Gelatiere”, the most renowned gelateria in Treviso! These are years of study, research, relationships and continuous challenges. Stefano wins the first place in the Italian Championship of Gelato Makers. A Success consolidated at the European Championship of Gelato, where he wins fourth place. The story continues, focused on encounters and affection. Stefano abandons the idea of moving to the United States and marries Erika, who also collaborates with him professionally. The work started by Fabio and Antonella becomes a structured business, with an international feel. Stefano brings his gelato to Italian Week, an event celebrating Made in Italy inside the Isetan mega-store in Tokyo. His autobiography “Il Mio Gelato Nasce col Sorriso” [My Gelato starts with a smile] is published, in 2013. The Dassie brand takes shape, accompanied by the slogan Vero Gelato Artigiano. The family opens a new point of sale in Montebelluna. Stefano participates in the selections to captain the Italian team at the Gelato World Championship in 2014, and wins second place. The Dassie Gelaterias receive the Gambero Rosso award for the Best Chocolate Gelato in Italy in 2018. It is an award that rewards the work of research and experimentation behind each recipe. In 2020 Gambero Rosso awards Dassie the Tre Coni [Three Cones], the highest recognition for excellent, and above all, healthy gelato. Stefano’s desire for the future is to bring Vero Gelato Artigiano to the cities, always with an emphasis on staff training, as taught by Fabio and Antonella, while never compromising on quality. The point of sale Las Palmas, on the island of Gran Canaria, is the first step on a journey. New openings are planned in the Canary Islands and on the Iberian Peninsula. The Ice and Food is ambitious and unconventional. Artisanal gelato is combined with food, to become a key ingredient in gourmet dishes. Authenticity is the basic ingredient of our gelato, which is why it is unrivalled. We put the same honesty into our relationships with the people around us. When our actions are transparent, we can work with pride and without fear. Everything is more natural and truer, just like our gelato. In work as in life, every gesture says something about who we are. This is why we don’t just select the best raw materials. Cleanliness, service, attitude: quality is in everything we do. We are committed to ensuring that people can grasp the value of Vero Gelato Artigiano even before they taste it. Simply by stepping over the threshold of a Dassie gelateria. Belief in our ideas has brought us to where we are today. We are true to our principles, even when it would be easier to take the more obvious, well-beaten path. Our passion emerges every time we tell our stories and when we explain a newly created product. You can’t fake it, and whoever is standing in front of us can see it at a glance. There is no compromise when it comes to order and cleanliness. They are the secret to getting a job done quickly, without distraction, and they are the foundation for high-standard results. Our image is also a powerful business card. A well-groomed appearance conveys credibility and trust. Kindness has the power to change the course of an entire day. Let’s show it with constantly, without sparing it. People come into a Dassie Gelateria to feel good, to give someone a gift or because they identify with our values. The experience of a Vero Gelato Artigiano begins with the smile of the person behind the counter.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

To make an excellent product it is necessary to work in its transformation in search of the same perfect balance of the starting raw material. The work is done by subtraction not by addition. Mara dei Boschi was established in 2012 in the heart of San Salvario in Turin, overlooking the marketplace in Piazza Madama Cristina. The proximity to the food market and the multi-ethnic influences of the neighbourhood have made the location of this establishment an excellent choice. Mara dei Boschi uses the best quality ingredients to make our very own original gelato to provide mouth-watering tastes and sensations to suit each individual taste. Our most demanding customers are children, and we aim specifically to provide them with a fresh and authentic tasting gelato full of the best ingredients. We also try to bring adults back to their childhood memories and tastes of the past. In the flavour Mara dei Boschi for example, which is the interpretation of the wild strawberry mara des bois, you can find the scent of nature just awakened in the spring, rays of sun that find their way amongst the crowns of the trees, the buzzing sound of bees trying to find one of the summer's fragrances, these and many other sensations that can be found in a corner of a forest. Mara dei Boschi is an experimental workshop of flavours and gelato. The purpose is, through exploration and through the laboratory, to transfer the taste of nature in gelato keeping the authentic flavours and, above all, the balance of the components of the raw materials from which the taste originates. Mara dei Boschi is a workgroup of individuals who are full of passion and enthusiasm, and perform continuous research and experimentation, collaborating with whomever does this kind of investigation in various fields. This gives rise to collaborations with manufacturers, chefs and inventors with whom to exchange ideas and knowledge.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Pavé was founded in 2012 by three friends with the idea of creating excellency in artisanal bakery. Awarded The Best Café in Milan and rated among the 50 best patisseries in Italy by Guida Gambero Rosso for eight years in a row (2012-2019), Pavé is akin to the living room at home where high quality food can be enjoyed in a relaxed atmosphere. In 2014 the New York Times suggested Pavé as one of the top places to visit for Expo 2015. In July 2015 the bakery launched its own online shop selling its bakery products in Italy and Europe, meeting the demand of foreigners and Italians abroad. April 2016 saw the opening of Pavé – Gelati & Granite, a cosy artisanal gelateria located in the heart of the Milan, which offers traditional ice creams prepared with fine ingredients and evoking flavours from Pavé’s patisserie products. The second Pavé bakery, named Pavé-Break, opened in July 2016 and quickly became a hotspot in Porta Romana district. In February 2018 Pavé started Pavé-Birra just in front of the bakery located in via Casati: a place to have craft beer on tap and high-quality hot dog all night long. We work to prepare good things, prepare them well and serve them in the right way. Our quality is based on the research of the raw material and on the control of the entire life cycle of a product. We specialize in leavened products and breakfast sheets, we offer a pastry shop in which traditional sweets and modern cakes coexist, we offer brioches but also baked desserts and savoury snacks. Pavé opens its kitchen to guarantee first courses, salads and sandwiches according to a seasonal menu. In the historic headquarters in Via Felice Casati, the offer continues until evening with freshly baked stuffed pizzas and small savoury dishes to accompany the traditional Milanese aperitif.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Gelateria la Sirenetta has been producing ice cream since 1969 with the same unchanged dedication and care. A passion that has been handed down for generations and that chooses only quality raw materials. Founded by Adele Pizzimenti and continued by his son, the master of ice cream Natalino Pizzimenti, the artisan laboratory of the La Sirenetta ice cream parlor has been producing ice cream since 1969, today as then, with the same unchanged dedication and care. For a tasty break overlooking the enchanting beach of San Vito Lo Capo, choose The Little Mermaid. The creativity and traditional methods of the master Natalino Pizzimenti, in an assortment that meets everyone's tastes. Our production is available and guaranteed daily with fresh products. The pastry delicacies of La Sirenetta have the taste of homemade desserts, those of the past. Rely on our experience and care, with us you can enjoy authentic sweets accompanying them with hot tea or a good coffee. Pleasure breaks for every season of the year. La Gelateria la Sirenetta produce gelato dal 1969 con la stessa immutata dedizione e cura. Una passione che si tramanda da generazioni e che sceglie solo materie prime di qualità. Fondato da Adele Pizzimenti e continuato dal figlio, il maestro gelatiere Natalino Pizzimenti, il laboratorio artigianale della gelateria La Sirenetta produce gelato dal 1969, oggi come allora, con la stessa dedizione e cura immutate. Per una pausa gustosa con vista sull'incantevole spiaggia di San Vito Lo Capo, scegli La Sirenetta. La creatività e i metodi tradizionali del maestro Natalino Pizzimenti, in un assortimento che incontra i gusti di tutti. La nostra produzione è disponibile e garantita giornalmente con prodotti freschi. Le prelibatezze di pasticceria de La Sirenetta hanno il sapore dei dolci fatti in casa, quelli di una volta. Affidati alla nostra esperienza e cura, da noi potrai gustare dolci autentici accompagnandoli con un tè caldo o un buon caffè. Soggiorni di piacere per ogni stagione dell'anno.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

La Buchetta Food & Wine's history. Florence always reserves intriguing secrets very hard to interpret. To reveal these secrets we need to fully merge with the city’s history. A history made of habits, passions, beliefs, and vices. Walking the streets of Florence you surely have noticed little holes with doors along the walls of old palaces. These holes, closed by wooden doors, measure about 40 cm and are decorated with the typical florentine style called “bugnato”. These openings were the wine tabernacles. They were invented in 16th century by florentine families who were very skillful merchants and invested their capitals in wine-making, still very popular to this day. These opening linked the wine cellar to the main street. They were supposed to be very small and discreet for the client’s privacy. The winemakers would supply families with the typical “fiasco”, a wicker wine bottle, and they would deliver it to these little doors. Wine-makers followed very strict rules when they delivered the wine: they could only do it at specific times of the day. For instance, they could deliver the wine only within the evening church’s bell-ring and not afterward. The “buchetta” was also used for charity: house owners would leave food or wine for the poor. Today they are used as post boxes, some are used to hold the bells to the apartments with the families name tags, some of them have been hidden. At this present day, we can count 80 of these “buchette”. Ours has been discovered during the last renovation of Bardi Palace which hosts our restaurant. Florence, a city of great sinners and great churches! Sometimes though, you just need some wine and you don’t even have to show your face! Our favourite quotes: “Drink wine and let the water go to the mill” and “Don’t start a journey if your mouth doesn’t taste like wine.” Cheers! La storia di La Buchetta Food & Wine. Firenze riserva sempre intriganti segreti molto difficili da interpretare. Per svelare questi segreti dobbiamo fonderci completamente con la storia della città. Una storia fatta di abitudini, passioni, credenze e vizi. Passeggiando per le strade di Firenze avrete sicuramente notato dei piccoli buchi con le porte lungo le pareti dei palazzi antichi. Questi fori, chiusi da ante in legno, misurano circa 40 cm e sono decorati con il tipico stile fiorentino detto “bugnato”. Queste aperture erano i tabernacoli del vino. Furono inventati nel XVI secolo da famiglie fiorentine che erano abilissimi mercanti e investirono i loro capitali nella vinificazione, ancora oggi molto apprezzata. Queste aperture collegavano la cantina alla via principale. Dovevano essere molto piccoli e discreti per la privacy del cliente. I vignaioli fornivano alle famiglie il tipico “fiasco”, una bottiglia di vino di vimini, e la consegnavano a queste piccole porte. I produttori di vino seguivano regole molto rigide quando consegnavano il vino: potevano farlo solo in determinati momenti della giornata. Ad esempio, potevano consegnare il vino solo all'interno del campanello della chiesa serale e non dopo. La “buchetta” veniva usata anche per beneficenza: i padroni di casa lasciavano cibo o vino ai poveri. Oggi sono usate come cassette della posta, alcune sono usate per tenere le campane degli appartamenti con i cartellini dei nomi delle famiglie, alcune sono state nascoste. Ad oggi se ne contano 80 di queste “buchette”. La nostra è stata scoperta durante l'ultima ristrutturazione di Palazzo Bardi che ospita il nostro ristorante. Firenze, città di grandi peccatori e di grandi chiese! A volte, però, hai solo bisogno di un po' di vino e non devi nemmeno mostrare la tua faccia! Le nostre citazioni preferite: "Bevi vino e lascia che l'acqua vada al mulino" e "Non iniziare un viaggio se la tua bocca non sa di vino". Saluti!

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Belle Buòn is one of the most famous Italian restaurants in Barcelona. The basis of the restaurant focussed on providing old recipes, original flavours, and preserving the Italian culinary traditions in every dish by the most skilled Italian chefs, all meals are served fresh. “Belle Buòn” is a Neapolitan means of expressing surprise or something unexpected, basically a pleasant stupor. While direct translation is difficult from local dialect, it confers a full oral/aural satisfaction. This sensation is reflected in our restaurant’s cuisine, built on ancient values, genuine flavours and a pleasant surprise in each of our dishes. The Love and passion we use to prepare all the food are apparent from the first bite. The Italian culinary tradition is rich in every course. The restaurant Belle Buòn straddles the neighbourhood of Horta and Guinardó, located in the northeast of Barcelona, ​​between Gracia and Nou Barris. It is a largely enclosed zone that's surrounded by hills, mountains and valleys. To the north is Collserola Park. Originally, the centre of this district was the Vila d'Horta, which gradually grew with the urbanization of the area. Bringing us the best of Italian cuisine at affordable prices for all budgets, the restaurant maintains a casual, contemporary style and has an extensive menu and a daily set menu. Dishes: Fresh pasta cannelloni stuffed with Neapolitan ragù, ricotta 'campano' pink cream sauce with tomato sauce and mozzarella. Supreme salmon baked with onion jam Tropea and sprouts. arrabbiata pasta. Arista tenderloin baked. Risotto with red wine. The chef (from Campania region), proposes to maintain a homemade philosophy. The handmade pastas are prepared on the premises and all meals are freshly cooked. In some of our dishes you’ll find a typical and authentic “Irpinia” style, from the Avellino area. Since its opening in 2009, the restaurant is a point of reference for authentic, traditional Italian cuisine.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

La Trattoria Al Gazzettino a Venezia, è un locale tipico veneziano accogliente e informale. L'atmosfera familiare e la simpatia del personale sono un punto di forza della ristorante, oltre alla qualità e freschezza delle pietanze sia per quanto riguarda i piatti di pesce che per quelli di carne. Fuori dalle "classiche" mete turistiche è però situato in posizione strategica a pochi passi dal Ponte di Rialto e dalla Piazza San Marco. Tutto comincia attorno all'anno 1952 quando Maria e Giuseppe Ongaro rilevano il locale da Giovanni Ancelotto, trasformandolo in una piccola osteria. Il nome "AI Gazzettino" nacque dal fatto che gran parte dei clienti abituali erano dipendenti dell'omonima azienda, che produceva il giornale ed aveva la sede non lontano da qui. La sera, l'osteria diventava punto d'incontro per loro, per i facchini e per i gondolieri. Quest'ultimi, di solito, prendevano "l'ornbretta" (un bicchiere di vino che, allora, costava 15 lire) e 2 o 3 sigarette, perché non potevano permettersi l'acquisto del pacco intero. Altra curiosità dell'epoca è che i gondolieri, a pranzo, usavano i tavoli dell'osteria ma si facevano portare le vivande da mogli o fidanzate perché non potevano permettersi di pagare il conto. Ciò nonostante l'attività andava bene e nel 1958 cominciarono ad arrivare anche i primi turisti. I signori Ongaro decisero, quindi, di acquisire anche l'adiacente Pensione, a tutt'oggi funzionante. Passo dopo passo si susseguirono vari abbellimenti del locale affinchè, nel 1971, l'osteria si trasformò in un piccolo, grazioso ristorante. L'impegno e la dedizione della famiglia Ongaro furono premiati, nel 1984, dalla guida Ivlichelin che 1 mise "Al Gazzettino" al secondo posto tra i locali veneziani, infine, nel 1986, alla fine di una lunga carriera professionale e densa di soddisfazioni, gli Ongaro decisero di cedere entrambe le attività ai fratelli Mario e Walter Lazzari. Avvicinandoci al presente, arriviamo a conoscere gli attuali gestori del Ristorante: Margherita, Ridha Bennefla ed il loro, amatissimo, figlio Kabir. Ridha, un signore tunisino molto gentile ed attento ai dettagli, dopo una lunga esperienza professionale (15 anni) nel rinomato "Harry's Bar", accanto al Dr. Arrigo Cipriani, e dopo altri 5 anni in un altro storico locale veneziano, "l'Antico Pignolo", decide che è il momento di avviare una sua attività. Insieme a sua moglie Margherita (una signora veneziana, bravissima cuoca). Decidono quindi dì acquisire "Al Gazzettino" che riapre a nuova gestione il 05 giugno 2009. Il locale è ora dedicato al loro figlio Kabir (un ragazzino dolce, estroverso e vivace che decora tutto l'interno con i suoi allegri disegni), e anche all'amore che unisce Ridha e Margherita e che ha ispirato la fusione dei due nomi: Margheridha. The Trattoria Al Gazzettino in Venice, is a welcoming and informal typical Venetian restaurant. The family atmosphere and the friendliness of the staff are a strong point of the restaurant, in addition to the quality and freshness of the dishes both in terms of fish and meat dishes. Outside the "classic" tourist destinations, however, it is strategically located a few steps from the Rialto Bridge and Piazza San Marco. It all begins around the year 1952 when Maria and Giuseppe Ongaro detect the local from Giovanni Ancelotti, turning it into a small inn. The name "AL Gazzettino" was born from the fact that most of the regulars were employed by the homonymous company, which produced the paper and had the place not far from here. At night, the tavern became a meeting place for them, for the porters and the gondoliers. The latter usually took "eye shadow" (a glass of wine, then, it cost 15 lire) and 2 or 3 cigarettes, because they could not afford to purchase the entire parcel. Another curiosity is that the gondoliers of the time, at lunch, used the tables of the tavern, but it did bring the food to be wives or girlfriends because they could not a afford to pay the bill. Nevertheless, the activity was good and in 1958 began to arrive the first tourists. Mr. and Mrs. Ongaro decided, therefore, to also purchase the adjacent board, still working. Step by step he followed various enibellishments of the premises until, in 1971 the inn became a small chaming restaurant. The commitment and dedication of the family Ongaro were rewarded in 1984 by Michelin who put "Al Gazzettino" to second place among the local Venetians, finally, in 1986, at the end of a long and worthy career satisfaction, the Ongaro decided to sell both businesses to the brothels Walter and Mario Lazzarii. As we approach this, we come to know the current management of the Restaurant: Margaret, and their Bennefla Ridha, beloved son Kabir. Ridha, a Tunisian man very kind and attentive to details, after a long professional experience (15 years) al the famous Harry's Bar", next to Dr. Arrigo Cipriani, and after another 5 years in another local historian of Venice, the "Fonner Pigiolo", decides it's time to start a business. With his wife, Margaret a Vienetian Lady, (very good cook) decided to acquire "THE GAZZETTINO" that opens in new managetnent June 5 2009. The restaurant is now devoded to their son Kabir (a sweet boy outgoing and lively decorating the interior with his lively drawing), it is also dedicated to the love that unites Ridha and Margarita and has inspiird the fusion of two names: Margheridha.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

La Maremmana nasce nel 2013 da un’idea di Guido Pallini. Dopo aver lavorato a Londra, in una banca di investimento giapponese, decide di tornare nella sua terra e rilanciare l’azienda di famiglia che fino ad allora produceva solo latte, espandendola nella produzione di formaggi. Ciò che è iniziato come un desiderio di valorizzare l’azienda agricola di famiglia e il nostro territorio, è cresciuto in un progetto di filiera integrata e sostenibile, fino a diventare La Maremmana, marchio che mira a portare i nostri formaggi di bufala nel mondo. Nei nostri terreni, coltiviamo cereali e foraggi per alimentare i nostri animali; alleviamo bufale in ampi spazi all’aperto; gestiamo la produzione del loro latte in una stalla di ultima generazione; e alleviamo vacche di razza maremmana allo stato brado, preservando questa specie autoctona, per una produzione limitata di carne; Nel nostro caseificio lavoriamo il latte di bufala, esclusivamente aziendale, per ottenere formaggi di alta qualità. Ci occupiamo anche della vendita dei nostri prodotti sia direttamente, nei nostri punti vendita, che tramite distribuzione a negozi e ristoranti. Infine, produciamo energia rinnovabile dagli scarti agricoli e riutilizziamo il residuo del processo come fertilizzante organico. Coltiviamo la terra in modo responsabile, alleviamo i nostri animali con la massima attenzione al loro benessere, trasformiamo con cura il latte delle nostre bufale in una varietà di formaggi, e produciamo energia rinnovabile nel nostro impianto di biogas. La nostra filosofia si basa sul rispetto degli animali e dei cicli della natura. Ci riteniamo responsabili dei nostri standard etici e ambientali e siamo lieti di potervi mostrare quello che facciamo.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

The Beet is your all-in-one guide to eating a more plant-based diet. If you want to boost your energy, feel your best, and reach your personal health and wellness goals by adding more plant foods to your diet, we’re here to help. We're a new plant-based platform where food, health news, product launches, plant-based restaurant reviews, expert advice, and the mainstreaming of plant-based culture meet. The Beet covers everything from where to "Find Vegan Near Me" to the latest plant-based or vegan food products that make it even easier to eat plant-based and love it. We cover the newest studies that inspire us to want to be healthier (the "why" go plant-based) and how to get the right amount of protein, iron, calcium, B12, and other essential nutrients (the "how"). Eating more plants is great for you— whether you’ve just tried your first Beyond Burger or you’re already eating plant-based a few days a week, whether you call yourself a vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, flexitarian, plant-leaning, plant-forward or plant-based – on The Beet, you’ll find what you need to reach your goals. The more you know, the more you care about where your food comes from, including the practices used in factory farming, and how our food choices impact the planet, climate change and the ethical treatment of animals. Whatever your motivation –to align your food choices with your ethics, your health goals or your concern for the environment – The Beet is here to get you further on your plant-based journey. Whatever your motivation: To be healthier, to lose weight, to feel less bloated, to perform better on the bike or tennis court, to stay heart-healthy, or to get off the meds, or if you want to eat in a way that is best for the environment, spares animal suffering or to align with your value system, or for any other reason, we can help guide you toward your plant-based lifestyle goals. (A note: We don't call ourselves vegan but we want to be a resource for anyone who wants to eat plant-based and eschew animal products, so if a non-vegan ingredient such as honey is used in a recipe we will always tell you and give you the substitute of something fully plant-based that can work instead).

 Listings /  North America

Hello! I am Natacha and I am a Chemical engineering graduate from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. I am a self-motivated and positive team player. I’m friendly, professional, flexible and organised. I pay good attention to details and can work independently and own initiative. I efficiently communicate in French and English. I have excellent computer skills including outlook, word and Excel. I have worked extensively in customer services and have developed communication, problem-solving, analytical thinking, collaboration, performance and marketing skills that built me ready for any organisation including Zagenie. I can’t wait to be part of Zagenie Family!

 Listings /  Africa

I am a Zambian born, comes from a family of 8 and the youngest of the Mwila’s. My siblings always thought I was spoilt because I was the youngest, but I don’t think so! I was born in a town called Mufulira on the Copper belt side of Zambia in 1981,the Copper belt province is rich with mineral finds and Mines, hence the name. I am Married to Eric and we have a beautiful daughter called Chanda, she is 15 years. I completed my matric in 1999 and my mother advised me to study food production since I loved cooking, I did it for her though it was a course that I never dreamt of studying. I graduated successfully and worked for 2 years as a chef, got tired of cooking, I dodged that career and went into studying computers, worked as a receptionist and studied Human resources at the same time and obtained a diploma. I worked for a courier company as a Human Resources assistant. In 2012, I moved to South Africa, Cape Town when I got married, joined a Mobile Money company called Zoona with operations in Zambia, and I worked there for 5 years as a support agent. Zoona is an African Fintech company founded in 2009 with the vision of helping communities thrive. Since launching, it created over 2,500 jobs in Zambia and Malawi, empowered over 1,000 entrepreneurs to start their own business and allowed them to reach earnings of over $10 million. I enjoyed working for this company because we really helped girl child prevail. Apart from the above, I am a lover of interior designing, and my wish is to have one of the most successful Interior business one day, through my passion for interior, I designed my sister’s Kitchen area, how amazing!!! I love cooking and baking (especially Cake pops), they are my favorites!!! I love adventure, gardening and working out too, I am a gym freak. Most importantly, I love spending time with my loved ones. I reflect a varied personality, including ambition, and the qualities of generosity and thoughtfulness. I am also a well determined and vigorous individual, and yet calm. I encourage fighting for what you desire and believe in and doing it through God because nothing great comes easy. I believe mindfulness in the workplace is key to success. Having worked in Customer care I have gained extensive experience in; Empathy, Adaptability, Ability to Use Positive Language, Clear Communication Skills, Self-Control, Taking Responsibility and Patience.

 Listings /  Africa

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