Nuestro almacén de distribución de cervezas artesanas e hidromiel comparte espacio con nuestra tienda, física y online, de productos artesanos: Zona de Catas. En nuestra tienda tenemos una gran variedad cervezas artesanas e hidromiel, nuestros productos estrella. Y además disponemos de toda clase de productos también de elaboración artesanal hecho en España: Vinos, licores, aceites, mermeladas, mieles, chocolates, turrones, patés, etc. Todo producto de alta calidad que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes para su disfrute y con el que contribuimos a la difusión del consumo de productos artesanos, elaborados tradicionalmente, de una forma más natural y hechos con más cariño, por eso están tan buenos. De ello damos fe por lo que nos cuentan nuestros clientes y porque ¡los hemos probado todos! Con todos nuestros productos podemos elaborar cajas y cestas de regalo para cumpleaños, aniversarios o para regalar a alguien especial. Podemos hacerlos con una selección de cervezas artesanas, o mezclando varios de nuestros productos. A tu gusto, tú decides como la quieres y nosotros te la hacemos. También te podemos preparar los detalles para regalar en presentaciones, comuniones, bodas, etc. Elige uno o varios de nuestros productos y te los preparamos especialmente para que tengas un detalle original con tus invitados. Además, en Zona de Cata organizamos catas de cerveza o vino. Las catas son una experiencia en la que puedes degustar varios tipos de cervezas o vinos acompañados de alimentos que los complementan. Es una experiencia diseñada para aprender sobre el origen, la historia, cómo se sirve, y otros datos interesantes al mismo tiempo que pasas un rato divertido.
Sabor a España is a brand of traditional high quality Spanish products. They are master nougat, as well as brittle and dried fruit derivate makers, who try to bring the tradition of Spanish products back to a public that had forgotten about it. Hard work and honesty are values of their family-run business. All their products have one thing in common - they are sold in towns and cities to remind their people that Spain's food tradition is much healthier, more nutritious and tastier than ready-made food. They are currently expanding their trade and have 23 fully operational stores. Sabor a España moved to the town center of the most emblematic Spanish towns and looked for the best spots in each one of them to offer their most typical products. Sabor a España es una marca de productos tradicionales españoles de máxima calidad cuya especialidad son los turrones, guirlaches y derivados de los frutos secos. En Sabor a España intentan llevar la tradición de los productos españoles a un público que lo tenía ya olvidado. Sabor a España es una empresa trabajadora, familiar, honesta y sencilla. Todos sus productos tienen un punto en común y es que vienen a las ciudades a recordar a sus vecinos que la tradición culinaria de España es mucho más sana, completa y apetitosa que la comida prefabricada. Actualmente se encuentran en plena expansión, contando en este momento con más de 23 tiendas por toda España en pleno funcionamiento. Sabor a España se trasladaal centro de las ciudades más míticas del país y buscan los mejores rincones de cada una de ellas para ofrecer este producto tan típico de la región.
Pasta Grannies is an online platform dedicated to preserving the traditional art of homemade pasta making by showcasing the skills and recipes of Italian nonnas (grandmothers). The channel features videos of nonnas from different regions of Italy preparing a variety of pasta dishes, from classic spaghetti and lasagna to lesser-known regional specialties. Each video is accompanied by a written recipe and translated captions, making it easy for viewers to learn and replicate the dishes at home. The Instagram account features beautiful photos of the pasta dishes and the nonnas themselves, as well as behind-the-scenes footage of the pasta-making process. PastaGrannies is not only a source of delicious recipes, but also a way to honor and celebrate the cultural heritage of Italian cuisine and the importance of food in Italian families. Pasta Grannies è una piattaforma online dedicata a preservare l'arte tradizionale della pasta fatta in casa mettendo in mostra le abilità e le ricette delle nonne italiane (nonne). Il canale presenta video di nonne di diverse regioni d'Italia che preparano una varietà di primi piatti, dai classici spaghetti e lasagne a specialità regionali meno conosciute. Ogni video è accompagnato da una ricetta scritta e didascalie tradotte, rendendo facile per gli spettatori imparare e replicare i piatti a casa. L'account Instagram presenta bellissime foto dei piatti di pasta e delle stesse nonne, oltre a filmati dietro le quinte del processo di produzione della pasta. PastaGrannies non è solo una fonte di deliziose ricette, ma anche un modo per onorare e celebrare il patrimonio culturale della cucina italiana e l'importanza del cibo nelle famiglie italiane.
El espacio que actualmente ocupa el Mercat Central de València fue, desde la primera expansión de la ciudad, el emplazamiento habitual de los mercados ambulantes. En 1839, se inaugura, en esta ubicación, un mercado descubierto, el Mercado Nuevo, el germen del actual Mercado Central. Hacia finales del siglo XIX este mercado es claramente insuficiente para la ciudad de Valencia. En 1910, el Ayuntamiento de Valencia elige el proyecto de los arquitectos Alejandro Soler March y Francisco Guardia Vial para la construcción del nuevo mercado. Ambos se habían formado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona y habían trabajado en el equipo de colaboradores de Luis Doménech Montaner, arquitecto que se caracterizó por un estilo propio dentro de las líneas del Modernismo. Alfonso XIII protagonizó el acto protocolario con que se iniciaron los derribos. El 24 de octubre de 1910, con una piqueta de plata dio varios golpes en el muro del número 24 de la plaza del Mercado. Finalmente, el 23 de enero de 1928, se inauguró el actual edificio del Mercat Central de València. La espectacularidad del Mercat Central de València es innegable. Se trata de una de las edificaciones más atractivas y visitadas de la ciudad de Valencia. Su arquitectura no rompe la estética de la plaza, donde se integra a la perfección con otros dos importantes monumentos: la Lonja de la Seda y la Iglesia de los Santos Juanes. Es, indudablemente, el edificio más representativo de la Valencia que a principios del siglo XX avanza hacia el progreso tecnológico y mercantil y se siente orgullosa del potencial agrícola de su huerta. Esta apuesta por el progreso y por la producción agrícola se reflejan en de la estructura modernista del mercado y de la ornamentación alegórica que observamos en su interior. Las cúpulas, de hierro, cristal y cerámica (la central, alcanza 30 metros de altura) y las veletas que las coronan - la de la cotorra y la del pez - se integran a una panorámica paisajística de torreones y campanarios eminentemente valenciana. La distribución del interior es racionalista, de manera que los puestos se sitúan a lo largo de una serie de calles rectilíneas atravesadas por dos anchas vías. Se concibió para 959 puestos, destinados en la zona general a tiendas altas cerradas para carnicería, tocinería, ultramarinos y quincalla; tiendas bajas para venta de patatas, legumbres, verduras, frutas y gallina; tiendas altas abiertas para venta de pan, volatería, carne y caza; y, en la pescadería, tiendas altas para venta de salazones y despojos, y tiendas bajas para pescado. Los dos pabellones que flanquean el acceso principal están construidos enteramente en ladrillo visto, con aplicaciones de piedra y de cerámica decorada; mientras que el cuerpo anexionado de Tenencia de Alcaldía sigue la construcción de influencia novecentista y queda rematado por torretas coronadas por pequeñas cúpulas semiesféricas. Ya se han celebrado 100 años desde la colocación de la primera piedra y 90 desde el primer día que se abrió al público. No hay expresión mejor para transmitir lo que es el Mercat Central de València en la actualidad. Un sagrado templo donde los catedráticos de los productos frescos reciben y transmiten la sabiduría de lo más sustancial, nuestra alimentación. La luz mágica que entra desde su cúpula y sus vidrieras, el susurro permanente que acaricia los oídos, la explosión de colores y de aromas, el gusto al final de los sabores clásicos y eternos, mezclados con los más sorprendentes. Un auténtico parque temático de la gastronomía. Como todos los mercados municipales, es también un elemento fundamental vertebrador de la ciudad y sus barrios. Con su actividad comercial, posibilita de manera natural la cohesión y el intercambio social, incluso a nivel intercultural e intergeneracional, de una forma mucho más espontánea y eficiente que cualquier otra iniciativa. En los mercados no solo se compra y se vende, se degusta, se habla de todo y se vive también nuestra historia y nuestra identidad. Como organismo vivo que es, ha necesitado reinventarse continuamente para llegar a este aniversario de su construcción con una excelente salud. Hay que aprovechar las nuevas tecnologías de información y de la comunicación (en las que siempre fuimos pioneros) para ofrecer venta on line, repartos por toda Europa, consignas gratuitas, etc., a la vez que se completa la oferta y los servicios del edificio, mejorando el espacio y ampliando la experiencia de compra con cultura, música, arte, literatura y cocina, mucha cocina.
A Moasca (Asti), un piccolo borgo nel cuore del Monferrato, zona la cui straordinarietà è valsa la tutela dell’UNESCO, c’è un posto in cui natura, storia, cultura ed enogastronomia d’eccellenza si incontrano e si fondono per offrire all’Ospite un’esperienza irripetibile. Questo posto è Tra la Terra e il Cielo. Il Castello trecentesco con le sue imponenti torri, la terrazza aperta sulle dolci colline, il libero accesso alle preziose opere d’arte accolte, a rotazione, nella sala espositiva, una rigorosa e accorta selezione di materie prime, piatti della tradizione piemontese con aperture al vicino Mare, i grandi Vini del Piemonte e un servizio attento, ma non invadente: tutti gli ingredienti per accompagnare l’Ospite in un percorso indimenticabile di sensazioni ed emozioni, in una dimensione di benessere profondo, Tra la Terra e il Cielo. In Moasca, a small town in the heart of the Monferrato hills declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site, you can find a place where nature, history, culture, good wines and culinary delights meet and welcome the guests with a once in a lifetime experience. This piace is Tra la Terra e il Cielo. That means “Between Heaven & Earth”, a very suggestive restaurant and café built in a medieval castle surrounded by a green and gentle landscape. A strong attention to every detail, the art gallery upstairs, a beautiful outdoor terrace, our menu with the traditional Piedmontese recipes with a marine twist and the great Piedmont wines will make our guests love the place and really feel between heaven and earth.
In the heart of Puglia, in the characteristic and renowned town north of Bari, BITONTO, the city of extra virgin olive oil, the DANIELI company has its roots in 2003. The company founded and led by DANIELE LOVASCIO, with the collaboration of young, smart and dynamic guys, has been operating for years in the field of production and marketing of typical Apulian artisan baked goods. The main product of this company to which it owes its success is IL TARALLO, offered in various shapes and flavors. DANIELI Taralli are handmade, following ancient recipes handed down in secret and scrupulously guarded. Nel cuore della Puglia, nel caratteristico e rinomato comune a nord di Bari, BITONTO, la città dell'olio extravergine di oliva, l'azienda DANIELI affonda le sue radici nel 2003. L'azienda fondata e guidata da DANIELE LOVASCIO, con la collaborazione di giovani, ragazzi intelligenti e dinamici, opera da anni nel settore della produzione e commercializzazione di prodotti da forno tipici artigianali pugliesi. Il principale prodotto di questa azienda a cui deve il suo successo è IL TARALLO, proposto in varie forme e gusti. I Taralli DANIELI sono fatti a mano, seguendo antiche ricette tramandate in segreto e scrupolosamente custodite.
Domori S.p.A.'s head office is in None, just outside Turin, where the production plant is located. Since its founding in 1997, Domori has been a real revolution for the cocoa world. It was the first ever chocolate company to use only fine cacao, focusing on high quality. The first to produce chocolate with Criollo cacao, the rarest and most valuable ever. The first to control the supply chain right from the plantations in South and Central America and to have its own plantation, allowing it to recover the biodiversity of Criollo cacao in the field. Domori is also the first to rediscover and use an ancient and simple formula for chocolate, using just cocoa paste and sugar. The first to create a 100% pure Criollo bar. And, the first to create a Chocolate Tasting Code for discovering the infinite nuances of aromatic cocoa. Domori is now part of the Polo del Gusto, an Illy Group holding that gathers together all its non-coffee-related businesses. Apart from being a leading company in the production of the finest quality chocolate, Domori has become the Italian distributor of a collection of top-level products: ranging from Dammann Frères teas, to Agrimontana jams, and including fine Mastrojanni wines and Taittinger Champagne. In 2019, the company announced it had signed an agreement to acquire Prestat, one of the best-loved chocolate brands in the UK and supplier to the British Royal Family. The acquisition has provided Prestat with access to the exclusive raw materials used by Domori and to be able to integrate control of the entire value chain in its production, “from plant to truffle”. Owing to its innovative approach, focusing on ongoing research into excellence, Domori’s annual turnover now exceeds €20 m and its products are on sale in Italy and on the main foreign markets. As of 23 July 2020, Domori changed its company name to Domori S.p.A. and decided to become a Benefit Company. As a Benefit Company, the firm intends to work towards goals for the common good and to operate responsibly, sustainably and transparently in relation to people, communities, territories and the environment, cultural and social property and activities, organizations and associations and other stakeholders.
Cremeria Scirocco was born in the spring of 2004 from an idea of Andrea Bandiera. The project took shape during the summer thanks to a trip to Sicily, which brought it closer to the world of slush and Sicilian ice cream. Once in Bologna, the idea materialized more and more until it led to the creation of the Laboratory in via Barelli 1, inaugurated on March 18, 2005. The basic ideas were simple: Tradition, Quality, and Creativity! The idea came after a job crisis: Andrea was a computer scientist for 16 years until, in 2004, he felt the need to change his life, looking for new stimuli and experiences that he could get involved with. And so, he opened the laboratory Cremeria Scirocco. Andrea was always passionate about cooking, especially pastry. He also considered opening a restaurant, but it would have been too demanding. Following his predilection for sweets, he then decided to take the ice cream path, starting - like most Italian ice cream makers - from ready-made and semi-finished bases. He had no experience in the field, and was not sure how to move forward. After a few months, however, he realized that there was nothing artisanal in his work, and so, started studying the chemistry of food, looking for the best raw materials. By placing more and more fresh products in the laboratory, and that, was the turning point. Today, therefore, he only uses quality raw materials, sourced from local, small producers in the area. About 10 years ago, he started making contact with chefs who helped him to grow and develop his skills and knowledge. But above all, the comparison with other chefs allowed him to refine his pairing skills. Andrea has a very satisfied customer base; they are satisfied and often ask him for tailor-made tastes for lunches and dinners. The entire sorbet line is lactose-free, however there are also vegan creams that change in rotation, such as pistachio or hazelnut, made with water or vegetable milks, such as oats. Semifreddi, is made with excellent raw materials, such as tiramisu, with coffee from the Lelli Caffè roaster and self-produced gluten-free sponge cake. His projects for the future include returning to the world of information technology. He has created tablet applications to assist ice-cream makers in their work, with balancing tastes, the best storage ideas, recipe books and many other snippets of advice and ideas.
The best of Italian ice cream In Milan and around the world: for thirty years, Artico Group has been combining passion and tradition to offer you a unique taste. Artico ice cream parlour was born in March 2012, in Milan, Isola, from the idea and the union of three families, Poloni, Fioretti and Matrone. Already linked by commercial relationships and friendship, they decide to undertake this path together, combining their respective skills, specifically, technical, economic and architectural. Based on the strength of our experience as excellent master ice-cream makers, we are continually researching and experimenting with new balances between aromas and flavours, to transform tradition into art and offer you a unique experience every day. Artico represents the new concept of artisan ice cream. We guarantee the highest-quality raw materials and carefully select all the ingredients for our ice cream, which is always fresh, natural and genuine because it's free of colourings, hydrogenated fats and synthetic flavourings. With passion and commitment, every day we set ourselves the goal of "creating" excellent ice cream. Arctic ice cream school courses provide a solid foundation for producing good, healthy ice cream, in compliance with the rules and craftsmanship, as well as basic management and food safety knowledge. Each course has a maximum of eight students and are divided into three categories: Basic Course, Advanced Course and Professional Course. Our courses offer highly qualified training for anyone who wants to become an ice-cream maker and to start up their own business with competence and passion. Our master Maurizio Poloni, an artisan ice-cream maker since 1981, carries out the technical and practical training alongside a team of teachers and assistants. The Basic Course in ice-cream making consists of a training course of 5 lessons, each 5 hours long, from Monday to Friday. The course is aimed at aspiring ice-cream makers who want to acquire the basic techniques for making traditional Italian-style ice-cream.
Dassie Gelato began in a small hamlet not far from Treviso. Gelateria Canzian is well-known throughout the province. It is successfully run by Fabio Dassie. Antonella, who recently returned from Germany, is one of the staff. These two, work side by side. They share a long sense of sacrifice, and a desire for independence, they fell in love, got married and in 1986, Stefano Dassie is born. The fashion for take-away gelato explodes in the 1990s. Fabio and Antonella open numerous kiosks, where they adopt the same recipes and working methods. Stefano grows up in the preparation areas of these gelaterias, always at his parents’ side. He absorbs their passion and values. In 1996, Libya celebrates the anniversary of the Gaddafi regime, Fabio is invited to delight the palates of 54 heads of state. Still in his teens, Stefano leaves for the United States on a study programme. He returns determined to grow the family business and export it. In 2007, he launches the first Chocolate Day: a weekend dedicated to chocolate gelato and its variations in all Dassie shops. In 2008 the family takes over “Il Gelatiere”, the most renowned gelateria in Treviso! These are years of study, research, relationships and continuous challenges. Stefano wins the first place in the Italian Championship of Gelato Makers. A Success consolidated at the European Championship of Gelato, where he wins fourth place. The story continues, focused on encounters and affection. Stefano abandons the idea of moving to the United States and marries Erika, who also collaborates with him professionally. The work started by Fabio and Antonella becomes a structured business, with an international feel. Stefano brings his gelato to Italian Week, an event celebrating Made in Italy inside the Isetan mega-store in Tokyo. His autobiography “Il Mio Gelato Nasce col Sorriso” [My Gelato starts with a smile] is published, in 2013. The Dassie brand takes shape, accompanied by the slogan Vero Gelato Artigiano. The family opens a new point of sale in Montebelluna. Stefano participates in the selections to captain the Italian team at the Gelato World Championship in 2014, and wins second place. The Dassie Gelaterias receive the Gambero Rosso award for the Best Chocolate Gelato in Italy in 2018. It is an award that rewards the work of research and experimentation behind each recipe. In 2020 Gambero Rosso awards Dassie the Tre Coni [Three Cones], the highest recognition for excellent, and above all, healthy gelato. Stefano’s desire for the future is to bring Vero Gelato Artigiano to the cities, always with an emphasis on staff training, as taught by Fabio and Antonella, while never compromising on quality. The point of sale Las Palmas, on the island of Gran Canaria, is the first step on a journey. New openings are planned in the Canary Islands and on the Iberian Peninsula. The Ice and Food is ambitious and unconventional. Artisanal gelato is combined with food, to become a key ingredient in gourmet dishes. Authenticity is the basic ingredient of our gelato, which is why it is unrivalled. We put the same honesty into our relationships with the people around us. When our actions are transparent, we can work with pride and without fear. Everything is more natural and truer, just like our gelato. In work as in life, every gesture says something about who we are. This is why we don’t just select the best raw materials. Cleanliness, service, attitude: quality is in everything we do. We are committed to ensuring that people can grasp the value of Vero Gelato Artigiano even before they taste it. Simply by stepping over the threshold of a Dassie gelateria. Belief in our ideas has brought us to where we are today. We are true to our principles, even when it would be easier to take the more obvious, well-beaten path. Our passion emerges every time we tell our stories and when we explain a newly created product. You can’t fake it, and whoever is standing in front of us can see it at a glance. There is no compromise when it comes to order and cleanliness. They are the secret to getting a job done quickly, without distraction, and they are the foundation for high-standard results. Our image is also a powerful business card. A well-groomed appearance conveys credibility and trust. Kindness has the power to change the course of an entire day. Let’s show it with constantly, without sparing it. People come into a Dassie Gelateria to feel good, to give someone a gift or because they identify with our values. The experience of a Vero Gelato Artigiano begins with the smile of the person behind the counter.
To make an excellent product it is necessary to work in its transformation in search of the same perfect balance of the starting raw material. The work is done by subtraction not by addition. Mara dei Boschi was established in 2012 in the heart of San Salvario in Turin, overlooking the marketplace in Piazza Madama Cristina. The proximity to the food market and the multi-ethnic influences of the neighbourhood have made the location of this establishment an excellent choice. Mara dei Boschi uses the best quality ingredients to make our very own original gelato to provide mouth-watering tastes and sensations to suit each individual taste. Our most demanding customers are children, and we aim specifically to provide them with a fresh and authentic tasting gelato full of the best ingredients. We also try to bring adults back to their childhood memories and tastes of the past. In the flavour Mara dei Boschi for example, which is the interpretation of the wild strawberry mara des bois, you can find the scent of nature just awakened in the spring, rays of sun that find their way amongst the crowns of the trees, the buzzing sound of bees trying to find one of the summer's fragrances, these and many other sensations that can be found in a corner of a forest. Mara dei Boschi is an experimental workshop of flavours and gelato. The purpose is, through exploration and through the laboratory, to transfer the taste of nature in gelato keeping the authentic flavours and, above all, the balance of the components of the raw materials from which the taste originates. Mara dei Boschi is a workgroup of individuals who are full of passion and enthusiasm, and perform continuous research and experimentation, collaborating with whomever does this kind of investigation in various fields. This gives rise to collaborations with manufacturers, chefs and inventors with whom to exchange ideas and knowledge.
Pavé was founded in 2012 by three friends with the idea of creating excellency in artisanal bakery. Awarded The Best Café in Milan and rated among the 50 best patisseries in Italy by Guida Gambero Rosso for eight years in a row (2012-2019), Pavé is akin to the living room at home where high quality food can be enjoyed in a relaxed atmosphere. In 2014 the New York Times suggested Pavé as one of the top places to visit for Expo 2015. In July 2015 the bakery launched its own online shop selling its bakery products in Italy and Europe, meeting the demand of foreigners and Italians abroad. April 2016 saw the opening of Pavé – Gelati & Granite, a cosy artisanal gelateria located in the heart of the Milan, which offers traditional ice creams prepared with fine ingredients and evoking flavours from Pavé’s patisserie products. The second Pavé bakery, named Pavé-Break, opened in July 2016 and quickly became a hotspot in Porta Romana district. In February 2018 Pavé started Pavé-Birra just in front of the bakery located in via Casati: a place to have craft beer on tap and high-quality hot dog all night long. We work to prepare good things, prepare them well and serve them in the right way. Our quality is based on the research of the raw material and on the control of the entire life cycle of a product. We specialize in leavened products and breakfast sheets, we offer a pastry shop in which traditional sweets and modern cakes coexist, we offer brioches but also baked desserts and savoury snacks. Pavé opens its kitchen to guarantee first courses, salads and sandwiches according to a seasonal menu. In the historic headquarters in Via Felice Casati, the offer continues until evening with freshly baked stuffed pizzas and small savoury dishes to accompany the traditional Milanese aperitif.
Gelateria la Sirenetta has been producing ice cream since 1969 with the same unchanged dedication and care. A passion that has been handed down for generations and that chooses only quality raw materials. Founded by Adele Pizzimenti and continued by his son, the master of ice cream Natalino Pizzimenti, the artisan laboratory of the La Sirenetta ice cream parlor has been producing ice cream since 1969, today as then, with the same unchanged dedication and care. For a tasty break overlooking the enchanting beach of San Vito Lo Capo, choose The Little Mermaid. The creativity and traditional methods of the master Natalino Pizzimenti, in an assortment that meets everyone's tastes. Our production is available and guaranteed daily with fresh products. The pastry delicacies of La Sirenetta have the taste of homemade desserts, those of the past. Rely on our experience and care, with us you can enjoy authentic sweets accompanying them with hot tea or a good coffee. Pleasure breaks for every season of the year. La Gelateria la Sirenetta produce gelato dal 1969 con la stessa immutata dedizione e cura. Una passione che si tramanda da generazioni e che sceglie solo materie prime di qualità. Fondato da Adele Pizzimenti e continuato dal figlio, il maestro gelatiere Natalino Pizzimenti, il laboratorio artigianale della gelateria La Sirenetta produce gelato dal 1969, oggi come allora, con la stessa dedizione e cura immutate. Per una pausa gustosa con vista sull'incantevole spiaggia di San Vito Lo Capo, scegli La Sirenetta. La creatività e i metodi tradizionali del maestro Natalino Pizzimenti, in un assortimento che incontra i gusti di tutti. La nostra produzione è disponibile e garantita giornalmente con prodotti freschi. Le prelibatezze di pasticceria de La Sirenetta hanno il sapore dei dolci fatti in casa, quelli di una volta. Affidati alla nostra esperienza e cura, da noi potrai gustare dolci autentici accompagnandoli con un tè caldo o un buon caffè. Soggiorni di piacere per ogni stagione dell'anno.
La Buchetta Food & Wine's history. Florence always reserves intriguing secrets very hard to interpret. To reveal these secrets we need to fully merge with the city’s history. A history made of habits, passions, beliefs, and vices. Walking the streets of Florence you surely have noticed little holes with doors along the walls of old palaces. These holes, closed by wooden doors, measure about 40 cm and are decorated with the typical florentine style called “bugnato”. These openings were the wine tabernacles. They were invented in 16th century by florentine families who were very skillful merchants and invested their capitals in wine-making, still very popular to this day. These opening linked the wine cellar to the main street. They were supposed to be very small and discreet for the client’s privacy. The winemakers would supply families with the typical “fiasco”, a wicker wine bottle, and they would deliver it to these little doors. Wine-makers followed very strict rules when they delivered the wine: they could only do it at specific times of the day. For instance, they could deliver the wine only within the evening church’s bell-ring and not afterward. The “buchetta” was also used for charity: house owners would leave food or wine for the poor. Today they are used as post boxes, some are used to hold the bells to the apartments with the families name tags, some of them have been hidden. At this present day, we can count 80 of these “buchette”. Ours has been discovered during the last renovation of Bardi Palace which hosts our restaurant. Florence, a city of great sinners and great churches! Sometimes though, you just need some wine and you don’t even have to show your face! Our favourite quotes: “Drink wine and let the water go to the mill” and “Don’t start a journey if your mouth doesn’t taste like wine.” Cheers! La storia di La Buchetta Food & Wine. Firenze riserva sempre intriganti segreti molto difficili da interpretare. Per svelare questi segreti dobbiamo fonderci completamente con la storia della città. Una storia fatta di abitudini, passioni, credenze e vizi. Passeggiando per le strade di Firenze avrete sicuramente notato dei piccoli buchi con le porte lungo le pareti dei palazzi antichi. Questi fori, chiusi da ante in legno, misurano circa 40 cm e sono decorati con il tipico stile fiorentino detto “bugnato”. Queste aperture erano i tabernacoli del vino. Furono inventati nel XVI secolo da famiglie fiorentine che erano abilissimi mercanti e investirono i loro capitali nella vinificazione, ancora oggi molto apprezzata. Queste aperture collegavano la cantina alla via principale. Dovevano essere molto piccoli e discreti per la privacy del cliente. I vignaioli fornivano alle famiglie il tipico “fiasco”, una bottiglia di vino di vimini, e la consegnavano a queste piccole porte. I produttori di vino seguivano regole molto rigide quando consegnavano il vino: potevano farlo solo in determinati momenti della giornata. Ad esempio, potevano consegnare il vino solo all'interno del campanello della chiesa serale e non dopo. La “buchetta” veniva usata anche per beneficenza: i padroni di casa lasciavano cibo o vino ai poveri. Oggi sono usate come cassette della posta, alcune sono usate per tenere le campane degli appartamenti con i cartellini dei nomi delle famiglie, alcune sono state nascoste. Ad oggi se ne contano 80 di queste “buchette”. La nostra è stata scoperta durante l'ultima ristrutturazione di Palazzo Bardi che ospita il nostro ristorante. Firenze, città di grandi peccatori e di grandi chiese! A volte, però, hai solo bisogno di un po' di vino e non devi nemmeno mostrare la tua faccia! Le nostre citazioni preferite: "Bevi vino e lascia che l'acqua vada al mulino" e "Non iniziare un viaggio se la tua bocca non sa di vino". Saluti!
Belle Buòn is one of the most famous Italian restaurants in Barcelona. The basis of the restaurant focussed on providing old recipes, original flavours, and preserving the Italian culinary traditions in every dish by the most skilled Italian chefs, all meals are served fresh. “Belle Buòn” is a Neapolitan means of expressing surprise or something unexpected, basically a pleasant stupor. While direct translation is difficult from local dialect, it confers a full oral/aural satisfaction. This sensation is reflected in our restaurant’s cuisine, built on ancient values, genuine flavours and a pleasant surprise in each of our dishes. The Love and passion we use to prepare all the food are apparent from the first bite. The Italian culinary tradition is rich in every course. The restaurant Belle Buòn straddles the neighbourhood of Horta and Guinardó, located in the northeast of Barcelona, between Gracia and Nou Barris. It is a largely enclosed zone that's surrounded by hills, mountains and valleys. To the north is Collserola Park. Originally, the centre of this district was the Vila d'Horta, which gradually grew with the urbanization of the area. Bringing us the best of Italian cuisine at affordable prices for all budgets, the restaurant maintains a casual, contemporary style and has an extensive menu and a daily set menu. Dishes: Fresh pasta cannelloni stuffed with Neapolitan ragù, ricotta 'campano' pink cream sauce with tomato sauce and mozzarella. Supreme salmon baked with onion jam Tropea and sprouts. arrabbiata pasta. Arista tenderloin baked. Risotto with red wine. The chef (from Campania region), proposes to maintain a homemade philosophy. The handmade pastas are prepared on the premises and all meals are freshly cooked. In some of our dishes you’ll find a typical and authentic “Irpinia” style, from the Avellino area. Since its opening in 2009, the restaurant is a point of reference for authentic, traditional Italian cuisine.
La Trattoria Al Gazzettino a Venezia, è un locale tipico veneziano accogliente e informale. L'atmosfera familiare e la simpatia del personale sono un punto di forza della ristorante, oltre alla qualità e freschezza delle pietanze sia per quanto riguarda i piatti di pesce che per quelli di carne. Fuori dalle "classiche" mete turistiche è però situato in posizione strategica a pochi passi dal Ponte di Rialto e dalla Piazza San Marco. Tutto comincia attorno all'anno 1952 quando Maria e Giuseppe Ongaro rilevano il locale da Giovanni Ancelotto, trasformandolo in una piccola osteria. Il nome "AI Gazzettino" nacque dal fatto che gran parte dei clienti abituali erano dipendenti dell'omonima azienda, che produceva il giornale ed aveva la sede non lontano da qui. La sera, l'osteria diventava punto d'incontro per loro, per i facchini e per i gondolieri. Quest'ultimi, di solito, prendevano "l'ornbretta" (un bicchiere di vino che, allora, costava 15 lire) e 2 o 3 sigarette, perché non potevano permettersi l'acquisto del pacco intero. Altra curiosità dell'epoca è che i gondolieri, a pranzo, usavano i tavoli dell'osteria ma si facevano portare le vivande da mogli o fidanzate perché non potevano permettersi di pagare il conto. Ciò nonostante l'attività andava bene e nel 1958 cominciarono ad arrivare anche i primi turisti. I signori Ongaro decisero, quindi, di acquisire anche l'adiacente Pensione, a tutt'oggi funzionante. Passo dopo passo si susseguirono vari abbellimenti del locale affinchè, nel 1971, l'osteria si trasformò in un piccolo, grazioso ristorante. L'impegno e la dedizione della famiglia Ongaro furono premiati, nel 1984, dalla guida Ivlichelin che 1 mise "Al Gazzettino" al secondo posto tra i locali veneziani, infine, nel 1986, alla fine di una lunga carriera professionale e densa di soddisfazioni, gli Ongaro decisero di cedere entrambe le attività ai fratelli Mario e Walter Lazzari. Avvicinandoci al presente, arriviamo a conoscere gli attuali gestori del Ristorante: Margherita, Ridha Bennefla ed il loro, amatissimo, figlio Kabir. Ridha, un signore tunisino molto gentile ed attento ai dettagli, dopo una lunga esperienza professionale (15 anni) nel rinomato "Harry's Bar", accanto al Dr. Arrigo Cipriani, e dopo altri 5 anni in un altro storico locale veneziano, "l'Antico Pignolo", decide che è il momento di avviare una sua attività. Insieme a sua moglie Margherita (una signora veneziana, bravissima cuoca). Decidono quindi dì acquisire "Al Gazzettino" che riapre a nuova gestione il 05 giugno 2009. Il locale è ora dedicato al loro figlio Kabir (un ragazzino dolce, estroverso e vivace che decora tutto l'interno con i suoi allegri disegni), e anche all'amore che unisce Ridha e Margherita e che ha ispirato la fusione dei due nomi: Margheridha. The Trattoria Al Gazzettino in Venice, is a welcoming and informal typical Venetian restaurant. The family atmosphere and the friendliness of the staff are a strong point of the restaurant, in addition to the quality and freshness of the dishes both in terms of fish and meat dishes. Outside the "classic" tourist destinations, however, it is strategically located a few steps from the Rialto Bridge and Piazza San Marco. It all begins around the year 1952 when Maria and Giuseppe Ongaro detect the local from Giovanni Ancelotti, turning it into a small inn. The name "AL Gazzettino" was born from the fact that most of the regulars were employed by the homonymous company, which produced the paper and had the place not far from here. At night, the tavern became a meeting place for them, for the porters and the gondoliers. The latter usually took "eye shadow" (a glass of wine, then, it cost 15 lire) and 2 or 3 cigarettes, because they could not afford to purchase the entire parcel. Another curiosity is that the gondoliers of the time, at lunch, used the tables of the tavern, but it did bring the food to be wives or girlfriends because they could not a afford to pay the bill. Nevertheless, the activity was good and in 1958 began to arrive the first tourists. Mr. and Mrs. Ongaro decided, therefore, to also purchase the adjacent board, still working. Step by step he followed various enibellishments of the premises until, in 1971 the inn became a small chaming restaurant. The commitment and dedication of the family Ongaro were rewarded in 1984 by Michelin who put "Al Gazzettino" to second place among the local Venetians, finally, in 1986, at the end of a long and worthy career satisfaction, the Ongaro decided to sell both businesses to the brothels Walter and Mario Lazzarii. As we approach this, we come to know the current management of the Restaurant: Margaret, and their Bennefla Ridha, beloved son Kabir. Ridha, a Tunisian man very kind and attentive to details, after a long professional experience (15 years) al the famous Harry's Bar", next to Dr. Arrigo Cipriani, and after another 5 years in another local historian of Venice, the "Fonner Pigiolo", decides it's time to start a business. With his wife, Margaret a Vienetian Lady, (very good cook) decided to acquire "THE GAZZETTINO" that opens in new managetnent June 5 2009. The restaurant is now devoded to their son Kabir (a sweet boy outgoing and lively decorating the interior with his lively drawing), it is also dedicated to the love that unites Ridha and Margarita and has inspiird the fusion of two names: Margheridha.
La Maremmana nasce nel 2013 da un’idea di Guido Pallini. Dopo aver lavorato a Londra, in una banca di investimento giapponese, decide di tornare nella sua terra e rilanciare l’azienda di famiglia che fino ad allora produceva solo latte, espandendola nella produzione di formaggi. Ciò che è iniziato come un desiderio di valorizzare l’azienda agricola di famiglia e il nostro territorio, è cresciuto in un progetto di filiera integrata e sostenibile, fino a diventare La Maremmana, marchio che mira a portare i nostri formaggi di bufala nel mondo. Nei nostri terreni, coltiviamo cereali e foraggi per alimentare i nostri animali; alleviamo bufale in ampi spazi all’aperto; gestiamo la produzione del loro latte in una stalla di ultima generazione; e alleviamo vacche di razza maremmana allo stato brado, preservando questa specie autoctona, per una produzione limitata di carne; Nel nostro caseificio lavoriamo il latte di bufala, esclusivamente aziendale, per ottenere formaggi di alta qualità. Ci occupiamo anche della vendita dei nostri prodotti sia direttamente, nei nostri punti vendita, che tramite distribuzione a negozi e ristoranti. Infine, produciamo energia rinnovabile dagli scarti agricoli e riutilizziamo il residuo del processo come fertilizzante organico. Coltiviamo la terra in modo responsabile, alleviamo i nostri animali con la massima attenzione al loro benessere, trasformiamo con cura il latte delle nostre bufale in una varietà di formaggi, e produciamo energia rinnovabile nel nostro impianto di biogas. La nostra filosofia si basa sul rispetto degli animali e dei cicli della natura. Ci riteniamo responsabili dei nostri standard etici e ambientali e siamo lieti di potervi mostrare quello che facciamo.
The Beet is your all-in-one guide to eating a more plant-based diet. If you want to boost your energy, feel your best, and reach your personal health and wellness goals by adding more plant foods to your diet, we’re here to help. We're a new plant-based platform where food, health news, product launches, plant-based restaurant reviews, expert advice, and the mainstreaming of plant-based culture meet. The Beet covers everything from where to "Find Vegan Near Me" to the latest plant-based or vegan food products that make it even easier to eat plant-based and love it. We cover the newest studies that inspire us to want to be healthier (the "why" go plant-based) and how to get the right amount of protein, iron, calcium, B12, and other essential nutrients (the "how"). Eating more plants is great for you— whether you’ve just tried your first Beyond Burger or you’re already eating plant-based a few days a week, whether you call yourself a vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, flexitarian, plant-leaning, plant-forward or plant-based – on The Beet, you’ll find what you need to reach your goals. The more you know, the more you care about where your food comes from, including the practices used in factory farming, and how our food choices impact the planet, climate change and the ethical treatment of animals. Whatever your motivation –to align your food choices with your ethics, your health goals or your concern for the environment – The Beet is here to get you further on your plant-based journey. Whatever your motivation: To be healthier, to lose weight, to feel less bloated, to perform better on the bike or tennis court, to stay heart-healthy, or to get off the meds, or if you want to eat in a way that is best for the environment, spares animal suffering or to align with your value system, or for any other reason, we can help guide you toward your plant-based lifestyle goals. (A note: We don't call ourselves vegan but we want to be a resource for anyone who wants to eat plant-based and eschew animal products, so if a non-vegan ingredient such as honey is used in a recipe we will always tell you and give you the substitute of something fully plant-based that can work instead).
Hello! I am Natacha and I am a Chemical engineering graduate from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. I am a self-motivated and positive team player. I’m friendly, professional, flexible and organised. I pay good attention to details and can work independently and own initiative. I efficiently communicate in French and English. I have excellent computer skills including outlook, word and Excel. I have worked extensively in customer services and have developed communication, problem-solving, analytical thinking, collaboration, performance and marketing skills that built me ready for any organisation including Zagenie. I can’t wait to be part of Zagenie Family!
I am a Zambian born, comes from a family of 8 and the youngest of the Mwila’s. My siblings always thought I was spoilt because I was the youngest, but I don’t think so! I was born in a town called Mufulira on the Copper belt side of Zambia in 1981,the Copper belt province is rich with mineral finds and Mines, hence the name. I am Married to Eric and we have a beautiful daughter called Chanda, she is 15 years. I completed my matric in 1999 and my mother advised me to study food production since I loved cooking, I did it for her though it was a course that I never dreamt of studying. I graduated successfully and worked for 2 years as a chef, got tired of cooking, I dodged that career and went into studying computers, worked as a receptionist and studied Human resources at the same time and obtained a diploma. I worked for a courier company as a Human Resources assistant. In 2012, I moved to South Africa, Cape Town when I got married, joined a Mobile Money company called Zoona with operations in Zambia, and I worked there for 5 years as a support agent. Zoona is an African Fintech company founded in 2009 with the vision of helping communities thrive. Since launching, it created over 2,500 jobs in Zambia and Malawi, empowered over 1,000 entrepreneurs to start their own business and allowed them to reach earnings of over $10 million. I enjoyed working for this company because we really helped girl child prevail. Apart from the above, I am a lover of interior designing, and my wish is to have one of the most successful Interior business one day, through my passion for interior, I designed my sister’s Kitchen area, how amazing!!! I love cooking and baking (especially Cake pops), they are my favorites!!! I love adventure, gardening and working out too, I am a gym freak. Most importantly, I love spending time with my loved ones. I reflect a varied personality, including ambition, and the qualities of generosity and thoughtfulness. I am also a well determined and vigorous individual, and yet calm. I encourage fighting for what you desire and believe in and doing it through God because nothing great comes easy. I believe mindfulness in the workplace is key to success. Having worked in Customer care I have gained extensive experience in; Empathy, Adaptability, Ability to Use Positive Language, Clear Communication Skills, Self-Control, Taking Responsibility and Patience.
I have four passions in life. My sport, family, work and God. Each I pursue with dogged determination to be better and to excel. The greatest blessing and experience in life is the privilege of life is having a loving and supporting wife and incredible children. My relationship with each of them is treasured above all. I am blessed in that I am healthy, enjoy the blessing of life and am extremely active. I am thrilled to be able to compete on the international stage for home and country. Success therein is just a cherry on top. Career and work has been an incredible experience. Knowing what I wanted to be early in high school and achieving such has brought about economic emancipation and a lifestyle I could only dream about as a little boy. I bask in the success and abilities given to me and the blessing poured out in great abundance.
La Hacienda Santa Teresa se encuentra ubicada en el Estado Aragua, al norte de Venezuela. Esta hacienda fue fundada en 1796 por el Conde de Tovar y es la destilería más antigua del país. Actualmente, funciona como museo, complejo agroindustrial, complejo turístico y complejo deportivo. Su gran especialidad es la producción del ron venezolano, sin embargo, también se ha convertido en una de las empresas más importantes del país gracias a que desarrollan diversas iniciativas sociales y económicas. La historia de la destilería comienza en 1796, cuando el Conde de Tovar funda una gran plantación de caña de azúcar en los alrededores de una de las haciendas más respetables de la época. A su muerte, la hacienda pasa a su hija Teresa, quien le da origen al nombre de estas instalaciones como Hacienda Santa Teresa. En 1885 Julius Vollmer adquiere la Hacienda y es el responsable de impulsar estas tierras montando la destilería de ron con la adquisición de un alambique europeo de cobre. Hoy en día, la destilería Hacienda Santa Teresa de Venezuela continúa en manos de la familia Vollmer, ya en su quinta generación. Gracias a su ubicación y al mantenimiento de los cultivos de caña de azúcar en las instalaciones de la hacienda, el proceso de recolección de la materia prima se hace en aproximadamente 24 horas. Una vez que la caña de azúcar se encuentra en la destilería, en la Central Azucarera pasa por un proceso que la convierte en una melaza oscura y muy espesa, caracterizada por su alta calidad. Seguidamente, esta melaza se pone a fermentar con la levadura seleccionada y que pertenece a la destilería. La Hacienda Santa Teresa cuenta con dos destilerías en su complejo: la más antigua, donde se destilan alcoholes artesanales con el que se elaboran destilados especiales; y la más nueva, de la que salen alcoholes tanto suaves como pesados. El añejamiento del ron Santa Teresa se realiza en barricas de roble blanco americano y de roble francés Limousin, con un mínimo de 24 meses de reposo, aunque muchos de ellos superan los 25 años de envejecimiento. La mezcla definitiva del ron venezolano de Hacienda Santa Teresa lo deciden los maestros roneros, y se caracterizan por ser un resultado de la mezcla de rones jóvenes y rones añejos. En 2014 fue considerada como la Mejor Destilería de Ron del Mundo en el Congreso Internacional del Ron. Y sus rones han recibido muchos premios y menciones internacionales. Además de su actividad principal, el destilado de ron, en la Hacienda Santa Teresa es posible disfrutar de otras experiencias, tales como la Cata Santa Teresa 1976, realizar un taller de coctelería y hacer la ruta Santa Teresa que consiste en un recorrido por las instalaciones para conocer el proceso productivo del ron y descubrir lo que los motivo a incluir el Rugby como uno de sus pilates de transformación. Finalmente, la Hacienda Santa Teresa también pone a disposición sus instalaciones para las realizaciones de una gran variedad de eventos.
I’m the family person, hard-working woman, a mom of a handsome boy, adventures and a God fearing woman. I worked at the Department of Health as an Administration Clerk for 5 years. We’ve opened an N.P.O Youth Initiative. We are developing youth in programs such as soccer, reading and our culture. We conduct awareness campaigns about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. We facilitate the formation of support groups. And I have passion in farming. We started poultry farming and rabbits and we are selling the eggs in our community. I’ve done short course in Financial Management at University of Forte at PFMA.
Too Good To Go’s primary goal is to fight the growing issue of food waste. To do so, it provides a solution for food service providers to sell their food surplus, which otherwise would have been wasted at the end of the business day. However, the app is just one way the company fights food waste, as it also directly encourages households, schools and policy-makers to change their behavior and aims to influence legislation that will reduce food waste further. Too Good To Go is now the world’s largest Business To Consumer Platform aiming to fight food waste. This is via a mobile app where businesses can add the food surplus they have, and consumers can view the offer available. The application is mostly for restaurants, bakeries, supermarkets, hotels and canteens. For Too Good To Go, this is a “win-win-win solution” allowing businesses to make money out of food which would be otherwise wasted whilst reaching new customers, and consumers to access food at affordable prices to reduce food waste, all parties having a positive impact on the environment. After downloading the app, users have access to a range of meals available nearby. They can either view what’s close by or search for specific meals with different options, such as collection time, location or type of food, for instance vegan or vegetarian. Once they select their option, users receive a receipt which needs to be presented to the shop in order to receive the food bag. Typically, consumers will have access to a 3 to 5 euro “magic bag” with an original value of 10 to 15 euro, being able to buy food that’s worth three times the amount they paid. The app is now available for more than 38,000 restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, bakeries and canteens using it every month in 17 European countries. They are the B Corp certified Social Impact Company fighting food waste throughout the food system and pushing for change, because the food we waste accounts for 10% of all GHG emissions, yet is the #1 food waste action we can all take now.
Foodbank is Australia’s largest food relief organisation, operating on a scale that makes it crucial to the work of the front line charities who are feeding vulnerable Australians. Foodbank provides more than 70% of the food rescued for food relief organisations nation-wide. At Foodbank we believe everyone should have access to good quality food. We’re here for the everyday Australians who are going without. And it’s our job to help change that. We work with 2,950 frontline charities and 2,890 school breakfast programs to get over 87.9 million meals out to those who could use a hand every year. One in six adults in Australia haven’t had enough to eat in the last year, and 1.2 million children have gone hungry. Foodbank provides food relief to more than a million people each month. Foodbank is a not-for-profit, non-denominational, federated organisation operating in every state and territory in Australia. Foodbank Australia is the only Australian food relief organisation that is a certified member of The Global Foodbanking Network (GFN), comprised of 32 member countries, 19 of which are accredited. Food insecurity is a big problem, requiring a big coordinated response, and we rely on countless partners to do what we do. Our national and state-based teams work with the entire food and grocery industry including farmers, wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers to source food and capture donations. We also collaborate with suppliers, manufacturers and transporters to produce key staple foods that don’t come in sufficient quantities via rescue channels. To distribute the food, our state teams work with an army of volunteers to pick, pack and get the food to where it’s needed.
Tea Soul creato da professionisti e dilettanti della cultura del tè e del tè. Siamo una comunità di intenditori di prodotti originali di alta qualità, buon gusto e varietà di sapori e consistenze di tè offerti dalla cultura orientale. Siamo pronti a condividere con voi la nostra esperienza. Offriamo una vasta gamma di gelsomino, tè verde e bianco a basso contenuto di caffeina e tannino, oolong semifermentato delle province di Guangdong, Fujian e Taiwan, tè rosso Pu-erh invecchiato dello Yunnan. Il nostro tè vanta un sapore originale, un gusto originale e proviene da un ambiente originale. Viene lavorato a mano ed è una bevanda verde salutare. Nella nostra selezione ogni buongustaio troverà il suo tè preferito, o scoprirà qualcosa di nuovo. Ci impegniamo a trovare i migliori tipi e sapori, la nostra carta del tè è costantemente aggiornata e ampliata. Il tè è un ottimo modo per passare dei bei momenti con gli amici, e anche un'occasione meravigliosa da trascorrere da soli con se stessi e riflettere. In tutti i casi, offriamo un'ampia selezione di servizi da tè e servizi da tè. Bellissime tazze fatte a mano, se siete in ufficio, accessori in bambù per gli amanti delle cerimonie del tè. Abbiamo anche un vasto assortimento di confezioni regalo di Porcellana e argilla fatte a mano. La vetreria è perfetta per la torsione a mano del tè, che viene rivelata nelle deliziose composizioni floreali. Ti invitiamo a scoprire il mondo della cultura del tè, dove la massima priorità è la qualità e il gusto raffinato. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, siamo pronti ad aiutarti nella selezione di tè e articoli da tè, contattaci e condivideremo la nostra esperienza con te. Tea Soul created by professionals and amateurs of tea and tea culture. We are a community of connoisseurs of high-quality original product, good taste and variety of flavors and textures of tea offered by Eastern culture. We are ready to share our experience with you. We offer a wide range of jasmine, green and white tea with low caffeine and tannin, semi-fermented oolong from Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan provinces, aged Pu-erh red tea from Yunnan. Our tea boasts original flavor, original taste, and is from an original environment. It is processed by hand and is a healthy green drink. In our selection every gourmet will find his favorite tea, or will discover something new. We are committed to finding the best kinds and flavors, our tea card is constantly updated and expanded. Tea is a great way to have a good time with friends, and also a wonderful occasion to spend alone with yourself and reflect. In all cases, we offer a wide selection of teaware and tea sets. Beautiful handmade cups, if you are in the office, Bamboo accessories for lovers of tea ceremonies. We also have a wide assortment of gift sets of handmade Porcelain and clay. Glassware is perfect for tea hand-twisting, which is disclosed in the lovely flower arrangements. We invite you to discover the world of tea culture, where top priority is quality and refined taste. If you need help, we are ready to help in the selection of tea and tea ware, please contact us and we will share our experience with you.
Dal 1435 la famiglia Mazzei produce vini unici con spirito e passione che si rinnovano di generazione in generazione. A Fonterutoli nel Chianti Classico come a Belguardo e a Zisola vive la stessa filosofia nella valorizzazione dei vitigni autoctoni. Contemporanei dal 1435. 600 anni di attività vitivinicola, ricerca e valorizzazione del territorio nel Chianti Classico, in Maremma e Sicilia. Visita la spettacolare cantina di Castello di Fonterutoli. Da oltre sei secoli, la nostra famiglia si dedica all’attività vitivinicola con passione e impegno che si rinnovano di generazione in generazione. La continua ricerca di nuovi orizzonti qualitativi ci ha portato a estendere le nostre attività su diverse frontiere enologiche, da quella storica del Castello di Fonterutoli nel Chianti classico, verso due realtà altrettanto promettenti: Belguardo nella Maremma Toscana e Zisola nella Sicilia Sud-Orientale. Attraverso il loro potenziale espressivo vogliamo declinare in contesti diversi il nostro patrimonio di esperienza, sempre nel rispetto delle caratteristiche e delle specificità di questi grandi “terroirs”. La costante attenzione a questi valori si riflette su tutti i nostri vini, per la soddisfazione dei “connaisseurs” di tutto il mondo che riconoscono nel nome Mazzei uno dei punti di riferimento del panorama enologico italiano. Con questo spirito lavoriamo per continuare a meritare la fiducia dei nostri estimatori, nel presente e nel futuro. Since 1435 the Mazzei family has been producing unique wines with spirit and passion that are renewed from generation to generation. In Fonterutoli in the Chianti Classico as in Belguardo and in Zisola, the same philosophy lives in the enhancement of native vines. Contemporary since 1435. 600 years of winemaking, research and enhancement of the territory in the Chianti Classico, Maremma and Sicily. Visit the spectacular Castello di Fonterutoli winery. For over six centuries, our family has been dedicated to the wine business with passion and commitment that are renewed from generation to generation. The continuous search for new qualitative horizons has led us to extend our activities on different oenological frontiers, from the historical one of the Castello di Fonterutoli in the classic Chianti, towards two equally promising realities: Belguardo in the Tuscan Maremma and Zisola in South-Eastern Sicily. Through their expressive potential we want to decline our wealth of experience in different contexts, always respecting the characteristics and specificities of these great “terroirs”. The constant attention to these values is reflected in all our wines, to the satisfaction of the "connaisseurs" from all over the world who recognize in the name Mazzei one of the reference points of the Italian wine scene. With this spirit we work to continue to deserve the trust of our admirers, in the present and in the future.
Born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and I am currently living in South Africa at Cape Town for seven years. I am single from now and busy shaping my programming skills and IT knowledge at Cape Peninsula university of technology (CPUT). I am a software developer, I am always keen to discover and learn about new technology and invention in IT world, I have a good understanding of programming languages, internet cloud services and Desktop support CompTIA A+. I am a self-motivated person, reliable, determined, very skilful in communication, fast learner with an open mind to expose myself into new world and concept. Live is a journey about challenges and discovering that’s why I am always ready to face new challenge in technology and software world. I really like to play guitar and read books about science and others because knowledge for me is one of the keys to open doors, make a difference and discovering new area in live.
End Hunger UK is a coalition of more than 40 national charities, frontline organisations, faith groups, academics and individuals working to end hunger and poverty in the UK. Whilst a significant amount has been achieved over the past few years in raising the public and political profile of hunger in the UK, we believe in working together to build a broad ‘food justice movement’ across the UK. By mobilising thousands of people engaged in tackling food poverty in its many forms, we can build a powerful movement for change. Some members of our coalition work directly and indirectly with those experiencing food insecurity. For example: Between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019 the Trussell Trust’s Food Bank Network provided more than 1.6 million three-day emergency food supplies to people in crisis. Of this number, 577,618 were children. 9 out of 10 of Church of England parishes are involved in food provision in some way, mostly through helping to manage food banks or by providing venues, volunteers and donations in support of local food banks. Trussell Trust and independent food bank volunteers are giving more than 4 million hours of volunteer time, that would be at least £30 million a year in paid work. The amazing work being conducted by charities, community groups and individuals – as well as businesses and local authorities – will not be enough to end hunger in the UK. All members of this campaign coalition are united in their belief that to really tackle the root causes of household food insecurity, we require a concerted effort from the UK and devolved governments. Only action at this level will ensure that everyone has enough money to feed themselves and their families with good quality, healthy food. Since 2016 End Hunger campaigners have worked on issues around holiday hunger, Universal Credit and getting food insecurity measured in the UK. More than 1,000 people and 50 groups have taken action. As a result of their campaigning, the government provided £2 million in funding for school holiday food and activity programmes, annual measurement of household food insecurity has been introduced, and an extra £1.7 billion set of measures was announced in the 2018 Budget because of the increased awareness on the impact Universal Credit is having on people’s income.
Established in 2009 to address widespread hunger in South Africa, FoodForward SA connects a world of excess to a world of need by recovering quality edible surplus food from the consumer goods supply chain and distributing it to community organisations that serve the poor. More than 80% of the food recovered is nutritious food. A staggering 14 million people don't know where their next meal is coming from. One third of all food produced in South Africa is dumped in landfill, while more than 14 million people are hungry. FoodForward SA is the catalyst that connects a world of excess to a world of need. Started in 2009, FoodForward SA was established on the premise that there is a significant amount of food waste that can be harnessed to address the problem of food insecurity. We have a national network of warehouses and logistics infrastructure across the county and are well suited to manage projects on a national scale. In partnership with major food retailers such as Pick n Pay, Shoprite and Fruit & Veg, wholesalers and manufacturers, our mandate is to collect edible surplus food and non-food products for redistribution to registered and verified beneficiary organisations that offer invaluable services in the areas of child care, youth empowerment, abused women, the disabled, frail care and more, in disadvantaged communities across South Africa. More than 85% of our beneficiary organisations are involved in skills development/remedial work.
As the world’s hunger specialist, Action Against Hunger's primary goal is to create a better way to deal with hunger. For more than 40 years, we have led the global movement that aims to end life-threatening hunger for good within our lifetimes. Our teams have been on the front lines, treating and preventing malnutrition across more than 45 countries. Action Against Hunger saves the lives of children and their families. We are there for them before and after disaster strikes. We enable people to provide for themselves, see their children grow up strong, and for whole communities to prosper. We constantly search for more effective solutions, while sharing our knowledge and expertise with the world. We push for long-term change. Our global efforts save hundreds of thousands of lives each year, but millions of undernourished children remain in need of lifesaving treatment. We are committed to helping all children access the urgent hunger care they need to survive. The world needs a better way to deal with hunger. Together, we're creating it. For everyone. For good.
Our vision is an Africa without hunger. Our mission is transformation through education. Educating our donors, beneficiaries, volunteers and suppliers about the role they play in eradicating child hunger. Donated food is used to stimulate and encourage measurable results in Early Childhood Development centres. RAH Africa offers a social investment opportunity to provide fully balanced meals for pre-school children necessary for their holistic development. We depend on passionate, active volunteers for meal packaging events and food distribution. Our Programme has solid, measurable results and restores hope for hungry children. Our focus is on reaching the most vulnerable: hungry children, specifically those who attend pre-schools, or Early Childhood Development (ECDs). According to the University of Cape Town’s Children’s Institute, over 3 million children under the age of 17 are food insecure.
My name is Noxolo Femele and I'm 42 years old and I have 2 kids, both are girls age 17 and 14 years old. I worked for 43 Air School as a Receptionist for the past 5 year, and while I was there I used to help out at the Admin area and at Marketing department. That had lead me on having the ambition to become 1 of the Managers, but unfortunately we got retrenched. Then I went to work at Lendcor group as a Sales consultant for 1 year 6 months same we got retrenched. That's where I decided to start my small business just to make money until now, but things are not doing well due to Covid-19.
I am a God fearing individual, and I’m also a father to two beautiful kids, a boy and a girl. I worked for Tekkie Town as a Sales Assistant and I was chosen as the best Sales person for the entire Mpumalanga province. I also worked for the Department of agriculture as a Data capture. I have a passion for sports, football is one of my favourites and one day I wish I can own a soccer team. While I was in high school, I always wanted to be a lawyer, but due to financial constraints I could not become one. My interest in the justice system came when I realised that the late former president Mr Nelson Mandela was also a lawyer representing his people. I wish one day I could give back to my community and its people because my community gave us the likes of the late Steve Bantu Biko, one of the BCM Members who fought for the people of South Africa. My community is one of the underdeveloped communities of this country, but I know that one day all of this will change because I know that with education anything is possible. When a child is educated, communities will change for the better and if one community changes, then our country will change for the better as well and poverty will be no more. Education topped with one’s perseverance is the key to a bright future for all. With this pandemic people have lost their jobs and in some households you find that no one is working and people resort to drugs and alcohol, some get depressed to a point of taking their own lives. If we can start developing jobs for people, our continent would become a better place for us all. Being part of an initiative that supports the empowerment of those less privileged is one of my greatest wishes. I will be glad if all my wishes do come through because nothing is as important as education and hard work, and an educated country means a better world for us all.
1834 Dopo 25 anni passati come maestro di cucina al servizio dei Principi di Cattolica, Salvatore Alaimo riceve in dono la cappella sconsacrata di un antico palazzo nel cuore di Palermo. Sulla porta d’ingresso appende una tavola di legno con un’incisione che recita “Focacceria” e decide di cucinare per il popolo. 1848 In onore della Sicilia che festeggia l’indipendenza dai Borboni, il primo governatore del nuovo Regno organizza un banchetto proprio in Focacceria a base di sfincioni, focacce e marsala. 1851 Nasce la “focaccia maritata”, creata da Alaimo per consentire anche alla povera gente di mangiare carne: un taglio economico, ma cucinato in modo raffinato, viene aggiunto alla tradizionale “focaccia schietta” (nubile). 1860 Prima di risalire l’Italia per unificarla, Giuseppe Garibaldi si ferma a Palermo, accampandosi nella piazza della Focacceria, che per una decina di giorni diventa la sua mensa quotidiana. 1861 La nobiltà palermitana si scaglia contro la Focacceria S. Francesco, che svela e diffonde al pubblico l’ottima “pasta ch’i sardi”, fino a quel momento, preparazione riservata alle mense reali. La ricetta è la stessa utilizzata ancora oggi. 1890 Da Pirandello a Sciascia a Guttuso, sono decine gli illustri scrittori e artisti che si incontrano abitualmente alla Focacceria, che diventa così un caffè letterario, una sorta di circolo culturale. 1901 L’architetto Ernesto Basile, mentre siede insieme al noto Vincenzo Florio a un tavolo della Focacceria, disegna su una tovaglia l’attuale logo, il prospetto del locale, i tavoli in ghisa e le sedie in ferro battuto. 1902 A 60 anni dalla nascita, il locale viene definitivamente battezzato “Antica Focacceria San Francesco” e nel menù entrano nuove deliziose pietanze, presenti ancora oggi: arancine, panelle e sarde a beccafico, per citarne alcune. 1834 After 25 years spent as a cooking master in the service of the Princes of Cattolica, Salvatore Alaimo receives as a gift the deconsecrated chapel of an ancient palace in the heart of Palermo. On the front door he hangs a wooden board with an engraving that reads "Focacceria" and decides to cook for the people. 1848 In honor of Sicily, which celebrates independence from the Bourbons, the first governor of the new Kingdom organizes a banquet at the Focacceria based on sfincioni, focaccia and marsala. 1851 The “married focaccia” was born, created by Alaimo to allow poor people to eat meat: an economical cut, but cooked in a refined way, is added to the traditional “sincere focaccia” (single). 1860 Before going up to Italy to unify it, Giuseppe Garibaldi stops in Palermo, camping in the Focacceria square, which for about ten days becomes his daily canteen. 1861The Palermitan nobility lashes out against the Focacceria S. Francesco, which reveals and disseminates to the public the excellent "pasta ch'i sardi", up to that moment, a preparation reserved for royal tables. The recipe is the same still used today. 1890 From Pirandello to Sciascia to Guttuso, there are dozens of illustrious writers and artists who usually meet at the Focacceria, which thus becomes a literary café, a sort of cultural circle. 1901 the architect Ernesto Basile, while sitting together with the well-known Vincenzo Florio at a table in the Focacceria, draws the current logo, the façade of the restaurant, the cast iron tables and the wrought iron chairs on a tablecloth. 1902 60 years after its birth, the place was definitively baptized "Antica Focacceria San Francesco" and new delicious dishes enter the menu, still present today: arancine, panelle and sardines a beccafico, to name a few.
1885 Apre l'osteria Manuelina, frequentata negli anni da grandi come Montale, D'Annunzio ed Einstein: inizia la rivoluzione della Focaccia di Recco. Manuelina si sposta nella sede attuale e diventa il ristorante tipico amato da tanti buongustai e citato da Umberto Eco nel Pendolo di Foucault. Nasce la Focacceria Manuelina, un fast food tipico a pochi metri dal Ristorante. La Focacceria Manuelina sbarca a Milano con il secondo punto vendita nell’Annex Rinascente. È l’anno di una nuova grande rivoluzione! Il Ristorante diventa Il Ristorante Gourmet, per un’esperienza ancora più immersiva e di gusto. Oggi siamo noi, i pronipoti di Manuelina, a portare avanti la tradizione. Negli anni siamo riusciti a mantenere la sua passione, la sua dedizione e il suo rispetto per la qualità della cucina e delle materie prime fino a far diventare “Manuelina” un vero e proprio brand che racchiude il rinomato Ristorante, un Taste Hotel a 4 stelle, un prestigioso catering e naturalmente la nostra Focacceria Bistrot. In 1885 the Manuelina tavern opens, frequented over the years by greats such as Montale, D'Annunzio and Einstein: the Focaccia di Recco revolution begins. 1960 Manuelina moves to its current location and becomes the typical restaurant loved by many gourmets and mentioned by Umberto Eco in Foucault's Pendulum. Focacceria Manuelina is born, a typical fast food a few meters from the restaurant. Focacceria Manuelina arrives in Milan with the second store in the Annex Rinascente. It is the year of a new great revolution! The Restaurant becomes the Gourmet Restaurant, for an even more immersive and tasteful experience. Today we, the great-grandchildren of Manuelina, carry on the tradition. Over the years we have managed to maintain his passion, his dedication and his respect for the quality of the cuisine and raw materials until "Manuelina" becomes a real brand that includes the renowned Restaurant, a 4-star Taste Hotel, a prestigious catering and of course our Focacceria Bistrot.
Il Gambrinus: il più importante Caffè di Napoli. Tra i locali più celebri della penisola, membro dell'Associazione Culturale Locali Storici d'Italia, salotto letterario partenopeo, celebre galleria d'arte, animatore della cultura cittadina, questi in breve i tratti d'eccellenza del Caffè che dal 1860 è punto di riferimento tra i più importanti della cultura della nostra città . La storia del Gran Caffè Gambrinus inizia con l'Unità di Italia quando, nel 1860, al piano terra del palazzo della Foresteria, l'elegante edificio del 1816 che oggi ospita la sede della Prefettura, viene aperto il “Gran Caffè”. Affacciato direttamente su Piazza Plebiscito e Palazzo Reale, il Caffè diventa in breve tempo il salotto del bel mondo cittadino. La fama dovuta all'opera dei migliori pasticceri, gelatai e baristi provenienti da tutta Europa procura subito al Caffè la benevolenza della famiglia reale e il riconoscimento per decreto di “Fornitore della Real Casa”, onorificenza tributata dai Savoia soltanto ai migliori fornitori del Regno delle due Sicilie. Nel 1885 il Gran Caffè sembra essere sul punto di chiudere, ma di lì a poco le sue sale sarebbero state aperte ai napoletani e ai viaggiatori in una nuova più grande magnificenza. Nel 1890, infatti, Mariano Vacca, uomo avveduto e frequentatore di artisti e attori, prende in fitto i locali della Foresteria e ne affida la ristrutturazione all'architetto Antonio Curri, docente di Architettura, nonché Ornato nella Real Università di Napoli e professore onorario dell'Istituto di Belle Arti. Grazie alla perizia di più di quaranta tra artigiani e artisti, il Caffè diventa uno scrigno prezioso di opere d'arte: le sale vengono decorate con i marmi di Jenny e Fiore, gli stucchi del Bocchetta, i bassorilievi del Cepparulo e le tappezzerie del Porcelli; le pareti decorate dai più importanti paesaggisti napoletani. Il Caffè diventa una preziosa galleria d'arte nel cuore nobile di Napoli e viene valorizzata con l'ultima conquista della modernità , l'illuminazione elettrica. Per festeggiare la rinascita, il Caffè viene ribattezzato “Gran Caffè Gambrinus”, in nome del leggendario re delle Fiandre inventore della birra. L'intenzione è quella di fondere nell'immaginario le due più famose bevande d'Europa: la birra, nordica, bionda e fredda, e il caffè, scuro, bollente, piacere tipicamente napoletano. Inaugurato ufficialmente il 3 novembre 1890, il Gran Caffè Gambrinus diventa da subito il cuore della vita mondana, culturale e letteraria della città : re, regine, politici, giornalisti, letterati e artisti di fama internazionale ne fanno il luogo dove incontrarsi, discutere e scrivere versi, come nella migliore tradizione europea del caffè letterario. Le sale iniziano ad essere indicate per l'argomento degli incontri e dei simposi che vi si tengono: la sala politica, la sala della vita, la sala rotonda. Il Caffè è ormai tappa obbligata per qualsiasi visita della città: non c'è un solo viaggiatore che, arrivato a Napoli, rinunci a fare sosta al Gran Caffè Gambrinus. Lo storico locale partenopeo è sbocciato nel periodo della Belle Epoqué; infatti durante gli anni del primo novecento era il centro della cultura e dell'arte della città; ricordiamo tra gli ospiti più illustri l'imperatrice d'Austria Sissi, che degustò un ottimo gelato alla violetta, Gabriele D'Annunzio che scrisse al Gambrinus i versi della celebre canzone “A'vucchella”, Matilde Serao che fondò il quotidiano “Il Mattino” seduta proprio ai tavolini del caffè, Benedetto Croce che fece di Napoli la sua seconda città , lo scrittore irlandese Oscar Wilde che si recò nella città partenopea con Lord Alfred Douglas dopo i tristi giorni di prigionia, Ernest Hemingway, il filosofo francese Jean-Paul Sartre che scrisse pensieri su Napoli ai tavolini del Gambrinus “davanti a una granita che guardavo malinconicamente mentre si scioglieva nella sua coppa di smalto”e tantissimi altri. Sull'onda francese anche a Napoli verso la fine dell'Ottocento arrivò il Cafè Chantant o detto anche Caffè Concerto. Insieme al Salone Margherita, il Gambrinus fu uno dei ritrovi più frequentati dalla nobiltà napoletana. Con il passare del tempo, nella versione napoletana del Cafè Chantant si andò a delineare e a definire la figura della “sciantosa”, personaggio principale del concerto (il termine deriva da una storpiatura della lingua napoletana della parola francese chanteuse che letteralmente significa “cantante”. Il Gran Caffè Gambrinus prosperò fino al 1938 quando il prefetto Marziale ne ordinò la chiusura perché considerato luogo antifascista e da quel giorno i locali furono ceduti in parte al Banco di Napoli. Dei fasti che vide il Gambrinus, con questa scissione rimase solo il ricordo, imboccando una triste strada di decadenza. Agli inizi degli anni '70 Michele Sergio dà inizio alla battaglia per recuperare i locali del Caffè situato nel cuore di Napoli. Grazie al lavoro minuzioso di restauro degli antichi stucchi e di recupero dei pregevoli affreschi, il Gran Caffè Gambrinus rinasce a nuovo splendore. La battaglia è vinta. Napoli si riappropria della sua storia. Riportato ai suoi antichi fasti, il Gran Caffè Gambrinus torna ad essere il cuore pulsante e il salotto elegante della città. Oggi, il lavoro di valorizzazione iniziato da Michele Sergio è portato avanti dai figli Arturo e Antonio Sergio che fanno ancora grande l'unico storico caffè letterario della città di Napoli. The history of the Gran Caffè Gambrinus begins with the unification of Italy when, in 1860, the “Gran Caffè” was opened on the ground floor of the Foresteria building, the elegant 1816 building which now houses the headquarters of the Prefecture. Directly overlooking Piazza Plebiscito and Palazzo Reale, the café quickly becomes the living room of the beautiful city world. The fame due to the work of the best pastry chefs, ice cream makers and baristas from all over Europe immediately procured the benevolence of the royal family and the recognition by decree of "Supplier of the Royal House", an honor bestowed by the Savoy only to the best suppliers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. In 1885 the Gran Caffè seems to be about to close, but soon its rooms would be opened to Neapolitans and travelers in a new, greater magnificence. In 1890, in fact, Mariano Vacca, a shrewd man and frequenter of artists and actors, rented the premises of the Foresteria and entrusted the renovation to the architect Antonio Curri, professor of Architecture, as well as Ornato at the Royal University of Naples and honorary professor of 'Institute of Fine Arts. Thanks to the expertise of more than forty artisans and artists, the Café becomes a precious treasure chest of works of art: the rooms are decorated with Jenny and Fiore marbles, the stuccoes by Bocchetta, the bas-reliefs of Cepparulo and the tapestries of Porcelli; the walls decorated by the most important Neapolitan landscape architects. The Caffè becomes a precious art gallery in the noble heart of Naples and is enhanced with the latest conquest of modernity, electric lighting. To celebrate the rebirth, the coffee is renamed “Gran Caffè Gambrinus”, in the name of the legendary king of Flanders, inventor of beer. The intention is to fuse in the imagination the two most famous drinks in Europe: beer, Nordic, blonde and cold, and coffee, dark, hot, a typically Neapolitan pleasure. Officially inaugurated on November 3, 1890, the Gran Caffè Gambrinus immediately became the heart of the social, cultural and literary life of the city: kings, queens, politicians, journalists, writers and artists of international fame make it the place to meet, discuss and write verses, as in the best European tradition of literary coffee. The rooms begin to be indicated for the subject of the meetings and symposia that are held there: the political room, the room of life, the round room. The Caffè is now a must for any visit to the city: there is not a single traveler who, having arrived in Naples, gives up stopping at the Gran Caffè Gambrinus. The Neapolitan local historian blossomed during the Belle Epoqué period; in fact during the years of the early twentieth century it was the center of culture and art of the city; we remember among the most illustrious guests the empress of Austria Sissi, who tasted an excellent violet ice cream, Gabriele D'Annunzio who wrote to Gambrinus the verses of the famous song "A'vucchella", Matilde Serao who founded the newspaper "The morning" sitting right at the coffee tables, Benedetto Croce who made Naples his second city, the Irish writer Oscar Wilde who went to the Neapolitan city with Lord Alfred Douglas after the sad days of imprisonment, Ernest Hemingway, the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre who wrote thoughts about Naples at the tables of the Gambrinus "in front of a slush that I looked sadly as it melted in its enamel cup" and many others. On the French wave also in Naples towards the end of the nineteenth century the Cafè Chantant or also called Caffè Concerto arrived. Together with the Salone Margherita, the Gambrinus was one of the most popular haunts of the Neapolitan nobility. Over time, in the Neapolitan version of the Cafè Chantant the figure of the "sciantosa" was outlined and defined, the main character of the concert (the term derives from a distortion of the Neapolitan language of the French word chanteuse which literally means "singer "). The Gran Caffè Gambrinus prospered until 1938 when the prefect Martial ordered its closure because it was considered an anti-fascist place and from that day the premises were partly sold to the Banco di Napoli. Of the glories that Gambrinus saw, with this split only the memory remained, taking a sad path of decadence. At the beginning of the 70s, Michele Sergio began the battle to recover the premises of the café located in the heart of Naples. Thanks to the meticulous restoration of the ancient stuccos and the recovery of the valuable frescoes, the Gran Caffè Gambrinus is reborn to a new splendor. The battle is won. Naples regains its history. Returned to its former glory, the Gran Caffè Gambrinus is once again the beating heart and elegant lounge of the city. Today, the enhancement work started by Michele Sergio is carried out by his sons Arturo and Antonio Sergio who still make the only historic literary café in the city of Naples great.
Benvenuti “Al Vèdel” e “Podere Cadassa”. La nostra storia inizia da qui. Da questo piccolo lembo di terra adagiato sulle sponde del Grande Fiume, racchiuso fra il silenzio della campagna agreste e la magnificenza di quello che fu il Gran Ducato di Parma e Piacenza. Da una parte il fiume Po a delimitare quel caleidoscopio di uomini e racconti che è il Mondo Piccolo narrato da Guareschi e dall’altra parte la Reggia Ducale, la piccola Versailles, nelle cui stanze ancora oggi si rivivono i fasti della vita di corte. Siamo a Colorno, alle porte di Parma. Siamo nella Bassa parmense. Siamo nella Food Valley italiana. È da qui che veniamo ed è da qui che parte il nostro racconto. Tutto ebbe inizio nel lontano 1780, quando l’anziana zia Cleofe decise di trasformare il proprio rustico in uno spaccio di generi alimentari e posto di ristoro per viandanti. “Dalla Siora” aprì le sue porte a viaggiatori, commercianti e compaesani. “Dalla Siora” si poteva trovare ristoro, ci si informava, si riposava. Come in famiglia. La famiglia Bergonzi che continuò negli anni la tradizione dell’ospitalità e dell’amore per la buona cucina, con la trattoria “Marietta” nel 1927, “Da Ernesto” nel 1962 e infine con il ristorante “Al Vèdel” nel 1976. In campagna tutto era fatto in casa. Anche la cucina era artigianalità. E così, come vuole la tradizione di questa terra, a fianco del rustico si trovava il Podere Cadassa, il piccolo laboratorio di famiglia per la produzione dei salumi tipici del parmense, a partire dal più nobile degli insaccati: il Culatello. Il lavoro artigianale delle sapienti mani dei norcini veniva così offerto agli avventori del locale, proprio come succede oggi ai clienti de “Al Vèdel”. “Al Vèdel” è il nome che abbiamo deciso di conservare per il nostro ristorante. “Al Vèdel”, perché la cucina non è solo una questione di famiglia, ma anche di territorio. O almeno questo è quello che proponiamo noi tutti i giorni ai nostri ospiti e che qui si ha la certezza di trovare. “Al Vèdel” è infatti il nome dialettale de “Le Vedole”, la piccola località alle porte di Colorno, dove, da quel lontano 1780, la nostra famiglia ha il piacere di accogliere quei viandanti che nel corso del tempo sono diventati clienti, turisti, gourmand. Tradizione, qualità e ricerca. Questa è la nostra cucina, questo è il nostro sapere, questa è la nostra arte. A family history. A centuries-long history. A story of flavors. Welcome to “Al Vèdel” and “Podere Cadassa”. Our story starts here. From this small strip of land lying on the banks of the Great River, enclosed between the silence of the rural countryside and the magnificence of what was once the Grand Duchy of Parma and Piacenza. On the one hand the Po river delimiting that kaleidoscope of men and tales that is the Little World narrated by Guareschi and on the other hand the Ducal Palace, the little Versailles, in whose rooms the glories of court life are still relived today. We are in Colorno, on the outskirts of Parma. We are in the Parma lowlands. We are in the Italian Food Valley. This is where we come from and this is where our story starts. It all began back in 1780, when the elderly aunt Cleofe decided to transform her cottage into a grocery store and a refreshment place for travelers. “Dalla Siora” opened its doors to travelers, traders and fellow villagers. "From the Siora" you could find refreshment, you inquired, you rested. Like in the family. The Bergonzi family who continued the tradition of hospitality and love for good food over the years, with the restaurant "Marietta" in 1927, "Da Ernesto" in 1962 and finally with the restaurant "Al Vèdel" in 1976. In the countryside everything was homemade. The cooking was also handcrafted. And so, according to the tradition of this land, the Podere Cadassa was located next to the cottage, the small family workshop for the production of typical Parma cured meats, starting with the noblest of sausages: Culatello. The craftsmanship of the skilled hands of the butchers was thus offered to the patrons of the restaurant, just as happens today to the customers of “Al Vèdel”. “Al Vèdel” is the name we have decided to keep for our restaurant. “Al Vèdel”, because cooking is not just a matter of family, but also of territory. Or at least this is what we offer to our guests every day and that you are sure to find here. "Al Vèdel" is in fact the dialectal name of "Le Vedole", the small town on the outskirts of Colorno, where, since that distant 1780, our family has the pleasure of welcoming those travelers who over time have become customers, tourists , gourmand. Tradition, quality and research . This is our cuisine, this is our knowledge , this is our art.
Dal 1870 il Finsterwirt Oste Scuro è la meta ideale per chi è alla ricerca del buon cibo, del buon vino e di un’atmosfera unica. Accanto alla piazza del Duomo di Bressanone, questo antico locale offre qualità autentica senza compromessi e all’insegna di un‘ospitalità che si perpetua ogni giorno, a pranzo e a cena. Lo chef Hubert Ploner cucina piatti creativi e raffinati, realizzati principalmente con prodotti Slowfood, biologici e di provenienza regionale. La carta dei vini sorprende con più di 400 etichette che descrivono non solo l’Alto Adige ma anche altre regioni italiane ed estere. Accomodatevi nelle sale storiche o sulla terrazza con un magnifico pergolato e lasciatevi viziare dalla famiglia Mayr e dal loro team. Se siete qui è perché ve lo siete meritato. Alto Adige, alta cucina. La qualità dei prodotti di prima classe e la creatività dello chef Hubert Ploner fanno del Finsterwirt Oste Scuro un luogo di culto gastronomico nel bel mezzo della città vecchia. A pranzo o a cena, chi visita Bressanone almeno una volta deve fermarsi qui, questo è poco ma sicuro. The Finsterwirt Oste Scuro has been a haven for food connoisseurs since 1870 and boasts delectable menus, refined wines, and a unique ambience. The building is steeped in history and is located right next to Piazza Duomo in Bressanone. Genuine quality and outstanding service are what you come to expect when dining at the restaurant, which serves mouth-watering meals every day. Chef Hubert Ploner follows the Slow Food principles and creatively mixes organic and regional ingredients to prepare refined dishes. The wine menu is a veritable encyclopaedia of more than 400 South Tyrolean, Italian, and international labels. Take a step back in time as you sit down in these wood-panelled dining rooms, or head out to the terrace and its beautiful arbour. The Mayr family will take care of your every need: after all, you are worth it. Refined palates feel right at home in South Tyrol. Even more so at the Finsterwirt Oste Scuro. Chef Hubert Ploner deftly and creatively uses exceptional ingredients for his dishes, and the meals have made the restaurant the go-to place at the heart of the old city centre. In other words: when visiting Bressanone lunch or dinner here are an absolute must.
I am Elnet Girly Ndlovu. I am 29 years old. I was born and raised in Mpumalanga, South Africa. I graduated from high school in the year 2012 and am currently studying for a higher certificate in economics and management sciences through the university of South Africa. I have also obtained a certificate in business administration and Computer literacy, of which I seek to study further to do entrepreneurship. I began my career as a customer service representative in 2014. Naturally, I have a growth mindset that enables me to grow and to help me by learning from mistakes to improve myself continually. I am kind, loving, caring and a person who is full of empathy often. I am a go-getter, positive, bubbly person who loves a positive fun filled environment. I am self-motivated and also enjoy motivating my team members. I work well in a team or individually. I am passionate about education, uplifting others, entrepreneurship and making a better society for the future generation to come while walking the journey of self-discovery I have more than four years experience in customer service and administration combined with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Administrative Assistance, Meeting Scheduling, Executive Support. I have excellent interpersonal skills, I am also a fast learner and adapt quickly to a new environment My hobbies are reading books, listening to music, walking and learning new things.
Storica pasticceria milanese fondata nel 1817. Luogo di incontro e di incanto famoso in tutto il mondo, Cova celebra l’artigianalità, l’italianità e l’eccellenza, offrendo a una clientela d’élite cosmopolita prodotti di sublime qualità. Corre l'anno 1817 quando Antonio Cova apre il "Caffe del Giardino" al lato del Teatro alla Scala. Le sale sfolgoranti di specchi e lampadari diventano ritrovo del bel mondo dell'epoca e profumano di spirito patriottico, animato di fervore anti-austriaco gli spiriti dell'epoca. Distrutto dai bombardamenti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, nel 1950 il Cova muove dalla sede originaria verso l'attuale sito di Via Montenapoleone 8, dove diventa un salotto elegante e raffinato, riproponendo arredi ed ambienti mutuati da quelli originari. Distrutto dai bombardamenti della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, nel 1950 il Cova muove dalla sede originaria verso l'attuale sito di Via Montenapoleone 8, dove diventa un salotto elegante e raffinato, riproponendo arredi ed ambienti mutuati da quelli originari. L’espansione internazionale del marchio ha iniziato nel 1993, quando Cova apre ad Hong Kong SAR il suo primo negozio oltre frontiera. Nel 2013 diventa parte del Gruppo LVMH e continua la sua espansione nel mondo. Nascono quindi boutique di Pasticceria in Cina, a Taiwan, negli Emirati Arabi e nella vicina Montecarlo. La storia di Cova si intreccia a quella della città e dei suoi momenti più rappresentativi. Ritrovo di una clientela cosmopolita, di borghesia e nobiltà, il Cova entra a pieno titolo nella storia e nelle storie di Milano. Cortesia e accoglienza sono punti fermi dell'arte di ricevere, che punta a servire la clientela con garbo, gusto e riservatezza. Unendo una presenza attenta al più piccolo cenno e la cordialità di professionisti del settore, nasce un ambiente raffinato dove musica soffusa, tovaglie di lino e divanetti in velluto ospitano esponenti del jet set, viaggiatori accaniti e semplici curiosi. Cova is one of Italy’s oldest pasticceria and an international destination. Celebrated for its product excellence, impeccable service and fascinating interiors, Cova is an institution that exalts tailored craftsmanship and creativity. Founded in 1817 by Antonio Cova –a Napoleonic soldier– Cova is one of Italy’s oldest pasticceria. Celebrated for its product excellence, impeccable service and exquisite interiors, this historical Milanese institution has always been a place where tradition meets elegance and style. Fashionable rendez-vous for patriots of the Risorgimento, those days Cova hosted the very representatives of the high society and the most stylish crowd. And it has never stopped: from Giuseppe Verdi to Ernst Hemingway to contemporary élite, even after the relocation to Via Montenapoleone 8 in 1950. In 1993 Cova inaugurated its first venue in Hong Kong SAR, beginning its worldwide expansion. Today Cova, part of the LVMH Group since 2013, is present in Hong Kong SAR, Shanghai, Beijing, Taiwan, Monte Carlo and Dubai, recreating the traditional Italian combination of creativity and elegance around the world. Milanese culture has inspired and energized Cova that has unveiled its pastry making art, conquering the senses and touching the imagination of its nobility and bourgeoisie. The heritage of the city evolved with Cova, one being essential to the other. The ardor and the artisanal know-how of its Chefs, the exceptional quality of its products and the inner art of hospitality of its discrete service initiated the unique Cova experience in the 19th century and continue nowadays magnifying its heritage and matching the needs of an increasingly conscious clientele.
Il caffè prende il nome dal suo proprietario greco (greco in italiano) che lo aprì nel 1760. Personaggi storici tra cui Stendhal, Goethe, Arthur Schopenhauer, Bertel Thorvaldsen, Mariano Fortuny, Byron, Franz Liszt, Keats, Henrik Ibsen, Hans Christian Andersen, Felix Mendelssohn, Wagner, Levi, María Zambrano, Lawrence Ferlinghetti e persino Casanova hanno preso il caffè lì. Per più di due secoli e mezzo, il Caffè Greco è rimasto un rifugio per scrittori, politici, artisti e personaggi illustri a Roma. Trenta secoli fa una colonia greca si stabilì intorno a Piazza di Spagna e vi fondò il "Caffè Greco". A quei tempi la piazza era un lago, come lo diventa ancora nei giorni di pioggia. Romolo e Remo, quando furono sazi del latte di lupa, sorseggiarono allegramente la bevanda fuligginosa, che un cameriere del Caffè Greco portava loro di nascosto. Casanova, Goethe, Gogol, Stendhal, Byron, Andersen e altri grandi personaggi frequentavano la bottega fondata dagli Elleni. Nel 1918 nasce l'intenzione di istituire un circolo di studi in alcuni spiriti eletti. Tre volte si radunarono in una polverosa biblioteca, ma era filosofico ei concetti che impregnavano l'aria oscuravano tanto quegli spiriti, da mortificare la loro primitiva divisione. Discordanti e disperati si separarono, finché una voce si levò di nuovo a raccoglierli. The café was named after its Greek (Greco in Italian) owner, who opened it in 1760. Historic figures including Stendhal, Goethe, Arthur Schopenhauer, Bertel Thorvaldsen, Mariano Fortuny, Byron, Franz Liszt, Keats, Henrik Ibsen, Hans Christian Andersen, Felix Mendelssohn, Wagner, Levi, María Zambrano, Lawrence Ferlinghetti and even Casanova have had coffee there. For more than two centuries and a half, the Caffè Greco has remained a haven for writers, politicians, artists and notable people in Rome. Thirty centuries ago a Greek colony took up residence around Piazza di Spagna and founded the "Greek Coffee" there. In those days the square was a lake, as it still becomes on rainy days. Romulus and Remus, when they were sated with she-wolf milk, happily sipped the sooty drink, which a waiter from the Caffè Greco brought them secretly. Casanova, Goethe, Gogol, Stendhal, Byron, Andersen and other great people frequented the shop founded by the Hellenes. In 1918 the intention of setting up a circle of studies was born in some chosen spirits. Three times they gathered in a dusty library, but it was philosophical and the concepts which impregnated the air so darkened those spirits, as to mortify their primitive division. Discordant and desperate they parted, until a voice rose again to gather them.
Il Caffè Florian fu aperto il 29 dicembre 1720 a Venezia in Piazza S.Marco da Floriano Francesconi con il nome di “Alla Venezia Trionfante”, ma ben presto la clientela prese l’abitudine di chiamarlo “Florian”. Nei quasi tre secoli di vita il Florian è stato meta di incontro di artisti, scrittori, intellettuali, politici e personaggi illustri come Lord Byron, Goethe e Casanova. Simbolo di stile e qualità il brand Florian propone una selezione di prodotti esclusivi e prestigiosi che rappresentano l’arte di vivere con eleganza. La gamma Gourmet, la linea Lifestyle e la collezione Design si distinguono per la raffinatezza dello stile italiano e l’eccellente qualità dei prodotti. Disponibili nei corner presso i Florian di Venezia, Firenze, Londra e sul sito internet www.caffeflorian.com. Caffè Florian first opened its doors in St. Mark’s Square, Venice in 1720, baptised “Alla Venezia Trionfante” by its owner Floriano Francesconi, but the clientele soon took to calling it simply “Florian”. For nearly three centuries Florian has also been the meeting-place of famous artists, writers, intellectuals and politicians such as Lord Byron, Goethe and Casanova. The symbol of style and quality, the Florian brand name offers a selection of exclusive and prestigious products representing the art of elegant living. The Gourmet range, the Lifestyle line and the Design collection are characterized by refined Italian taste and the excellent quality of the products.
Il Pedrocchi è uno dei simboli di Padova, luogo eletto per la degustazione del caffè e della cucina. Riconosciuto come la sede più esclusiva del centro della città dove realizzare gli eventi più importanti e spettacolari. Senza nome, del prato senza erba e del caffè senza porte”: la Basilica di S. Antonio, detta “del Santo”‚ il Prato della Valle, fino all’800 privo d’erba, e il Caffè Pedrocchi, “senza porte” perché rimase aperto giorno e notte dall’inaugurazione nel 1831 fino al 1916. La presenza a Padova di un Gran caffè internazionale si deve ad Antonio Pedrocchi, famoso caffettiere, citato da Stendhal ne “La certosa di Parma”. Ai primi dell’800 nei numerosi caffè si mescolavano nobili e borghesi, intellettuali e popolani. Antonio Pedrocchi sognava un caffè monumentale, dall’architettura rappresentativa e funzionale, situato proprio al centro della città, di fronte all’Università e alla Gendarmeria Austriaca e chiamò a realizzarlo Giuseppe Jappelli, famoso architetto ed ingegnere di idee illuministe e profondo conoscitore del gusto asburgico che lo inaugurò nel 1831. Divenne presto crocevia di intellettuali e letterati “luogo dove nascevano le idee”, dove si organizzavano feste, balli, riunioni massoniche e persino trattative commerciali, un punto di riferimento per i padovani, ma anche per i viaggiatori e gli uomini d’affari provenienti da tutta la Penisola che in quest’imponente edificio neoclassico trovavano sempre accoglienza e ristoro. Il successo fu immediato e il caffè divenne ritrovo di studenti, artisti e letterati come Ippolito Nievo o Giovanni Prati, ma anche di patrioti, come Arnaldo Fusinato. Tra gli ospiti illustri oltre a Stendhal, si ricordano Alfred De Musset, George Sand, Téophile Gauthier, Gabriele d’Annunzio, Eleonora Duse, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti e molti altri. Lasciato in dono al Comune di Padova, con l’impegno “di promuovere e sviluppare tutti quei miglioramenti che verranno portati dal progresso dei tempi, mettendolo a livello di questi e nulla trascurando, onde nel suo genere possa mantenere il primato in Italia”, il Caffè Pedrocchi ha ormai conquistato una posizione privilegiata nel centro e nel cuore di Padova. Pedrocchi is one of the symbols of Padua, a place chosen for tasting coffee and cooking. Recognized as the most exclusive venue in the city center where the most important and spectacular events are held. Without a name, of the lawn without grass and of the café without doors: the Basilica of S. Antonio, known as "del Santo"‚ the Prato della Valle, up to the 19th century without grass, and the Caffè Pedrocchi, "without doors" because it remained open day and night from its inauguration in 1831 until 1916. The presence in Padua of a great international coffee is due to Antonio Pedrocchi, famous coffee maker, mentioned by Stendhal in "La Certosa di Parma". At the beginning of the 19th century, nobles and bourgeois, intellectuals and commoners mixed in the numerous cafés. Antonio Pedrocchi dreamed of a monumental café, with a representative and functional architecture, located right in the center of the city, in front of the University and the Austrian Gendarmerie, and he called Giuseppe Jappelli, famous architect and engineer of Enlightenment ideas and profound connoisseur of Habsburg taste to build it. who inaugurated it in 1831. It soon became a crossroads for intellectuals and writers "a place where ideas were born", where parties, dances, Masonic meetings and even commercial negotiations were organized, a point of reference for Paduans, but also for travelers and businessmen from the whole peninsula which always found welcome and refreshment in this imposing neoclassical building. Success was immediate and the café became a meeting place for students, artists and writers such as Ippolito Nievo or Giovanni Prati, but also for patriots, such as Arnaldo Fusinato. In addition to Stendhal, the illustrious guests include Alfred De Musset, George Sand, Téophile Gauthier, Gabriele d'Annunzio, Eleonora Duse, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and many others. Left as a gift to the Municipality of Padua.
L'attività della ditta Mulassano comincia nella seconda metà dell'800, con apertura di una bottiglieria in via Nizza 3. L'allora proprietario, Amilcare Mulassano, era titolare anche della rinomata Distilleria Sacco, produttrice del famoso sciroppo di menta. Nel 1907, il locale fu poi trasferito nella più centrale piazza Castello luogo che non ha più lasciato. Nel corso dei primi anni il locale si trasformò in Caffè. Angela Nebiolo era andata sposa bambina a Detroit, negli Stati Uniti, dove il marito e i cognati gestivano ristoranti e locali notturni. Aveva 15 anni. Il lavoro non la spaventava: l'appassionava quel mondo nuovo e frenetico: scoprì l'automobile, prese la patente giovanissima. Ma, nel cuore, le batteva forte la nostalgia: avrebbe dato l'America intera pur di tornare a Torino, la sua città natale. E così fu: nel 1925 Angela e Onorino Nebiolo, che nel frattempo avevano avuto due figli, tornarono in Italia con il proposito di gestire un locale tutto loro. In quei mesi la famiglia Mulassano aveva messo in vendita il proprio scrigno prezioso: il caffè Mulassano. Ai coniugi non parve vero e con i risparmi accumulati in America, comprarono il locale. La spesa: 300 mila lire di allora per la sola licenza. Con l'intento di ridare vigore agli affari del locale, cercarono di ideare delle nuove proposte da accompagnare all'aperitivo. Avevano portato con sé dagli States una macchina che tostava il pane: così importarono, per primi a Torino, il toast. Non paghi di questa innovazione, pensarono di utilizzare quel pane morbidissimo, usato per i toast, senza tostatura e con una speciale e più intensa farcitura: fu così che il signor Onorino inventò il tramezzino. Dapprima lo serviva in accompagnamento agli aperitivi, poi, visto il successo, lo propose per lo spuntino di mezzogiorno dei tanti impiegati e delle sartine di via Roma e via Po. Alcuni anni più tardi, Gabriele D'Annunzio gli diede il nome che ora conosciamo: "tramezzino". Furono anni intensi e di grandi successi; la buvette divenne popolarissima, come è oggi. Ci andava un giovane studente in medicina allora sconosciuto: Achille Mario Dogliotti; ci tornò spesso anche da affermato chirurgo. Per l'aperitivo venivano Luigi Spazzapan e Italo Cremona, Gigi Chessa e Giacomo Grosso, Gigetta Morano e Caterina Boratto. La Torino dell'arte e del cinema oltre che la Torino d'ogni giorno. Fra i più assidui Mario Soldati e Gianandrea Gavazzeni che hanno frequentato il Mulassano per decenni. Nel 1938 i coniugi Nebiolo vendettero il locale per andare a gestire alcuni cinematografi della periferia e il locale, con la guerra conobbe un periodo di declino. I suoi tesori sparirono sotto la calce. Negli anni '70 il Mulassano è tornato quello del commendatore Amilcare e di Onorino grazie ad un accurato restauro che l'allora titolare, Antonio Chessa, svolse con grande pazienza e sapienza. La nipote di Antonio Chessa, Vanna, insieme a un nuovo socio Patrizio Abrate, ne conserva oggi la tradizione e la cura, illuminati da quella passione per la quale lo zio ha dedicato una vita. Oggi il locale è come fu pensato da Antonio Vandone e rimane patrimonio della città di Torino e di chi ne vuole godere la bellezza. The activity of the Mulassano company began in the second half of the 19th century, with the opening of a bottle shop in via Nizza 3. The then owner, Amilcare Mulassano, was also the owner of the renowned Sacco Distillery, producer of the famous mint syrup. In 1907, the restaurant was then moved to the more central Piazza Castello, a place it has never left. During the first few years the place was transformed into a café. Angela Nebiolo had gone as a child bride to Detroit, in the United States, where her husband and in-laws ran restaurants and nightclubs. He was 15. Work did not scare her: she was passionate about that new and frenetic world: she discovered the car, got her driving license very young. But nostalgia beat strongly in her heart: she would have given the whole of America to return to Turin, her hometown. And so it was: in 1925 Angela and Onorino Nebiolo, who in the meantime had had two children, returned to Italy with the intention of running their own place. In those months the Mulassano family had put their precious treasure chest up for sale: Mulassano coffee. To the spouses it didn't seem real and with the savings accumulated in America, they bought the place. The cost: 300 thousand lire at the time for the license alone. With the intention of reviving the business of the place, they tried to come up with new proposals to accompany the aperitif. They had brought with them from the States a machine that toasted bread: so they were the first to import toast in Turin. Not satisfied with this innovation, they thought of using that very soft bread, used for toast, without toasting and with a special and more intense filling: this was how Mr. Onorino invented the sandwich. At first he served it as an accompaniment to aperitifs, then, given its success, he proposed it for the midday snack of the many employees and tailors of via Roma and via Po. A few years later, Gabriele D'Annunzio gave it the name we now know : "sandwich". They were intense and successful years; the buvette became hugely popular, as it is today. A young medical student then unknown went there: Achille Mario Dogliotti; he also often returned as a well-known surgeon. For the aperitif came Luigi Spazzapan and Italo Cremona, Gigi Chessa and Giacomo Grosso, Gigetta Morano and Caterina Boratto. The Turin of art and cinema as well as the Turin of every day. Among the most assiduous Mario Soldati and Gianandrea Gavazzeni who have frequented the Mulassano for decades. In 1938 the Nebiolo couple sold the place to go and manage some cinemas in the suburbs and the place, with the war experienced a period of decline. His treasures disappeared under the lime. In the 1970s Mulassano returned to that of Commendatore Amilcare and Onorino thanks to an accurate restoration that the then owner, Antonio Chessa, carried out with great patience and wisdom. Antonio Chessa's niece, Vanna, together with a new partner Patrizio Abrate, today preserves the tradition and care, enlightened by that passion for which the uncle dedicated a life. Today the place is as it was thought by Antonio Vandone and remains the heritage of the city of Turin and of those who want to enjoy its beauty.
La storia inizia nel 1763, quando l’acquacedratario Giuseppe Dentis apre la sua piccola bottega nell’edificio di fronte all’ingresso del Santuario della Consolata. Il locale all’epoca era arredato semplicemente, con tavole e panche di legno. Nel 1856, su progetto dell’architetto Carlo Promis, viene edificato l’attuale palazzo e in questa sede il caffè assume l’elegante forma che oggi possiamo apprezzare: le pareti vengono abbellite con boiseries di legno decorate da specchi e lampade e fanno la loro comparsa i caratteristici tavolini tondi di marmo bianco, il bancone di legno e marmo e le scaffalature per i vasi dei confetti. Alla fine dell’Ottocento viene posta esternamente la devanture in ferro, con le vetrinette ai lati, le colonnine e i capitelli in ghisa. In questo ambiente viene svolta l’attività di confetteria e di caffè-cioccolateria. L’invenzione del bicerin è stata, senza alcun dubbio, la base del successo del locale e, più che invenzione, fu evoluzione della settecentesca bavareisa, una bevanda allora di gran moda che veniva servita in grossi bicchieri e che era fatta di caffè, cioccolato, latte e sciroppo. Il rituale del bicerin prevedeva all’inizio che i tre ingredienti fossero serviti separatamente, ma già nell’Ottocento vengono riuniti in un unico bicchiere e declinati in tre varianti: pur e fiur (simile all’odierno cappuccino), pur e barba (caffè e cioccolato), ‘n poc ‘d tut (ovvero “un po’ di tutto”), con tutti e tre gli ingredienti. Quest’ultima formula fu quella di maggiore successo e finì per prevalere sulle altre, arrivando integra ed originale ai nostri giorni e prendendo il nome dai piccoli bicchieri senza manico in cui veniva servita (bicerin, appunto). La bevanda si diffuse anche negli altri locali della città, diventandone addirittura uno dei simboli di Torino. Stefani-Mondo scrive: “...è la bibita prediletta della mattina: ministri, magistrati, professori, negozianti, fattorini, cestaie, venditori e venditrici ambulanti, campagnuoli ecc, tutti spendono volentieri i loro tre soldi per rifocillarsi economicamente lo stomaco“. Il prezzo di tre soldi, cioè 15 centesimi di lira, venne mantenuto dalla metà dell’Ottocento fino al 5 dicembre del 1913, quando passò a 20. “…per venti soli centesimi si aveva il classico bicchierino che costituisce un nutritivo spuntino…“. La storia del Bicerin, come questo locale venne nel tempo a essere semplicemente chiamato dai torinesi per il successo della sua bevanda, nel tempo si intreccia saldamente a quella della “Consolà”. La nuova miscela era infatti il sostegno ideale per i fedeli che, avendo digiunato per prepararsi alla comunione, cercavano un sostegno energetico appena usciti dalla chiesa. Ugualmente era molto gradita in tempo di Quaresima poiché, non essendo la cioccolata calda considerata “cibo”, poteva essere consumata senza remore durante il digiuno prescritto. The story begins in 1763, when the acquactress Giuseppe Dentis opens his small shop in the building opposite the entrance to the Sanctuary of the Consolata. At the time, the place was simply furnished, with wooden tables and benches. In 1856, based on a project by the architect Carlo Promis, the current palace was built and here the café takes on the elegant shape that we can appreciate today: the walls are embellished with wooden boiseries decorated with mirrors and lamps and make their own the characteristic round white marble tables, the wooden and marble counter and the shelves for the confetti jars appeared. At the end of the nineteenth century the devanture was placed externally in iron, with the showcases on the sides, the columns and capitals in cast iron. In this environment, the confectionery and coffee-chocolate shop is carried out. The invention of the bicerin was, without any doubt, the basis of the success of the place and, more than an invention, it was the evolution of the eighteenth-century bavareisa, a drink at the time very fashionable that was served in large glasses and was made of coffee, chocolate, milk and syrup. The bicerin ritual initially provided for the three ingredients to be served separately, but already in the nineteenth century they were combined in a single glass and declined in three variants: pur and fiur (similar to today's cappuccino), pur e barba (coffee and chocolate), 'n poc' d tut (or “a bit of everything”), with all three ingredients. This last formula was the most successful and ended up prevailing over the others, arriving intact and original to our days and taking its name from the small glasses without handles in which it was served ( bicerin , in fact). The drink also spread to other places in the city, even becoming one of the symbols of Turin. Stefani-Mondo writes: “...it is the favorite drink of the morning: ministers, magistrates, professors, shopkeepers, messengers, baskets, street vendors and vendors, country men, etc., all willingly spend their three sous to economically refresh their stomach". The price of three soldi, that is 15 cents of a lira, was maintained from the mid-nineteenth century until December 5, 1913, when it passed to 20. "... For only twenty cents you had the classic glass which is a nutritious snack...". The history of Bicerin, as this place came over time to be simply called by the Turinese for the success of its drink, over time is firmly intertwined with that of the " Consolà ". The new blend was in fact the ideal support for the faithful who, having fasted to prepare for communion, sought energetic support as soon as they left the church. It was also very welcome in time of Lent since, not being the hot chocolate considered "food", it could be consumed without hesitation during the prescribed fast.
My name is Glorymar Hernandez, but I prefer to be called “Glory”. I was born in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, and grew up amid the crowds of the city, the tranquility of the Andean mountains and the joy of the Caribbean coast. A mixture that has taught me to enjoy wherever I am, that aroused my curiosity to know the world, and that has helped me to adapt, with relative ease, to changes. I have a degree in Philosophy, my research works are in Philosophy of Language. Since 2019 I have been working as a Spanish teacher. I decided to start teaching my mother tongue thanks to my experience learning other languages. I had the opportunity to live for a year in Ireland, where I went to learn English and, currently, I am in Italy, where I have had the opportunity to learn Italian. These experiences allowed me to realize that, although seeking perfection when trying to “speak like a native” is the ideal, what really matters is being able to communicate, make ourselves understood and be open to the experience of knowing other cultures and understand that there are many different points of view. Professionally, I have had the opportunity to work in different contexts such as banking, outsourcing consular procedures, and teaching at university level. The biggest lesson I learned from these experiences is that I am not an office person. I prefer to own my time and have the freedom to work wherever I am. For this reason, I have decided to dedicate myself to teaching Spanish online and to enter the digital world. I consider myself a very curious and versatile person, that is why in my free time I enjoy handcrafting (such as sewing or knitting), volunteering, being in contact with nature, and trying to learn new things, like playing the guitar. Regarding my geographical preferences, the beach and the mountains are my main refuges, because I can escape from the noise of the city and connect with myself. That is why I would like to be able to live with my husband on a mountain, not far from the sea.
I’m Toni-Leigh, born and bred in the Mother City of Cape Town. My fiancé and I, are parents to a lively 2-year-old girl who arrived 5 years after losing our 3-year-old son to a rare genetic disease. I love learning new things. Growing up, I was a voracious reader, reading anything and everything (even the classifieds and property ads) and with the advancement of technology over the years, I can have information at the tip of my fingers, so I’m always eager to learn new things and I’m a fast learner. I’ve always had an interest in Information Technology and was the go-to person in my office before my colleagues would go to the IT office, and now I’m looking into further studies so that I can develop my knowledge and skills. In 2005, I graduated from Varsity College with a Diploma in Travel and Tourism, with aspirations of travelling worldwide in my profession. Things didn’t quite work out that way, having worked in retail and a company assisting young people to live and work in the UK. In the last decade or so, I’ve been in the tourism industry behind the scenes, working for an online holiday accommodation booking agency and more recently a company that does tours and safaris in Southern Africa. I also do freelance work remotely, such as, captioning for a speech-to-text service and social media evaluation. I am an introvert, but enjoy working with and being in the company of others, while also enjoying being on my own. In the past I used to view being an introvert as a weakness because those higher up in the ranks of the companies I worked for were extroverted but in recent times I realised how much of a strength it is being an introvert as I also have a strong sense of empathy, which I believe is key in Customer Service and building interpersonal relationships with colleagues and clients. I’m passionate about customer service and going the extra mile and l love that feeling of knowing that I’ve made a difference in someone’s day, whether big or small. People tend to describe me as hardworking, punctual, efficient, dependable and trustworthy. Covid-19 affected the tourism industry drastically, however, I still want to travel anywhere I can, just soaking up the different cultures and experiences. The last year has been both challenging and rewarding and it has made me see things in a different light and so it has been somewhat of a new beginning for me. I am motivated now more than ever to seek out new passions and adventures and to get out of my comfort zone.
Hello, I’m Deborah! I was born in Congo RDC and came to Cape Town, South Africa in October 2012 to study at university. I have a National diploma in Financial accounting and a diploma in Financial information system. I am an ambitious young lady and I love to be surrounded by positive people. I’m a dedicated and conscientious team player with the ability to provide support and advice to people, customers, or co-workers and make a difference. I am organized, responsible, very loyal, focused and I can have the work done on time and meet deadlines. While doing my National diploma, I was also working as a part-time customer service sales representative. I became a full time agent right after I graduated from university. I am a customer relation professional with more than six years of experience in customer service work, inbound and outbound calls, emails and social media. I have excellent verbal skills, with the ability to communicate my thoughts and information in a clear and easy to understand manner. I am confident that the experience, the capabilities I have, make me ready for any opportunity. I speak French, English, Swahili, and Lingala I love singing and dancing, reading, and my favorites animals are dogs and cats. Looking forward to be part of Zagenie family! Thank you!
Fungi Perfecti, LLC is a family-owned business dedicated to promoting the cultivation of high quality gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. Having been in business since 1980, we have been instrumental in developing new technologies and markets for gourmet mushrooms throughout the world. Mushrooms are fleshy fungi that reproduce through the sexual matings of germinated spores. Only recently has the cultivation of exotic mushrooms become a practical endeavor. Cultivating mushrooms is not necessarily difficult: it requires only a willingness to learn, a little work, and adherence to some well-defined guidelines. Mushrooms can be grown throughout the year indoors or during a few months outdoors. One of the most exciting innovations in mushroom culture is a concept Fungi Perfecti has been instrumental in promoting: Mycological Landscaping. Mycological landscaping involves the cultivation of exotic mushrooms as beneficial companions to plants in gardens, lawns, or within woodlands. Fungi Perfecti has been actively searching the wild for candidates having strong potential for culinary value. Each year, we clone dozens of species having gourmet appeal and test them at our research facility—indoors and outdoors. Imagine having a selection of choice exotic mushroom patches, protected in the privacy of your backyard, to be enjoyed through the seasons and perhaps through generations! For everyone seriously contemplating mushroom cultivation as a business, we urge you to learn the sterile culture skills necessary for spawn production. You will be glad you did. Central texts in helping the aspiring spawn maker to achieve these skills are Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms and The Mushroom Cultivator, treatises we highly recommend. We keenly sense that fungi will play a pivotal role in new industries of the 21st Century. Gourmet and medicinal mushrooms will continue to appeal to organic gardeners, commercial cultivators, researchers, nutritionists, and ecological managers. We forsee a quantum leap in their popularity when the public realizes that these fungi can help: -support the immune system. -represent a pesticide-free alternative to the traditional white button mushroom. -are instrumental in the recycling of wood and agricultural byproducts. -can easily be grown by everyone—outdoors in your garden or yard (Mycological Landscaping)—or indoors within greenhouses, solaria, or controlled environments. Through our in-depth classes and information networks, we encourage the establishment of a constellation of independent, organically minded growers whose collective consciousness will define this emerging industry well into the next century. We hope you will join us in this endeavor. The future is ours.
Wamkelekile (‘Welcome’ in isiXhosa) to one and all! My name is Iman Martin – ‘Iman’ having both Arabic and African meanings for ‘faith’. Just like my name, I come from a multicultural background: my mom has Indian and Malaysian origins, while my dad is from the Griqua people/clan in South Africa. In the same vein, I am a Muslim and have Christian relatives, with who I am very close. It is because of my diverse background that I feel I was raised to be both tolerant and respectful towards those that are of a different culture, religion, or ethnicity. Cape Town has been the only home I know, and I’ve never ventured far out of it. I do however envision myself travelling to different parts of the world a few years from now. I am passionate about women’s empowerment and women having the choice to choose for themselves! I have recently graduated from the University of Cape Town, with a Bachelor of Social Work (Psychology Major) and placed on the Dean’s Merit List, awarded for consistent academic achievement. Through hard work and perseverance, I was fortunate to have received a scholarship from the Department of Social Development for three of my four years of study. My mini-thesis explored the experiences and challenges of 1st-year students at UCT adjusting to university. Studying social work has not only allowed me to better understand those around me and their thought processes but also, to better understand myself and the possible reasons why I am the way I am. As part of my course requirements, I had to complete field practicals – by putting the theory that I was learning in class to practice in a real-world environment. My field practice experience ranged along a spectrum: from providing social work services to underprivileged youth in a primary school in Bonteheuwel, to interning in the more affluent area of Upper Wynberg, at an international school. This experience further fostered my innate empathy and non-judgemental outlook for those around me. I am someone who is not afraid to get my hands dirty, work hard and help out where I can: currently job hunting, I have occasionally been helping my father with renovations to his property that include painting, plastering, applying putty, etc. This has taught me many practical things that I hope to apply when I own my own house one day. A few months before now, I worked as a Personal Assistant to a therapist and social worker. This was a remote job that taught me valuable organisation and time-management skills. In my early years of study, I found myself working a sales assistant job at the Robben Island Museum Gateway store, and found that my favourite part of the job was interacting with the different tourists that happened upon our humble store and hearing their stories – where they were from and why they decided to visit SA, etc. I love reading, and since a young age, I’ve been considered a bookworm. I mainly enjoy supernatural and sci-fi novels and webcomics, as well as other forms of content such as newspaper and magazine articles (need to know what’s happening in the world around me). English was also my favourite subject at school, and I think this was also encouraged by my English-teacher mother, who was quick to correct any incorrect grammar and pronunciation when my siblings and I spoke incorrectly. I often assisted her in marking her learners’ English examination scripts and as a result, am quick to pick up on spelling or grammatical errors. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, long walks with my dog Ninja, and photography. This has led me to submit a piece that is currently being exhibited at the Zeits Mocca Art Museum, in their long-running ‘Home is Where The Art Is’ exhibition. Furthermore, my faith has given me strength through the darkest times and taught me to be tolerant and understanding of those around me. I am still very much figuring life and myself out as I go along and am always open to learning from those around me.
Rome wasn't built in a day. I’m of a very friendly nature and love to be with people who aren’t selfish. I am ambitious and will do anything to achieve my aim - "The Universe applauds action, not thought" I’m of a very adventurous nature and love to find good in everything I see. There are many things that make us depressed or upset, but that doesn’t mean that we stop living. You dust yourself off, honor the difficult times for the lesson it taught you, and walk away stronger and wiser. Independence and confidence were key in my life from a young age with venturing to the UK straight after school, and eventually ending up in Cape Town as my dream destination to live a happy balanced life where beautiful sunsets are part of your everyday life, and reminds you that dreams do come true. My professional life started as a labourer painting parks in the dire UK winter weather to an Insurance consultant for a huge corporate company. Getting to know me over time, it became clear that I adapt quickly and take pride in everything I do as I strive to leave everything and everyone better than you found them. Covid-19 and the drastic changes that came with it has been the most challenging and rewarding time of my life. With a system that failed us all in so many ways, living a financially stable life is nearly impossible, but forced me to get grounded with nature and realize that the best things in life are truly free. My senses for nature, animals, and my overall humility enhanced drastically. We are all just reminded once again that nothing ever goes as planned and that losing everything including your mind might be necessary to make you realize what a strong, resilient, and galactic species we truly are. Realizing this, I am now more than ever ready to spread love and kindness whilst challenging myself with new adventures that push me out of my comfort zone. There is no other time than the present that truly matters. And in this moment, I am excited to change my reality and the lives of those around me.
I was born in Port Elizabeth (now Gqeberha), South Africa. I’m an outgoing person who is both introverted and extroverted depending on who I’m with. I enjoy meeting and interacting with new people because I believe this is how you learn and grow as a person. I’m forever looking for new adventures or challenges. I’m a go-getter, never afraid to fail because we learn more from our failures and build character from them. I believe one is never too old to learn something new things. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” doesn’t apply in my life. I enjoy the outdoors, especially hiking, which has exposed me to some of the most beautiful hiking trails in South Africa. I also love taking game drives and explore our nature, especially the animals in their natural habitats. I haven’t had the opportunity to travel beyond the borders of my country. Hopefully one day I’ll travel the world, meet different people and get to experience diverse cultures and cuisines. I had dreams of becoming a medical doctor, but due to financial difficulties, I settled for a National Diploma in Biomedical Technology. At least, I got to work in the medical environment with doctors and other medical personnel for about 5 years. I realised that working in a laboratory was not suitable for my personality because I love people, I enjoy interacting with different people. I enrolled for a Diploma in Marketing and that led me to the pharmaceutical industry where I combined both my medical background and the marketing qualification. I worked in Sales and Marketing departments. I also had the opportunity to turn my passion for fashion into a business adventure and started my online clothing store, which was a very exciting and challenging adventure. I leant a lot about importing and e-commerce. When motherhood happened and I took a break to become a stay home mom. I got involved in fitness and nutrition business. I realised that the entrepreneurship bug has got me and needed to empower myself to avoid mistakes I made in my previous business adventures, that is when I decided to register for a BCom degree in entrepreneurship via Unisa, which what I’m currently busy with. I am also teaching English as a foreign language online on a freelance basis. I plan to also learn one or two foreign languages as I plan to travel the world in the not-so-distant future. I’m excited about the future and learning more in this university of life.
“Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” A Japanese proverb close to my heart. It has helped me persevere in so many situations in life and those situations have molded me into the woman I am today. Here’s a brief introduction to who I am. I am a new mommy to an adorable baby boy. A jack of all trades. I’m an artist at heart, fitness enthusiast, avid reader, and quite academic. I was born on the 9th of August in the year 1996 in Elim, a small village in the Limpopo Province. I grew up in Johannesburg and later moved to Pretoria in 2006 when I was in Grade 4, where I completed the rest of my school career. I have always been a very dedicated student. I finished school as a top student in my Matric year (2014) in Hoerskool Silverton. Ideally, I thought that I would finish university in record time, but it seems I had a few lessons to pick up along the way. I began my studies at the University of Pretoria but sadly dropped out due to academic and financial exclusion and so I continued the rest of my year as a freelance tutor to make some money and figure out my next move. During this time I found that I work quite well with young kids and have enjoyed tutoring ever since. I returned to the said university again and hit the financial exclusion wall yet again, so I went ahead and tried out a learnership in the automotive industry, for a year, where I earned a stipend. This encouraged me to go back to school and try part-time (Yes, I do not give up easily!) Presently, I am currently pursuing my degree in Mechanical Engineering through the University of South Africa (UNISA). I have always been one to participate in almost every extra-mural activity since my primary school years, I played softball, hockey, and cricket. I took part in cross-country and district athletics to name a few. My love for sports made me gravitate towards what I currently do part-time, I train on a regular basis, and I am a wellness coach and a distributor for a prominent nutrition brand. A large part of what I do involves helping people correct their nutrition and learn more about the benefits of healthy eating so that they can lead a healthier lifestyle and feel great while they are at it. I have been involved in various projects that involved giving back to those in need. I have been involved with an initiative called Feed a Homeless Homie, where we made food for the homeless and distributed it at least one weekend a month, I also helped a friend of mine with a pads drive for less fortunate girls, I also give clothes to homeless shelters for women and children whenever I can and I worked with an NGO known as Keep That Gold Shining (KTG) where we tutored young kids in high schools in the townships. I am a philanthropist at heart and believe that even the smallest contribution goes a long way. As mentioned, I am also an artist, mostly self-taught. I do painting on commission as well as pencil sketching. I do not have a specific style as yet, but most of my work features women from different walks of life. I would like to collaborate with more artists in the future and have exhibitions. I try to read at least one book a month. My favorite writers have always been James Patterson and Dan Brown, however I recently branched out to other genres besides suspense and thrillers. Some of my latest reads are: • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki • Atomic Habits by James Clear • The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho • Half of a yellow sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie • No Longer At Ease by Chinua Achebe I can speak at least 6 of the 11 official languages, I am fairly tech-savvy. I am a quick learner, always willing to pick up a new skill. Life has thrown several curveballs at me and I never backed down. I strongly believe in working hard and not giving up on anything I do. My name means ‘Be Strong’, that is who I am!
Let's get to know Wandisile Mboxela was born in Cape Town, I’m the last born of four siblings parents background from the beautiful province of the Eastern Cape in Alice, My background was very poor parents had to move to Cape Town where all four siblings born. All my primary education, higher education done here in Cape Town, while was at school developed love for Sport, now I’m applying that love for sport to the young kids in my community keep them out of trouble, we grow up with a lot of trouble in my community now trying to chase that away, to build bright future to the young people by involving them in sport education activities, sport and education goes together if you want to build better future for others. Coming from where I came from, hard work pays, I was offered a Learnership qualification which introduced me to corporate world quite extensively. Good written and verbal communication skills in at least two of three official languages of the Western Cape, problem-solving and conflict management with good planning and organizational skills, ability to handle information as confidential and good interpersonal skills, to contribute and become part of a successful organization that motivate its employees to utilize their skill and talent effectively and efficiently, the knowledge and skills which I acquired over that period of time equipped me for future positions. I am a hard-working individual, and eager to learn, I was recently employed due to Covid-19 company layoff some staff. I was employed as Accounts Controller at Tourvest Travel Service and this involves extensive client interaction. Deliver an effective admin support service to staff and clients, communicate with suppliers regarding outstanding, verbally, via mail and telephonically. I have highly knowledge of Tourism and Hospitality which I achieved through Theta, Tourism Hospitality and Sport Education Training Authority. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change, and I’m looking forward to be the part and the future of ZaGenie. Thank you…
I am Alonzo Van Aarde, born on 9th July 2002. I was raised in Cape Town, South Africa, I am the oldest son out of 6 children, Recently (last year 2020) I have matriculated in my hometown, Mitchell’s plain. I never quite had a fixed job, but I have had my fair share of holiday jobs in a shoe store, it was called first stop shoes in a shopping complex close to home. In my free time, I would work private jobs with my father and doing shop fitting and house renovations all over Cape Town. I loved helping my father out. It was also a way for me to have extra pocket money. I also worked at a Taylor blinds company, whereby the production of blinds called Taylor blinds in Montague gardens. I took part in various programs whilst at school, namely, in leadership development skills with a NPO called M.O.V.E and another called J.A.M, where I was taught to run my own business. This was done during my schooling, I have obtained certificates for these courses. These two courses were done over a period of 12 months, I was also an RCL members as well as a Prefect at my school. I am also part of a group called M.O.C (mission of Christ), where I furthered my leadership skills but in a more spiritual sense, in doing so we take part in outreach programs and preach the gospel. I speak fluently English and Afrikaans. I am currently studying Japanese, because I am intrigued by it. I am computer literate, Microsoft enabled as well as Linux. I am also a musician. In my spare time, I teach people to play an instrument and also to read music. I also write my own music as well as produce music. I use this skill to help many young and upcoming artists I work with an Organization called My Child Is Your Child, Creating a platform where young people can showcase their talents and make something out of themselves. I live in a rough community where children are killing children and I’ve joined this organization to make a change in a community through various forms of art. My hobbies are, playing different sporting activities, going to the gym, writing music and drawing portraits.
My Bio will tell you about my past and present. The past is important, but nothing is more important as the present ME! The Beautiful and strong ME! The ME that makes the people who know and love me happy to be in my presence, the present me is what matters. My values and morals and my way of thinking are what is important, the past was just the "making of", the preview one see's of movies and series, the past is an ancient scroll where most of my life is narrated by my parents, teachers, siblings and the other significant people who come and go from one's life, My present is the true picture of what I am and who I am so let me give you insight into who I am: I am a straight talker, yet I am loving and a helpful person who is always willing to learn new things, I follow rules only when it makes sense and is fair. I was born to a mixed-race couple in the "old South Africa (during apartheid)" while the political climate was unstable and in its rebirth stage, my mixed-race background has made me culturally rich. Ancestrally I come from a diverse lineage, I have a Scottish and Irish father, a mother with little french a little Indian (Afghan and Pakistani), I have a little of everything, which has made me the odd one out as I look different from the rest of my family, I do not fit in with the brown people, I do not fit in with the white people and there is nothing wrong with that I do not need to be labeled to feel like I belong, I am one of the reasons why our country is known as the rainbow nation a mix and mashed beautiful product of all that is good. My personality and likes have made me the odd one out and the weird one, luckily my husband is just as weird as I am, I always tell him my weird matches his weird, it makes us a perfect match, we were made for each other destined to be together almost as if it was written in the stars, a destiny fulfilled with a happy future in the ahead of us. Happy and together forever and always, I still find it hard to believe that there is someone out there who not only gets me, who understands me, my way of thinking, and the way I view the world but most importantly who LOVE'S ME for ME! I consider myself spiritual and not religious, although I was raised catholic and attended a convent, where a lot of who I am today was made. The making of ME! The Sisters of Mercy and catholicism had the opposite of the intended effect on me, I am not deeply rooted in the catholic faith, even though I had many lovable and amazing teachers and friends who made my school days worthwhile. Religion does not make sense to me and I consider much of it to be untrue, designed and shaped to manipulate and to rule the masses or one could say those who prefer not to think for themselves who would rather be sheep and led to the slaughterhouse willingly. My philosophy is this: as long as I love myself and my neighbor, I believe I'm living the right way and try to instill those principles and values in my two sons. I believe that knowing and giving Love encompasses all the values needed to live a healthy life, Love naturally breeds, respect, forgiveness, and mindfulness. Love means living from the heart when one lives from the heart it naturally voids the ego, the ego destroys the manically malevolent whereas the heart creates and builds, Love is a tool with which one can build a life rich in emotional health, enlightenment, and mental stability. Love is my church, love is my essence and if ever I am in doubt I read up on the writings left to us by all the great masters, Jesus, Muhammed, Buddha the Dalai Lama and so many more masters, some of whom are more modern and still living and basically all their writings convey the message of Love. So this me and there is more to me than what is written here, but what is written here is more than enough to get to know me better.
I am a South African, born in the Province of the Eastern Cape and now lives in Cape Town. I have been interested in working with people from an early age. When I was young, my aspirations were to be either a lawyer or a Social Worker or a Priest. To a certain extent, I partially satisfied some of my dreams because I am an academic social scientist and a trained and qualified theologian. My passion, among others, is to assist people, communities in any way I can, may it be through volunteering my time, my skills and or money where I can. In most cases, I mobilize individuals and communities to rally for good causes. I am more interested in causes that involve children, the aged, people living with disabilities and the vulnerable abused women and children. As an environmental consultant, I also try to highlight environmental issues wherever I am. I work with non-governmental and governmental organizations to ensure that environmental sustainability issues are integrated in their developmental plans. Theological training has enabled me to interact with most faith based communities and lend a helping hand where I can. Some of the faith based communities are involved in good causes to help the poor and needy, victims of violence and gender based violence, some are involved in soup kitchens for the homeless and unemployed people and so on. For the better part of my life I have been involved in one or more of community causes to uplift, empower and motivate people either to self rely or to do something for others in the spirit of ubuntu. During my spare time, I enjoy quality time with my family. Sometimes we go out to quiet places where we enjoy time together and sometimes we go to places where there would be play areas for children. This is the time when we mingle with other people, watch street musical groups, different kinds of art displays, street sports. I also like to visit book fairs and scholars/students fundraising activities to support. In some instances, I visit fundraising for old age homes. In Cape Town, there are animal welfare organizations that either raise funds and or are looking for people to adopt an animal (domestic animals). I encourage people in my church to extend a helping hand in some of these noble causes.
I am a 26-year-old woman, born and raised in Johannesburg, where I have lived my entire life. One of my biggest aspirations is to travel across South Africa and eventually the world. Although I was bred a city girl, my heart lies at sea. Another one of my aspirations is to own a home along the South African coast, within walking distance to the beach. I have been known as a bookworm since childhood. I always preferred to have my nose in a book rather than watching cartoons, hence my passions are reading, writing, and editing. Taking my love for books into account, I decided to study English literature, linguistics, and journalism. I have a great love for animals, and I currently have four dogs and a cat. I also love being out in nature. I am always keen to go hiking, take a trip to the beach, or take the dogs for a walk in the park. Another one of my interests is fashion. I have my own sewing machine and often create clothing for myself. I believe we are all responsible for our actions, and we decide where we want to go in life. I think if you want to do something, and you believe you can do it, you can. All you have to do is put in the effort. Nothing comes easy, but if you put the work in, you will achieve your goals and be anything you want to be. This is something I live by. I also think that building relationships and being able to work with others is extremely important. Succeeding in your endeavors often depends on how you work with and treat people, not just on what you can accomplish on your own. I have only started my journey, but I am looking forward to experiencing new things, building good relationships, and making the most out of every situation or opportunity.
Born on outskirts of Belgrade – Serbia in family of 4. Immigrated to South Africa in 1991 “running away” from civil war. Even though that I came to South Africa without papers, money, job or being able to speak English, I made this beautiful country my home. My career took me from being a waiter in the restaurant (my first job here) to Restaurant Manager, Sales Manager in Timeshare Company to MD and CEO of ZA Galvanizing. At the end of the August this year, I left my last position of Regional Sales Manager of EXIM International. When it comes to business, I am dedicated, punctual, loyal and organized with the skill set that made me achieve any task in front of me with the high rate of success. Privately, I am a nature and animal lover, a bit of the environmentalist and lifelong naturist. I am one of the funders and first Chairman of Western Cape Naturist Association – WCNA and South African National Naturist Association – SANNA. Passionate follower and supporter of South African Rugby and F1 Grand Prix.
I board people’s family pets for prolonged stays, preferably to ease the stress of worrying about their pets in cages. I have been doing the boarding for almost a year now and have a repeat doggo whom I love very much and his month stay is always a blessing. I fostered puppies and cats for shelters and they’ve all been adopted, I rescued a Staffordshire terrier from an outreach with a friend and healed him from the horrible mange he had and he got adopted by someone who flew from JHB and drove back up and now he lives the king life he deserves.
Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, I am a 22-year-old who could be described as ambitious, hardworking, and a perfectionist. I enjoy being challenged with new tasks, as I believe discomfort allows one to grow and learn. I enjoy teamwork, but I am also capable of working on my own. I believe that communication is an important aspect of any relationship, especially professional ones, as it doesn’t leave any room for errors or misunderstandings. Therefore, I pride myself on being a skilled communicator. I am organised, goal-driven, and I find it very hard to set a task down once I have started. I may not have the most extroverted personality, but I do enjoy socialising with others in any setting. I recently graduated with a BA in English and Communication Science. While completing my degree, I worked as an editorial intern at Highbury Media, where I gained first-hand experience in editing, publishing, and social media management. I was also able to sharpen my writing skills, which came in handy as I went on to work as a freelance writer for ClubX Magazine for over a year. Even though I do not have years of experience behind me, I am, however, eager to learn. And a fresh mind is always a benefit. When it comes to my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, and painting. I am also currently learning Italian and intend on tackling many other foreign languages.
Born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, but I am currently live in South Africa (Cape Town) about 7 years I am Married to Magalie since 2018 and we have a 2 years old girl. I am a honest, ambitious, friendly, reliable and motivated person. I’m a skilled individual who has excellent training as a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). As a result, I have good knowledge of routing, switching, network applications, protocols, services, and wireless skills. I am a self-motivated person and I try to exceed my superior’s expectations with high-quality work. Being a fast learner, I quickly pick up business knowledge related to my project. An experienced and customer service with a strong interest to increase customer satisfaction and at the same time making sure all of the operations are being done properly. I believe my strengths are that I am a person who can work under a lot of stress and have excellent communication skills which enable me to handle a leadership position as wells work in a team. I care deeply about workplace professionalism. I regard myself to be a very open-minded person, ready for a new challenge when it comes to technology. People consider me to be a social, temperament person who does not hesitate in giving my opinion for what I think and believe in. I have always enjoyed meeting new people and it comes naturally to me to maintain a lot of relationships. I love trying new things, creating new methods, and introducing new ideas. I love watching soccer, specially when Leo Messi plays, movies and playing games.
I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenges and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. Not only that, but I’m always looking for ways and opportunities to better myself and achieve greatness. I’m highly organized, always take notes and use a series of tools to help myself stay on top of deadlines. Furthermore, I keep a clean workspace and filing system, so I’d always be able to find what I need. Also, I find this increases efficiency and helps me stay on task. In addition, I love meeting new people and learning about their stories, it always gives me new perspectives. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making them feel at home in my presence. I find this skill is especially helpful when dealing with new clients or even strangers when meeting for the first time. I am result-oriented, constantly checking in with the results to determine how close or far I am, and what it will take to make it happen. Pressure inspires and acts as a great motivator. I pride myself on making sure people have the right information because it drives better results, and I feel a sense of responsibility to keep everyone on the same page when it comes to work-related matters. I would describe my personality as a little of everything. Likewise, I am creative, adventurous, driven, curious, enthusiastic, observant, positive, and self-aware. This is what makes me easy to work with, which means the people who surround me are happy to be in my presence. When it comes to my work I am attentive, helpful, patient, respectful, supportive, and very flexible. This is what I believe makes me so easy to adapt to any situation thrown my way. Life is full of ups and downs. I know this is a cliché, but this phrase summarizes my whole existence. Sometimes my life is fun, happy, and almost enviable and at times my life is sad boring, and uninspiring. I have never tried to be perfect, but one thing is true — I AM WHO I AM.
“The key to unlocking complexity, is simplicity itself” This is the lesson that I have learned time and time again, not just in business, but life as well. Hence my perspective, in that we can complicate life or take a pragmatic approach. I grew up in a single parent household, with my father and younger sister, uncommon in my community whereby most single parent would be one’s mother, but this has shaped my thinking…not everything is what it seems. Firmly believe that personal and moral growth is a direct consequence of uplifting communities and protecting the vulnerable. Recently, I was the MD of a rural firefighting programme and still remains one of my passions in terms of assisting underserviced communities. I’ve worked in television, mainly satellite broadcasting, the South African revenue service, back into broadcasting, then firefighting and now green economy initiatives including a component of green building construction and manufacturing. Personally, an avid motorcycle enthusiast as well as a proponent of animal welfare. As you will notice from my pictures, motorcycles and pets. Right now, we have 10 pets, 4 dogs and 6 cats. All are adopted and some rescued, save for the German Shepherd.
I’m a proactive recent college graduate (International certificate in Cyber Defence) from the Institute of Advanced Cyber Defence in Sandton, South Africa. During the course of my academic career, I also managed to accrue nearly 10 years of work experience. I had the privilege of working for Absa Bank Limited as a Forex Teller and an International Banking Consultant, where I learned valuable professional skills in foreign exchange, global banking, and branch operations. While working at Absa bank, I was exposed to a culture that had a high demand of customer or client services. I learnt to be a much organised individual and now able to deal with projects at hand and also to work under enormous pressure. I was awarded Teller of the year for two consecutive years and had been an ”A” performer, influencing my colleagues to do the same. The role of being second in charge at the Teller department empowered me to lead, supervise and initiate action. I empowered myself by studying and finishing a Certificate in Banking, after which I registered and obtained a Higher Diploma in Banking, specialising in Treasury and International Banking. My passion for International Banking and Financial markets led me to register and obtain a certificate for Regulation and Ethics of the SA Financial Markets with the South African Institute of Financial Markets. In 2015, I wrote an article about ”My purpose and Journey” within Barclays Africa and won that competition for a trip to Robben Island to meet the then Barclays Africa CEO Maria Ramos and the late political icon Amhed Kathrada. My broad range of interests brings me into contact with the diversity of people and that talent South Africa and the world offers. I want to promote this talent and creative output, especially of local people. I am a hard worker, good organizer, very good with numbers, energetic and responsible individual. I started my schooling with a desire and passion to make an impact to every situation encountered. Education has taught me that the world of work does not need greater minds, but the determination and desire to what one does. In both my academic and professional life, I have been praised as a hard-working individual by my lectures and peers. Whether working on academic, extracurricular, or professional projects, I apply proven teamwork, the best customer service and critical thinking skills. I’m a very spiritual person who is passionate about the well-being of others. My love for God led me to dedicate each morning into writing and sharing daily prophetic words and worship songs to my entire network including friends in Europe, and also guiding some on their spiritual journeys.
My name is Jean-Mark Lufuluabo, born on 25 of November 1990 in mbuji-mayi, D.R. Congo. And I am the firstborn of a family of 8 children. I attended high school in the same city, majoring in biology and chemistry. By the age of 20 I was a manager in a family business, combining it with college. Where I studied commercial and financial sciences in ISC(Institute Superieur de Commerce) this time in another city called Lubumbashi. I speak 5 languages: English, French, Swahili, Lindale and Tshiluba. I am also Skilled in HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and J query. I moved to South Africa in 2015,loved the adventure so far. In South Africa I attended a fire training with Pulse Training Academy, then after worked as fire Marshall in Harbour dry dock at Cape Town’s port. I have worked also for Tessara (ex Grapetech) in Epping Cape Town, And currently working as delivery partner with Picup and UberEats. As a person, I love sports, hiking, reading. I would like to fly if I had the means to do so. Above all, I am an open-minded person, who seeks to improve each and every day.
"All things are possible" I love the outdoors, travelling, animals and people. I was an ardent hiker, and this allowed me to visit some of the most amazing hiking trails in South Africa. What inspires me most is the ability to positively impact the lives of others through the plethora of skills I have acquired over the many years of experience. I have the ability to add value wherever I am placed. I am energised by strategy, new challenges, and the search for the most efficient and impactful solutions. My career began in education. As an educator I enjoyed the children. I know this will always be part of who I am as I will always be passionate about teaching and will continue sharing knowledge, mentoring, and coaching, etc. I ventured into the corporate environment as I excelled with my financial skills and thought that my career would entail the chartered accountant route. I did the required academics, got the job and my focus was numbers and more numbers. Again, I was challenged because my love for people was not satisfied. I once again did a complete change in my career by studying, job shadowing and taking on projects in the learning and development and human resource departments. One of my memorable periods was asking the CFO of the organisation to give me the opportunity to split my job in two areas to show my capabilities and therefore be considered for a position that was eventually created for me. This was exciting and I thrived in this environment. I felt like I was adding value as the position focused on the growth and development of the youth, once again. I knew that I could accomplish more and add more value through venturing out on my own. I started my own business which offers the services of learning and development, strategy, human resources and finance. This has been an exciting journey with many challenges.
Live and love as if there is no tomorrow! Hi, my name is Emmerentia. I was born in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa, in the 60s, which means that I'm an original, retro hippie chick at heart with the good, old-fashioned values to back it up. The highs and lows I’ve dealt with in life have taught me a valuable lesson…time is not guaranteed and is therefore not to be lost. I am enjoying my journey, still learning new life lessons and growing to become the person I am meant to be. I must pay tribute to the University of Experience and the School of Hard Knocks for the valuable contributions you have made to my life path thus far. Stronger. Wiser. Blessed. My passion is to help others to reach their full potential. It is even more difficult to do that in one’s own life (it’s so easy giving advice to others, isn’t it?), but making a direct contribution or figuratively planting a seed and watching it take root in someone else’s life is deeply rewarding. We are on this planet to live good lives and to make a positive difference to our direct environment, wherever our feet may fall. Aim for the stars; never forget your roots. Be yourself, stay humble, be kind, be grateful, make love an action…not a word. My mission is to help people from all walks of life, gain financial independence, while caring for the world around us. Learn how to earn. Make sure you have a meal, an income, clothes, a home and good health. There is no planet B. I’m a big fan of renewable resources, organic gardens and farming and hugging a tree. Helping our paw-legged friends in shelters, finding furever homes much faster. Same for birds, horses, donkeys, circus prisoners and liberating zoos. I am an excellent chef in my kitchen 😊 and I love baking (to put it mildly). My cakes and tarts are wickedly good and not being gluten intolerant is still my highlight of the previous decade! My downtime is spent walking, jogging, going to the beach, horse riding and playing golf. With over 38 years’ combined experience, accumulated by time spent in the corporate world and having 3 businesses over the years, I have a wealth of experience to share and utilize. Words, in a personal bio, aren't plentiful. Not to me, at least. I feel that the chances of someone reading about what your opinion is of yourself and BELIEVING it is remote. The tough part is that you don't know me, nor I you, yet I'm trying to “convince” you that what I say is who I am as a person and that what I say is what it is. The eyes are windows to the soul…that isn't exactly happening here, and that sense cannot always be replaced through words alone. So, the moral of the story is that what I list below as my key character traits, strengths, weaknesses, achievements, experience, etc. is in reality simply just that. Traits: Dedicated, honest, loyal, trustworthy, tenacious, dependable, creative, methodical, sense of integrity, ethical, tough but fair, empathetic, lighthearted and friendly. Strengths: Comfortable in a team environment or working independently, management, skills utilization, delegation, human relations, conflict resolution, analysis, strategizing, implementation, problem-solving, business administration. Weaknesses: Impatience, self-critique, injustice and rudeness stirs my temper, being micro-managed, cheesecake. Experience: Sales, sales management, customer relationship management, business administration, directorship and general management of 3 x businesses previously owned/co-owned. Summary: A self-starter who gets what's required done, pronto. I am self-motivated, enjoy new challenges and try my best to excel at what's before me. I love working with people, as this is simply my passion.
I have been involved in the music industry for the better part of my life. As a performer and creator, I have had the opportunity to entertain many people over the years. I have a great passion for music and the arts in general. As an avid reader, I take great pleasure in immersing myself in the prose of those who are highly skilled in the literary arts. This stood me in great stead when I embarked on a course in Journalism a million years ago. Although I never completed the course, certain skills have stuck with me to this day. My journalistic endeavour was eclipsed by my musical passion. A passion that has given me much joy and also lead to much heartache. Nonetheless, being a staunch collector of music, it wasn’t long before I utilised this collection, and branched out into spinning records on dance floors around the country. Having grown up in Cape Town, South Africa, in the 80s, I was embroiled in the struggle for freedom. Battling the apartheid regime. This struggle, which was so much a part of everyday life, gave me a sense of something bigger than myself. A sense of community and belonging to something that was more important than my own personal well-being. Generally speaking, I would like to believe that I am an artist at heart. When I say that I don't mean that I like to draw or paint or any of the other physical manifestations of art. What I mean is that I approach life as art. If that makes any sense. I am the proverbial Jack of all trades. Master of a few. I think my biggest asset is that I am always willing to learn. That is something that I intend to keep doing until the last breath escapes my body.
Born and raised in South-Africa by a single mother in humble surroundings. Doing Taekwondo for years and attained my International black belt with the following principles, this was a part of my childhood that guided me into my adult life: Showing courtesy to others no matter what level of society labelled them; training continuously whether I was up for it or not; showing integrity, even when no one was watching; perseverance when I wanted to give up; self-control when it was difficult to compose myself and learning from my couch to have an indomitable Spirit. Finishing school it was expected of me to follow in the "Afrikaaner Man's" footsteps to have a job where you work many long hours a day, week in and week out, get your salary, sleep and repeat. My passion for music gave me the confidence to follow my heart and to head towards Cape Town for a short holiday, but I ended up staying here and studied for Audio Engineering, whilst completing my studies and gaining experience in the industry. COVID-19 affected the industry drastically and I had decided to use my spare time productively by enrolling in courses such as Social Media marketing and Programming. I also started a small business where I rent out my sound equipment and host small gatherings and events. Helping friends with their business promotions and seeing how people enjoyed the events I have hosted, it made me realize that I have a passion to better others and their circumstances. Following my dreams against all odds lead me to where I am today and to appreciate every single moment by not wondering about the past or worrying about the future. Focusing on the task at hand and having it complete well within the deadline is what I strive to achieve and I love learning and gaining knowledge along the way to further myself in everything and anything I get the opportunity for. I am ready for new challenges and know that having a healthy work balance will help me to reach my full potential.
Greetings to one and all. My name is Edith, I am a child of the universe and I want to share that every day is a beautiful day. True, our emotions fluctuate but at some point during each day we will recognise that the day is a gift we have received and if we be true to ourselves this will bring a smile and with it feel good energy. We should take this feel good energy and build on it so that each day it comes easier and earlier and like a muscle it will grow, become more evident and gather momentum and we will feel better for it. I believe in kindness and forgiveness towards others and myself. In a couple of months, I will begin the first year of my sixth decade on planet Earth. Twenty years ago I was facing a life-threatening illness and not doing too well, I am a miracle. I believe we are all miracles. Some would differ, it can be a topic for discussion. I am a widow and live with and take care of my 87-year-old mother and 7-year-old granddaughter, to whom I am foster mother. Thankfully, both are well. We live in a truly beautiful spot, the Deep South, Cape Peninsula, CT, South Africa, blessed in many ways I have much wonder and appreciation for this. I was born in Cape Town, grew up and completed my education in the best place in the world to have grown up at that time, yes! Zambia in the sun. I have very fond memories of my formative years in Zambia and still consider myself Zambian. It is the national anthem I sang as a child and I loved the then president, KK, Kenneth Kaunda. I returned to South Africa in 1980 to attend college and begin my independent years and in 1982 I moved to the newly independent Zimbabwe where I spent the next 21 years before returning to my roots in 2003. I have extensive administrative experience - getting things organised, getting things done. With a stable track record, I am able to diversify within different industries. As part of a team, I have a strong focus to resolve challenges and enjoy leaving any tasks I am busy with in a user-friendly state (do unto others). I pride myself on my attention to detail & due diligence, going the extra mile in terms of improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness. I did a one-year secretarial course in 1980 and my working life began from there. Living and learning life then became what I did, marriage, babies, etc. I guess I was lazy to further my qualifications, in hindsight I think I would have made a damn good surgeon LOL. Seriously, I have good eye, hand coordination, a good touch, and, consciously, I have become better at threading the needle. I believe strongly in being true to and honest with myself and I think I was then because family means more to me than a career. And now, I am ready to start that next chapter in my career. I am blessed. I have over the years done various short courses including a deep tissue massage course, so I am a certified masseuse, however I only massage family and friends as I am no longer physically (strength and stamina) up to doing a job I am comfortable to charge for. Thought that was worth mentioning, as it brings me pleasure to help others breathe and take time out. I have always worked in administrative support positions from Girl Friday to Executive PA and everything in between and in many different industries. My last couple of jobs have been from home (virtual) and in a new field, namely customer service. This shift was challenging and I am proud to say I managed it pretty well. Working from home is what is necessary at this time given my current living circumstances. This change and the challenge that came with it reminded me that I have strong determination, which is a very good thing. I am concerned for my granddaughter’s generation and what life will be like for them as adults, especially the environment they will find themselves in physically, mentally, emotionally. I would love to become more knowledgeable and active in the conservation of water, a precious natural resource that as long as it comes out of the tap when we open the tap, many do not really appreciate just how precious it is and therefore the need to respect and conserve it. And, I would love to see the curricula in our educational systems adapting to educating our children to be more self-aware, mindful and able to guide their minds when it comes to EQ. Easy does it.
I would consider myself a mix of both introverted and extroverted. I love being around and working with people, but I also enjoy my own company. I’m also very family orientated. Family is everything to me! My passions are a mix between working with/building fruitful relationships with people whether it be in the workplace or day to day life, I love helping people and bringing out the best of those around me. Outside of that, I also love doing anything to do with being outdoors. I’m always up for an adventure such as hiking, camping or even just a walk along the beach. I’m also passionate about and absolutely love animals. I’ve done horse-riding practically my entire life and it’s so therapeutic for me, to just get out into the country and get my mind off everything going on. I was born in Johannesburg, but lived the majority of my life in the beautiful mother city known as Cape Town. I’ve never got the chance to travel outside of South Africa, however it is something I have always wanted to do and I know I will accomplish in the future. In the meantime, there’s actually so many parts of my own country that I haven’t even experienced yet, so I’d love to start there. My work life has involved various industries, starting off with retail and moving on to the sales environment, both internal and external. I could say I had a certain plan for my life and career, but that all changed when I unexpectedly fell pregnant with my son. I then went from being an independent, carefree person to spending the last few months staying at home with my child. Which has honestly been life changing and I wouldn’t change a thing! However, it’s now time to get back into the working world and do everything in my power to give my son the life he deserves and one I wish I had growing up.
I am a 28-year-old woman who is passionate about youth work in communities across South Africa. I have volunteered my time with NGO’s specifically tailored for the youth in Cape Town, Port Shepstone and East London. I believe that the youth are capable of great things in our country and the entire world, I take great pride in mentoring young girls to believe the above-mentioned statement and to push themselves to get to their goals. The concept of hard work is simply lost in the generation of instant gratification and I believe that every person needs to learn this, starting from a young age. I have dedicated my time to schools as a sports coach, tutor and during Holiday Clubs that teach children ages 12-18 about life skills and the potential that they have. I am family oriented and believe in working hard in all areas of my life. I think of myself as an intelligent and super energetic being, I love all things that make me laugh and I am a super fun person. I am a wife and mom who is devoted and loves her family very much. I am in my final year of a Bachelor of Theology and look forward to working towards a Master’s specializing in Pastoral Care/Social work. My skills range from retail, online teaching and proofreading and editing, and I put my all in what I do. I do not believe in taking shortcuts and giving up when the going gets tough, trying and trying again is an attitude that I have taken a liking to and I pour my all in every project that I am involved in. I am a firm believer in serving others and I do that with no motives, other than to be a memory in their lives that brought hope and a new determination. That is who I am and what I stand for, to be a part of something that makes others lives better and gives them the ability to believe in themselves.
Born and bred in beautiful Cape Town, mom to a long-awaited, witty, (inherited from me of course!), amazing, lively little 5-year-old girl, 2 dogs and 2 cats, 'my rescue children'. Married to Tomy, a senior digital content producer hailing from Tennenbronn, Germany. He is as introvert as I am extrovert – the scale balances beautifully. In my spare time (which is limited!) I sketch, paint, and try my hand at baking, while completing a mini-thesis in psychology. University after high school was not an option. I am also a seasoned HR professional, with a passion for people and process, building and maintaining great relationships form the foundation of both who I am, and what I do. And it’s a solid foundation. Hailing from the Pharmaceutical industry, I entered the world of investments about 14 years ago, where after joining as Office Manager, I moved into HR and have been in the HR sphere since. My journey has taken me on many a bumpy road, however, being a glass-half-full type, seasoned by an interesting childhood, and a solid determination to rise above, I march smilingly on. I have a passion for order, automation and software which could aid in optimization, easing transitions and processes. I am resilient with great sense of humour, always welcoming a challenge. I have a firm belief that building and nurturing relationships are paramount to success. I love meeting people and building relationships come naturally to me. I believe it’s the level of connection that counts. I am passionate about my work, I love what I do, and I do it well. I believe that doing what you love is a privilege. Yet, I still long for something more philanthropic in life. To give back, be it ever so small. Being an eternal optimist and peppered with life’s-experiences, I have been shaped into the person I am today. Pragmatic, passionate, and humble. An enormous amount of grit coupled a with good dose of grace! I am not done growing yet, not by a long shot, there are too many interesting, inspiring people to meet along the way, and there is always something to learn and something to contribute in life. It’s the journey that counts and I enjoy every step.
I am outgoing, dedicated and love new challenges! I believe that a person should work on developing their skills and learning new things all the time. I love sports gaming and fishing during my “downtime”. I believe treating people with integrity and respect will always yield great relationships. I love spending as much time as I can with my family and loved ones. I believe that working together as a whole, we can achieve great things. I am very optimistic and very open-minded when dealing with day-to-day life. I love my animals as they truly bring the best out of me if I have had a long challenging day. Working as a Manager in the Hospitality industry for nearly a decade I have learnt many valuable lessons and feel I have grown each year bringing great personality, enthusiasm and constructive ideas to the table. I have a positive outlook on life and I wish to share that positivity with you someday! Showing compassion for others in this industry and any industry, I believe will always get positive results. I am, because we are. Bound together in ways that are invisible, humanity is all about being one. Caring unconditionally, and sharing with everyone around us. Combining a salient philosophy of caring and sharing, with the strength of unity and community. We can determine the course of humanity and our destiny, by challenging the digital status quo. “I am, because we are. Together.”
Marketing Consultant @ Colombo, Sri Lanka MBA (UK), Certified professional Marketer (Asia), Chartered Marketer, MCIM (UK), PGDipM (UK), MSLIM (SL) During my tenure in Audit firm, Financial Industry, Media Organization, Educational Institute, Retail Industry, Petroleum Industry, FMCG Company, Entrepreneur & Marketing Consultant, I gained wealth of knowledge & experience, all spiced with a well-honed instinct for positive marketing. With over twenty Four years of relevant experience I am adept at executing any tasks associated with the job. Marketing Consultant - (01/ 2021 – to date) Designed & implemented marketing strategies according to client’s objectives and budget, execute task and monitoring outcomes. Influenced team members to establish most effective tools & methods, liaised with top Mgt & give strategic direction & findings. DGM – Marketing - (09/2019 – 12/ 2020) Lanka Sathosa Ltd (LSL) - Ministry of Trade Awarded & won SLIM - Nielsen People’s Awards for LSL, planned & implemented all marketing & advertising campaigns and increased imaged. Drives traffic to store & improved profitability by creating operational in-store action plans, designed & streamlined business strategies, turning around the company (LSL) by increasing foot fall level & basket value. Alliance with Pickme and Postal Dpt. tested and delivered groceries to customers’ doorstep, managed to design of LSL web site, developed & launched e-commerce platform & simplified website booking forms and also achieved the highest sales of Rs.17.5Bn in first half 2020 at LSL history. General Manager - (08/2017 –09/ 2019) Infinity Foods (Pvt) Ltd - Market Trader (Pvt) Ltd Responsibility of the overall imported beverages and snacks foods portfolio and tested viability, including strategy direction and P&L. Leveraged new ideas to improved overall business, maintained of all KPI’s and in charge of the Mkt budget and reinforced the brand image. Brand Manager - (08/2015 –08/2017) Lanka Spice (Pvt) Ltd (LSL) - “Mc Currie” Delivered properly the marketing mix, simplified website of “Mc Currie” to increase the profitability, comprehensive strategic PR programs for the exploitation of LSL, channel marketing strategy, excellence in trade execution & secured top tier events for marketing & developed new slogan. Developed and presented the TV commercial to build image of the “Mc Currie” position as a premium brand in the minds of target market segment, turnaround of brand performance & maximized turnover of the year 2016. Head of Sales & Marketing - (03/2011 - 07/2015) The Golden Lane Shops - Maldives Exceeded Mrf.10.2M sales for month of July 2011 in “GL” history, Coached team members to improve their skills & achieved work quality. Responsible for rebranded “GL Style” into one of the strongest sports & casual ware brands in the Maldives, has been able to achieved double digits’ growth, successfully handle commercials in Dhi T/V, MNBC, Raajje Radio and adverts on Haveeru newspapers to increase the awareness. Work as a part-time Consultant / Trainer for The Hawks (Pvt) Ltd, (B2B Business) in Male, Maldives - (1/11/2012-11/2//2015) Brand Manager - (02/2008 – 03/2011) Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) Managed & maintained two brands, which were the Buckinghamshire new university MBA (BUCKS) & Certified Professional Marketer (CPM) status at the AMF and led colleagues and delegated teams to monitor sales. I was an active part of the team that launched "BUCKS MBA" program in Sri Lanka and monitor overall performance of the two brands. Published adverts, strategic alliances with advertising & media agencies, coordinate with head office in UK effectively build brand image in SL. Business Development. Executive. - (04/2005 – 02/ 2008) Wijeya Newspapers Ltd (WNL) An accomplished Mgt. executive for the launch of “IT Times” brand in SL. Identified innovative marketing campaigns, negotiated with major supermarkets to successful distribution of magazine of the in Island wide and delivered to Sri Lankan Airlines as well & increased the penetration level. Senior Marketing Executive. - (09/2003 – 04/ 2005) Leader Investment (Pvt) Ltd (Forex) Presented for real-time Forex trading advisory services to clients, ensuring they gain maximum return on investment & won customer confidence, reduced & resolved complained, ensured that all clients data was safely stored. Build network with top line customers. I was an active part of the team in opening a new branch office in Kandy City and led trained & motivated team to manage profitability. Chairman / Managing Director - (12/2001 – 09/2003) AMS Holdings (“SAP” Tea) Responsible for the launched “SAP” brand of tea and negotiated the longer payment terms with suppliers, reduced short expired return stock and saved money, ensured the optimal brand visibility of "SAP" tea. Improved overall penetration of “SAP” range of tea southern provincial area, suburbs of Colombo as well as some of identified supermarket in the country and maximized sales and streamlined the route plan. Established to worked as a Group Internal Audit Assistant at Sumathi Holdings & presented new findings to the Mgt.- (03/2000 -12/ 2001) During my career as an Audit Trainee at B.R.de Silva & Company, I have managed to visit varies types of companies - (04/1997 - 03/2000) Produced Student at St. Aloysius College – Galle, Sri Lanka (1979 – 1993)
I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. In my last job, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and learn new skills that helped me to do better work. I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I’m not comfortable settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. I am highly organized. I always take notes, and I use a series of tools to help myself stay on top of deadlines. I like to keep a clean workspace and create a logical filing method, so I’m always able to find what I need. I find this increases efficiency and helps the rest of the team stay on track. I’m a people-person. I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and their backgrounds. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my presence. I find this skill is especially helpful when kicking off projects with new clients. A little about myself... I grew up in the Kruger National Park and spent most of my days playing with the baby animals. My favourite part of the day was going down to the rehabilitation center to feed the baby elephants. The saddest was at night, when you could hear them cry for their mothers. My favourite memory occurred on a late summer night. My nephew, my brother and myself went down to the local swimming pool to cool down abit. We enjoyed a wonderful night and eventually started getting our things together to head home. Upon reaching the gate to get to the car, we realised that we were trapped inside. There was definitely no getting out for a while, as a pack of wild dogs decided to inspect the car and take a nap right next to the gate. That's where my fascination with predators came along. At one point, our neighbors even had a pet lioness! As you can gather, I LOVE the nature. Always expect the unexpected! I'm also an accident magnet... I'll find that one brick that isn't level and trip over it. Once, I even straight up walked into a lamp pole at Spar. The poor old lady in the car in front of us didn't know whether to laugh or ask if I was okay ! I'm very outspoken and I'm not shy to admit my faults. Basically, I'm an open book. What you can't see, I'll gladly tell you all about it.
I am a positive, happy person who loves all aspects of my life. I love the beach, animals and children. I am a people’s person. I grew up in the Kruger Park and that is where my love for animals and people comes from. Love working with people from all over the world. I have three beautiful children and an amazing mom whom I adore. I received the most precious gift of all very recently when I was blessed by becoming a grandmother. Like most young people and since I can remember, I had a dream… I just wanted to be a teacher when I grow up. Like a lot of young people, I did not have the means to pursue my dream. At the age of sixteen, I started working in the Kruger Park tourist shop as a cashier during school holidays. Naturally, when I matriculated and because I could not attend a college or university to study what my heart desired, I started working for SANParks. I worked in different departments from the tourist shop to finally being promoted to year in advance bookings at SANParks head office. I will always want to be a teacher in my heart, but never will I be disappointed for the foundation I had. Working for SANParks gave me the opportunity, confidence and knowledge to work with tourists from all over the world. They had a huge hand in the way I see people and the quality of work I offer. I will always be thankful. I am a loyal, loving, understanding, empathetic and kind individual. I learned a lot about people over the years. People tend to confide in me and I am a very good listener. I can solve problems easily because people listen to me and usually follow my advice. It makes it a lot easier to solve problems in the work place concerning personnel and clients too. I have a sixth sense about people and it usually turns out to be spot on. The way in which I treat people, they will follow my orders without question. I learned a lot during my years working for different companies and working in different departments and environments. I know how to handle myself and every situation and challenge I am faced with. I am hard-working and not afraid to learn new things. I am a quick learner and I always follow through on everything I do. Even if it is a new challenge, I have to tackle and always give a hundred and one percent doing everything that has to be done. I am not afraid to walk the extra mile and to do everything to the best of my ability. I gained a lot of professional work experience. This includes... working as a reservations officer, receptionist, personal assistant, bookkeeper, financial administrator, school tutor and even running my own business for several years. I loved all the careers I pursued, but my favorite by far was the work I have done with clients. It would be a honor and privilege to invest the experience I have gained and the skills I have mastered into your company and to share it with the world.
L'Agriturismo Barbagust si trova a Sansicario in Val di Susa. Nell'antica baita del 1700, che la famiglia Bermond ha completamente ristrutturato, mantenendo intatto tutto il fascino rustico degli ambienti. Solo 9 camere, arredate in modo essenziale ma molto curate, per offrire agli ospiti il massimo dellaccoglienza. Il ristorante, ricavato in quella che un tempo era la stalla, offre un menù sempre eccellente, giocato sui sapori della tradizione locale e propone solo ricette curate con ingredienti di primissima qualità. Barba Gust, che nel dialetto di Cesana significa lo zio gusto, oltre ad essere una magica combinazione di accoglienza e prelibatezza, si affaccia sul panorama mozzafiato del monte Chaberton. The Agriturismo Barbagust is located in Sansicario in Val di Susa. In the ancient hut of 1700, which the Bermond family has completely renovated, keeping intact all the rustic charm of the rooms. Only 9 rooms, furnished in an essential way but well cared for, to offer guests the utmost hospitality. The restaurant, housed in what was once the stable, offers an always excellent menu, played on the flavors of the local tradition and offers only recipes prepared with ingredients of the highest quality. Barba Gust, which in the Cesana dialect means uncle taste, as well as being a magical combination of hospitality and delicacy, overlooks the breathtaking view of Mount Chaberton.
I was born in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, but raised in Jozini, Kwa-Zulu Natal and a Diver at heart. School Holidays were spent on the beach and in the ocean at Sodwana Bay. My Passion for acting started at a young age when I was approached by my arts teacher to play the lead as “Joseph” in that year’s school play, “Joseph and his technicolor dream coat”. In 2006, I moved to Saldanha bay Naval Base to conduct my basic training and upon completion, reported to Simon’s Town Naval Base Diving Centre. I worked at the Naval Diving Centre until mid- 2007, but reported for duty aboard SAS Spioenkop (Naval Warship) later that year and for the rest of my stay in the SA Navy. I resigned from the SA Navy at the end of 2009 to further pursue my childhood passion for acting, after it had been re-ignited back in 2007, when a Production Company came to shoot the one part series, “Diver’s Down”, at the Naval Diving Base where I was stationed. Since then, I performed numerous small roles in Films and TV Shows with goals and aspirations to become a successful actor in the industry. Years later and struggling in the industry, I started a Photography business in 2017 shooting headshots for actors in the industry and also specializing in Real Estate Photography. I also worked in the hospitality industry during this time, working my way up to head of staff at a fine dining Italian Restaurant in the Bellville area of Cape Town. In December 2018, I made the very hard decision to hang up my Actor’s hat and retire from the industry, as I needed to make a change. So with a fire in my belly and a pursuit of a new career, I embarked on an old passion within the boating world. I completed my Yacht Master Coastal and SAS Day Skipper certificate followed by a plane ticket to Nice, France. I spent a month walking countless amounts of steps that would make “Discovery Vitality” proud on the docks of the various harbors, handing out my CV in an attempt to book work as crew on board. With a few days worth of day work under the belt and finally booking an interview for a possible crew position, my visa expired and I needed to come home. Luckily, I was being strongly considered for a position aboard, but I needed to wait for the boat to come out of the drydock. With this, I flew back to SA with a hopeful heart, knowing that I would soon return to France. As things go, the opportunity was cancelled (Owner preferred a merger of the two available roles and he preferred a female). What to do now? Unemployed and with depleted finances of not being able to return, I started looking for work and was unemployed until Sept the same year when I finally got an opportunity to begin work as a Junior Site Supervisor for a Construction Business (not ideal, but hey challenge accepted and gotta pay dem bills son!). I have since then worked for the same company, building weigh bridges, expanding warehouses, pouring concrete floors and laying paving. I have learned so much and have grown allot since then. Recently I approached and dusted off my photography equipment again and am in the process of starting this up as well. Being in the construction industry has sparked allot of ideas and have given me a new passion for real estate, especially as an Investor. People tend to describe me as ambitious, hardworking, punctual and goal-oriented. I have high attention to detail and work really well in both a team environment and on my own. I am proactive, a problem solver and creative at heart. I won’t stop until the project or task is completed. More personally, I enjoy the outdoors, love being fit and healthy and spending my off time with my most valuable assets; family and friends. Short term goals: – To learn and grow the new skills required to perform given tasks efficiently and with excellence. -To prove myself a valuable asset, as a hardworking, dependable and trustworthy individual to my fellow colleagues, managers and seniors. Long term goals: -To become one of the best in my department and be seen as the go-to guy for a specific job or task. -To become manager and coach to younger generations looking to enter my industry. -To eventually run a team of managers, teaching them to effectively run their teams with excellence. I believe in serving others with excellence. The effort you put in will reap the results you desire. I also believe that being truthful, respectful and trustworthy are very important keys to success and I strive to live by these principles daily.
I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. In my last job, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and learn new skills that helped me to do better work. I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenges and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I’m not comfortable settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. I am an excellent communicator. I pride myself on making sure people have the right information because it drives better results. Most business issues stem from poor communication, so I feel a responsibility to keep everyone on the same page. I am results-oriented, constantly checking in with the goal to determine how close or how far away we are and what it will take to make it happen. I find this pressure inspiring and a great motivator for the rest of the team. I am highly organized. I always take notes, and I use a series of tools to help myself stay on top of deadlines. I like to keep a clean workspace and create a logical filing method, so I’m always able to find what I need. I find this increases efficiency and helps the rest of the team stay on track, too. I’m a people-person. I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and their backgrounds. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my presence.
We are Pick Up Limes and we have made it our mission to make a nourishing plant-based lifestyle accessible to everyone Sadia, started Pick Up Limes sometime around 2014 when we were making the transition to a vegan lifestyle. Sadia had just graduated from university, and was working as a dietitian at a local hospital in Vancouver, Canada. She started to post recipes as a hobby, and wasn't sharing what she made with anyone aside from my own family. Less than a couple of years later, I embarked on a 6-month backpacking trip, where I met Robin on a beautiful beach in Thailand. We travelled together for many weeks, from Thailand to Cambodia, to the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Italy. Our bond grew so much, that just a few months later I moved from Canada to live with Robin in the Netherlands. Now living in a new country, and little to do in the way of work, I decided to take my hobby of creating and sharing recipes a little bit more seriously. While Robin would spend his weekdays going to his university to work on his Ph.D., I would accompany him, working away in the library all day building a new PUL website and brainstorming ideas for what would become the Pick Up Limes YouTube channel. I posted my first YouTube video in January 2017. After about 6 months, the channel blossomed and grew in a way we never imagined possible. In the summer of 2018 we moved our operations from our cozy 40 square meter apartments into a beautiful studio space where we could grow our team and continue to make recipes and film videos. A full 4 years later, Robin completed his Ph.D., and joined Pick Up Limes! With my background in nutrition and Robin's background in engineering, we've created the new PUL website you see today! Through it, we hope we can offer you a calming, reassuring, and educational means of eating and enjoying more plants. Our aim at PUL is simple: to share resources on living a vibrant and uncomplicated life fuelled by plant-based foods, and to share simple vegan recipes that are nutritious, delicious, and visually appealing. We hope you enjoy the content we share in the form of recipes, articles, and videos, and we're so glad you're here with us.
L’Enoteca di Sansicario, è un ristorante con una tradizione quarantennale. Vi propone piatti tipici come la pierrade, la fondue bourguignonne, la fondue chinoise, la raclette, la fondue suisse e la bagna caoda. Vanta una ampia selezione di vini da gustare e degustare durante i pasti e l’aperitivo, inoltre è possibile acquistare le bottiglie da asporto. Il ristorante è aperto a partire dal 21 giugno. Clementina gestisce con grande professionalità l'enoteca fondata da suo padre Freddy che ancora la consiglia sulle cento e più etichette pregiate che tengono sugli scaffali e in cantina. Clementina, dopo alcuni anni di esperienza nella ristorazione fuori, ha portato una ventata di energia e organizzazione anche di eventi o piatti speciali legati alla stagionalità, ad esempio la polenta col cervo ed eventi come gli aperitivi speciali. Piatti tipici: pierrade, fondue bourguignonne, fondue suisse, raclette, fondue chinoise, bagna caoda. The Enoteca di Sansicario is a restaurant with a forty-year tradition. It offers typical dishes such as pierrade, fondue bourguignonne, fondue chinoise, raclette, fondue suisse and bagna caoda. It boasts a wide selection of wines to taste and savor during meals and aperitifs, and you can also buy take-away bottles. The restaurant is open from 21 June. Clementina manages with great professionalism the wine shop founded by her father Freddy who still advises her on the thousand and more fine labels that they keep on the shelves and in the cellar. Clementina, after a few years of experience in catering outside, has brought a breath of energy and also organization of events or special dishes related to seasonality, for example polenta with venison and events such as special aperitifs. Typical main courses: pierrade, fondue bourguignonne, fondue suisse, raclette, fondue chinoise, bagna caoda.
A boisterous beer corner, a halcyon home for wine, and a lively, all-day kitchen for everything in-between. Inside the historic State Buildings — a destination steeped in the cultural history of our city, you’ll find contemporary Australian eatery Petition, together with Wine Merchant and Beer Corner. With a name that nods to its Barrack Street location — what was once a place where crowds would congregate and lobby over 100 years ago, Petition celebrates and curates what’s local and what’s seasonal.
Mother is a plant-based natural food & wine restaurant. Formerly ‘the raw kitchen’, our journey started in 2009 with a pretty simple mission: to inspire & support healthy, sustainable living. Our journey began as the raw kitchen in 2009 and has evolved over the last decade, to now become mother. We have been fortunate to run our beloved business and its sister businesses together as a family (with a lot of help from our own families) since its humble beginnings and through all its incarnations. Our focus is on enriching lives, and supporting healthy, sustainable options. Our restaurant celebrates delicious, nourishing, plant-based cuisine. It is food to be enjoyed, fuel our bodies, feed the soul & pay respect to mother earth. We use real, natural, nutrient-rich ingredients to create flavour-packed food. We’re interested in celebrating incredible, progressive cuisine. Everything we serve is free from refined, processed or artificial ingredients and almost all made completely from scratch on site, including our dairy-free cheeses, butter, yoghurts, ferments, pickles and sauces. We choose to only use healthy oils, alternative unrefined sweeteners and our own plant-based housemade ‘dairy’. At the heart and soul of all we do is our unwavering commitment to respecting and supporting this precious planet we all share. We aim to showcase & support positive sustainable practice in the industry.
I am 56 years old and love life ! and am engaged to a wonderful man and we have been together for 9 years. I have 1 son who lives in Houston, Texas with his lovely wife and my 2 beautiful grandchildren. I have 1 sister who is sadly disabled. She has Motor Neuron Disease and is paralysed from the neck down. She has had this debilitating illness since 1998. I care very deeply for her and continue to walk this hard, painful journey with her. I would love to one day open up a strung of Care Homes called Mandy in honour of her. Watching your disabled sister struggle every day has been heartbreaking, but through this I have learnt the art of caring, giving and kindness. To be able to help and be there for those less fortunate than you is a heartwarming experience and exceptionally rewarding. My passion is travelling – I absolutely LOVE IT ! My sport is Golf and because I have such an adventurous, extrovert personality I also love a lot of other things like Boating, Fishing, Cooking, Drinking wine and socialising. The list is so long because I am always willing to try new things and experience new places. I am an extrovert in personality and love bringing out the best in people. My profession at the moment is a Key accounts Manager for a Surgical Equipment company. I have been with them for 14 years. I have vast experience in Sales and Customer service and represent my company by calling on all Hospitals – Private and Provincial – throughout the entire Eastern Cape. I work with doctor’s in theatre and am skilled in the sale of Medical Equipment for Trauma, Gynie, Urology, General Surgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Gastro-Enterology, Ultrasound etc. Prior to being a Surgical Rep I was a Medical Rep for 20 years calling on General Practioners, Pharmacists and Physicians selling Pharmaceutical Drugs. I also have experience in the setting up of Vaccine Clinics and GIT Units. My passion is service and looking after my customers. I love to make a difference in everything that I do and work hard. I love to make people smile ! I am a great organiser and get things done. I am very loyal in business and in my private life and am committed to whatever I sign up for. You will always be able to rely on me. I would say that I am a Spiritual person. I have a genuine passion for seeking out the truth of all things. And placing myself on a sacred path of self discovery. I learn every day and try to live my life with a curious, grateful heart. I believe we can all be kind if we want to be and we can all make a difference in someone’s life if we want to. I want to make a difference in the world ! I know I can.
Tetsuya’s Restaurant is located in the centre of Sydney at 529 Kent Street. Chef Tetsuya Wakuda refurbished this heritage-listed site, with influences of traditional Japanese-inspired style, to create a serene dining enclave in the city. Tetsuya Wakuda OAM grew up in the Japanese town of Hamamatsu in the Shizuoka Prefecture. With a limited knowledge of English, Tetsuya arrived in Australia at the age of twenty-two, never imagining he would one day be embraced as one of the nation’s favourite chefs. 2016 marked chef Tetsuya’s first Michelin Star, with Waku Ghin being recognised in Singapore’s first Michelin Guide. He was further honoured by Relais & Châteaux as the recipient of the annual Chef's Trophy 2017, a mark of great respect from his peers. In 2017, he received Two Michelin Stars for Waku Ghin from the Michelin Guide in Singapore, an honour he said he shared with his whole team. Tetsuya’s serves a degustation menu, based on the Japanese philosophy of using natural seasonal flavours, enhanced by classic French technique. Within the restaurant, chef Tetsuya Wakuda has designed his own on-site “test kitchen”. This personalised kitchen enables him to create the constantly evolving and inspiring dishes on which he has built his esteemed international reputation.
Established in 1988, family owned and operated for 3 generations, Bodhi is a stunning restaurant located in the middle of Cook + Philip Park under St Mary's Cathedral in the heart of the city. Nestled under ancient Moreton Bay fig trees, this unique parkland oasis is a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, with easy access parking and walking distance to public transport. Featuring 3 distinct entertainment areas with indoor and outdoor seating, the restaurant can be formatted in a number of ways to cater for exclusive events, weddings and corporate functions. Bodhi is a critically acclaimed and award-winning restaurant that pioneered and specialises in vegan Yum Cha and Pan-Asian cuisine. With an emphasis on fresh ingredients our produce is locally sourced and organic where possible, the food is prepared daily and handcrafted using traditional techniques by expert chefs, creating a range of seasonal mouthwatering dishes to choose from. The cocktail menu uses the very best organic herbs, fruits, fresh pressed juices and bespoke syrups, whilst the range of craft beers and Australian boutique wines has been thoughtfully selected from local growers using organic, bio-dynamic or environmentally friendly farming practices to compliment our cuisine and go hand in hand with our business philosophy.
Serving original and imaginative cuisine along with delicious sunsets and waterfront views. Proudly located in the heart of Durban. Showcasing fresh seasonal cuisine, exquisitely presented, from modern interpretations of Bistro classics to cutting edge. The menu is constantly evolving and diners are encouraged to try the six-course tasting menu. The winelist changes regularly and concentrates on smaller boutique wineries offering some of SA's finest, as well as many affordable options. 9th Avenue caters for large parties, corporate events & private functions, tailoring to your specific needs. We are conveniently located in proximity to beachfront hotels, 5 minutes drive from the stadiums, the International Convention Centre and many popular bed & breakfasts.
Dukkah is a celebration of tastes, colours and textures - inspired by the amazing people, cultures and natural richness of the beautiful city of durban. Dukkah Restaurant & Bar on Durban’s Florida road is a high point on the durban dining scene - a modern and luxuriant social hub with an upscale cocktail bar and lounge. Dukkah is open for lunch and dinner and serves delicious cuisine that takes its influences from the eastern coastline of our continent. Designed by chef extraordinaire and TV celebrity Peter Goffe-Wood, the modern cuisine draws inspiration from the Maasai Market, Nairobi and Stone Town, Zanzibar in the north all along the Spice Route to the culinary melting pot of Durban.
My name is Luis Guillermo Castro Martin. I am a philosopher specialized in philosophy of mind and language. In particular, I am interested in the nature of consciousness, and the way in which we experience and interpret the world. I started my studies at the Central University of Venezuela in 2006, where I obtained a bachelor’s degree in philosophy (2011) and a master’s degree in logic and philosophy of science (2015). In 2012, the university offered me a position as a professor of philosophy and I taught several courses there until 2017, when I enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Genoa, Italy. I have also published several papers in philosophy journals and participated in various international events. In 2020, while writing my PhD thesis, I realized that I had been immersed in philosophy for too long and decided to use my experience to rejoin the real world. In my years studying philosophy, I have learned many things, but the most important is that the world is what we make of it, there is no ultimate truth, no final word. We create our reality. Knowledge has somehow separated us from others and nature, perhaps it can also reunite us. Although I was born in Venezuela, my family is a blending of different nationalities and traditions. I have lived and studied in different countries, which are all part of who I am and what I want to be. My actions define me, not my nationality or my origins. I do not believe in borders or limits; they are only in our minds. The sensation of not belonging can be liberating, once we realize that, by not belonging somewhere, we belong everywhere. I speak three languages (Spanish, English, and Italian) and I enjoy learning from other cultures, as well as transmitting the values of my own. I also enjoy music, sports and nature. I am the author of “Fragments of Mind” on Substack. A space for thinking outside the box, while discussing philosophical matters.
Steeped in history, ReedValley was established on one of the oldest farms in the Mossel Bay district and now boasts a selection of export wines. First owned by the Muller family, the homestead built in 1826 remains as a testimony of time, still holding its own as a destination where superior experiences are not the exception, but the rule. During the 1800s, the farm was known as an oasis to weary travelers going east and it often served as a gathering place for the early settlers. This bountifulness is still reflected today at ReedValley where hospitality and unparalleled experiences are a way of life. ReedValley offers a unique wine tasting experience in the heart of the world-famous Garden Route. At our venue, you can sample our exclusive EdenValley wine range that we expertly pair with local produce. Cosy up in front of our oversized fireplace on cold days or soak up the sun on our expansive lawn during the summer months. A kids’ play area will keep the little ones entertained for hours while mom and dad enjoy a glass of our world-famous EdenValley wine. We also offer two unique dining experiences The Succulent Eatery - Award-winning Chef Michelle de Jager's The Succulent Eatery, fittingly set within a succulent nursery, has mouth-watering options for the entire family. Then you have The Boma. You can also experience an authentic bush inspired forest restaurant, which is perfect for larger groups, weddings and events.
The Café Gannet restaurant was founded in the spring of 1988 by hotelier JJ Moorcroft, who conceptualized the restaurant. From humble beginnings as a small establishment, seating 40 guests, it has grown to become a renowned Garden Route landmark. The restaurant now seats 250 diners and encompasses the Legendary Blue Oyster Cocktail Bar and the historic Ochre venue. JJ was joined by dynamic duo, Gareth and Janine Shippen in 2008. The trio still run the daily operations together and with JJ at the helm they are always busy with new innovations, to ensure guests leave having experienced a true taste of Mossel Bay and the hospitality of the town’s people. The Café Gannet restaurant, famously known as “Mossel Bay's seafood House”, is situated in the heart of Mossel Bay, neighboring the Dias museum complex with a north facing scenic ocean view. We aim to provide the finest, fresh, sustainable seafood that the local coastline has to offer. Acclaimed for vibrant local seafood specialties and signature sushi, a varied A’ la Carte menu also caters for vegetarians, meat lovers, pizza aficionados and gelato devotees. The menu is easily paired with the finest selection of over 50 South African wines as well as a variety of cocktails, apéritifs, liqueurs and craft gins.
At Raw and Roxy we create delicious raw vegan meals, gourmet salads, scrumptious guilt-free desserts, super healthy juices, smoothies with superfoods and tonics to boost your immune system, increase your energy levels and combat coffee addiction. Raw and Roxy is one of Cape Town’s sexiest foodie hot spots. It’s in the heart of trendy Woodstock, inside the Woodstock Co-op. There’s no signage advertising Raw and Roxy – it’s that popular that word of mouth alone has people flocking to sample the raw vegan pastas, salads, juices and ‘Love Elixirs’ that Danish-born Beatrice Holst serves up fresh and raw every day. Raw And Roxy is a raw vegan gourmet restaurant. Winner of the Condé Nast Gourmet award, the best Wellness and Vitality restaurant in South Africa.
Here at Mary-Ann’s we pride ourselves in bringing our customers the absolute best quality products available with minimum carbon footprint… even our packaging is made from plants…cellophane is made from tree cellulose and can bio-degrade in your compost heap. At Mary-Ann's Natural Emporium, we have a vegan restaurant where we serve light healthy lunches and drinks, to inspire you to make delicious healthy meals at home. We also have an online store that offers hand made and sourced natural and organic food and household products that will help make it easier for you to be healthy. Mary-Ann also has several books on natural health – making it simple to be healthy.
Pasta con broccoli è una ricetta sana e succulenta, economica e universale. 400 g Pasta meglio orecchiette fresche pugliesi 2 Broccoli 4/6 cucchiai Olio aromatizzato all'aglio 3 filetti Acciughe sott'olio Parmigiano reggiano grattuggiato o Pecorino qb Peperoncino Sale Preparazione Lavate e pulite bene i broccoli e tagliateli a pezzi. I gambi spellati a quadratini. Mettete a bollire l’acqua per la pasta, salatela e mettete a cuocere i broccoli. Quando l'acua riprende il bollore mettete anche la pasta. Scaldate l’olio aromatizzato all’aglio e mettete i filetti di acciughe facendoli sciogliere a fiamma media. Quando la pasta sarà cotta ma ancora al dente scolatela e mettetela nella padella con i broccoli. Saltate la pasta per qualche minuto e aggiungete il peperoncino. A fuoco sepnto il parmigiano o pecorino e un pò di acqua di cottura. Servite la pasta con i broccoli ben calda. Pasta with broccoli is a healthy and succulent, economical and universal recipe. 400 g Pasta better fresh Apulian orecchiette 2 Broccoli 4/6 tablespoons Garlic flavored oil 3 anchovy fillets in oil Grated Parmigiano Reggiano or Pecorino to taste Chili pepper salt Preparation Wash and clean the broccoli well and cut them into pieces. The stems peeled into little squares. Boil the water for the pasta, add salt and put in the broccoli. When the water boils again, add the pasta. Heat the garlic flavored oil and place the anchovy fillets, melting them, over medium heat. When the pasta is cooked but still al dente, drain it and put it in the pan with the broccoli. Skip the pasta for a few minutes and add the chilli. Switch off the fire and add the parmesan or pecorino and a little cooking water. Serve the pasta with the broccoli piping hot.
gr. 700 bietole a gambo sottile borragine qualche foglia gr. 80 di ricotta fresca Parmigiano grattugiato 1 patata grattugiata o 1/2 manciata di riso Farina olio extravergine d'oliva sale e pepe e noce moscata Lavate bene le bietole, scolatele e tagliatele finemente. Mettetele a riposare a strati con il sale fino in modo che perdano l'acqua amara. Fare un impasto piuttosto morbido con farina e acqua e lasciarlo riposare. Strizzare bene le bietole con le mani, buttare via l'acqua. Amalgamare tutti gli ingredienti con le mani, ricotta, noce moscata, sale, parmigiano, il riso o patata. Strizzare leggermente l'impasto con le mani in modo che rilascino il loro succo, aggiungere 2 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva. Nel frattempo dividere l'impasto di farina in 2/3 e 1/3. Stendete la maggior parte con il mattarello in una sfoglia molto sottile e più grande della teglia. Mettere un filo d'olio sul fondo e stendere la pasta sfoglia facendola traboccare, togliere l'aria. Versate il ripieno, schiacciatelo bene, copritelo con un disco ricavato con l'impasto rimasto grande quanto la teglia. Ripiegare i bordi sul disco. Bucate qua e là con la punta di un coltello, bagnateli con acqua e olio, stendeteli uniformemente con le mani. Infornare a 180 gradi per circa 45 minuti. Servire tiepido. gr. 700 thin-stemmed chard borage a few leaves gr. 80 of fresh ricotta grated Parmesan 1 grated potato or 1/2 handful of rice flour extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper and nutmeg Wash the beets well, drain and cut them finely. Put them to rest in layers with the salt until they lose the bitter water. Make a rather soft dough with flour and water and let it rest. Squeeze the chard well with your hands, throw away the water. Mix all the ingredients with your hands, ricotta, nutmeg, salt, parmesan, rice or potato. Slightly squeeze the dough with your hands so that they release their juice, add 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Meanwhile divide the flour mixture into 2/3 and 1/3. Roll out most of the dough with a rolling pin into a very thin and larger sheet than the pan. Put a little oil on the bottom and roll out the puff pastry making it overflow, remove the air. Pour the filling, flatten it well, cover it with a disc made from the remaining dough as large as the pan. Fold the edges back onto the disc. Pierce here and there with the tip of a knife, wet them with water and oil, spread them evenly with your hands. Bake at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes. Serve lukewarm.
Ceretto is a wine producer in Piedmont, making top-quality Barolo and Barbaresco. It was founded by Ricardo Ceretto in 1930 and is famous for being a pioneer of the trend toward single-vineyard Barolo wines. Nebbiolo is the key grape variety, but Ceretto also make wines from Dolcetto, Barbera, Arneis and Moscato. Riccardo Ceretto, who did not own any vineyards, produced wine from grapes he purchased. The turning point came when his sons Bruno and Marcello joined the business, with their innovative thinking for the time: the importance of the land. Though this seems obvious today, memories of the poverty of rural life in the Langhe region - described so well by Beppe Fenoglio in his novel “La Malora” (“Ruin”) - were still fresh, and Riccardo was reluctant to invest in purchasing land. In the 1960s, Bruno and Marcello started mapping out the land that produced the best wines, and buying the vineyards. They would never leave the region again. Blangè is the white side of Piedmontese wines; a product that defined an era, revolutionizing Langhe winemaking that was previously devoted exclusively to red grapes. The most famous Blangè a Langhe Doc Arneis is the product of a highly distinctive region, the Roero, and a desire to improve varietal recognition, as well as drinking pleasure. Blangè combines sustainable practices in the vineyard with a modern take. Fruit and minerality, aromatics and balanced freshness, coexist in this white wine that has made enjoyment and versatility its trademark. Blangè is the white side of Piedmontese wines; a product that defined an era, revolutionizing Langhe winemaking that was previously devoted exclusively to red grapes. Dolcetto d'Alba Doc is the product of a highly distinctive region, the Roero, and a desire to improve varietal recognition, as well as drinking pleasure. Blangè combines sustainable practices in the vineyard with a modern take. Fruit and minerality, aromatics and balanced freshness, coexist in this white wine that has made enjoyment and versatility its trademark. Down to Barolo Docg and Barolo Chianato.
La Tenuta San Guido prende il nome da San Guido della Gherardesca vissuto nel XIII secolo. Si trova sulla costa Etrusca tra Livorno e Grosseto, nella Maremma resa celebre dai versi di Giosuè Carducci e si estende per 13 chilometri dal mare fin dietro le colline. Racchiude al suo interno tre eccellenze: Il Sassicaia, la Razza Dormello Olgiata nei cavalli purosangue e il Rifugio Faunistico Padule di Bolgheri, primo in Italia. Sono i punti cardinali della Tenuta e ne segnano anche geograficamente il territorio: il Padule verso il mare, il centro allenamento in pianura ed i vigneti che arrivano fino a quasi 400 metri tra la macchia sulle colline. Una situazione ideale perché con 2.500 ettari a disposizione è stato possibile trovare i 75 ettari più vocati per il Sassicaia. Così eccezionali da meritare una D.O.C tutta loro (D.O.C. Bolgheri Sassicaia) che è l’unica in Italia ad essere inclusa interamente in una proprietà. Per molto tempo Castiglioncello di Bolgheri è stato usato come cantina del Sassicaia. Questa era un’ottima soluzione finché i pochi vigneti erano vicino al castello. Allo sviluppo di nuove vigne, seguí un’espansione della cantina. Quest’ultima non poteva più trovarsi sul punto più alto al livello del mare visto che le vigne erano oramai sparse su tutta la tenuta. Una posizione centrale fu trovata negli anni sessanta. Qui è dove si trova tuttora: sul viale dei cipressi, vicino all' Oratorio di San Guido che dà il nome alla tenuta. La nuova cantina d'invecchiamento del Sassicaia è stata progettata dall' architetto Agnese Mazzei, ed è situata accanto alla cantina di vinificazione in fondo al viale dei cipressi di Bolgheri. Tenuta San Guido is named after the Saint Guido della Gherardesca who lived during the XI century. It is located on the Tyrrhenian coast, between Leghorn and Grosseto, in Maremma an area made famous by Italian Nobel Prize winner Giosuè Carducci, and it stretches for 13 km from the sea to the hills. Three are its defining characteristics: the Sassicaia wine, the Razza Dormello-Olgiata thoroughbred studfarm and the Bird Sanctuary Padule di Bolgheri. They divide the estate between the Padule on the coast, the horse's training grounds on the plain, and the vineyards planted up to 350 meters on the hills. The latter have been given their own DOC, the DOC Bolgheri Sassicaia, the first, and so far only case in Italy of a DOC contained in one estate. The wedding of Mario Incisa della Rocchetta and Clarice della Gherardesca on October 18th 1930 started it all. They shared a love for thoroughbred horses that made them form a partnership with horse breeder and trainer Federico Tesio. Mario Incisa's love of good wine made him plant Cabernet vines in 1942 for what was to become Sassicaia. Seventeen years later, the Bolgheri Bird Sanctuary becomes Italy's first private nature preserve. For a long time Bolgheri's Castiglioncello was used as Sassicaia's winery as it was the closest building to the vineyards at more than 300 m a.s.l. But as new vineyards were planted at greater distances and lower altitudes, a new larger winery had to follow. The new, more central location was decided in the 1960s. This is where it can be found today, on the cypress alley, close to the San Guido Oratory, which gives the estate its name. A third smaller winery was built in 2007 by architect Agnese Mazzei, it houses the barriques for the ageing of the Sassicaia. It can be seen next to the cypress alley.
Una trattoria pizzeria piemontese, immersa nella langa che vi farà assaporare la tradizione e la qualità del cibo tipico di queste zone. Il locale semplicemente arredato ha alcuni tavoli sulla piazzetta del paese davanti alla chiesetta e con la vista verso le colline. La signora Piera in cucina prepara il tipico menù piemontese fatto di antipasti, plin e tagliatelle il pezzo forte è il coniglio che si scioglie in bocca. Appena sarete seduti arriverà il giovane nipote Bebo che con fare generoso e spigliato in italiano o in inglese vi accoglierà con una scelta di vini piemontesi e, in attesa dei piatti, con le "friciule" calde, pasta di pane fritta talmente leggere e gustose che salteranno in bocca senza che ve ne aggorgerete. Anche la pizza è ottima e digeribile con farciture anche di ingredienti locali che sehuono le stagioni come la toma di Roccaverano e i fiori di zucca in stagione. A Piedmontese trattoria and pizzeria, immersed in the Langhe that will make you savor the tradition and quality of the typical food of these areas. The simply furnished restaurant has some tables on the town square in front of the church and with a view towards the hills. Mrs. Piera in the kitchen prepares the typical Piedmontese menu made of appetizers, plin (hand made filled pasta with local meat) and tagliatelle the highlight is the rabbit that symply melts in your mouth. As soon as you are seated, the young grandson Bebo will arrive and, generously and confidently in Italian or English, will welcome you with a choice of Piedmontese wines and, waiting for the dishes, with hot "friciule", fried bread dough so light and tasty they will jump in your mouth without you knowing. Even the pizza is excellent and digestible with fillings also of local ingredients that follow the seasons such as the toma di Roccaverano and the courgette flowers in season.
Groot Constantia. South Africa’s oldest wine-producing farm, continuing to produce legendary wine since 1685. Groot Constantia is an important part of World Wine Heritage and a world-class international tourism destination, capturing the rich and diverse heritage of South Africa, to deliver a unique cultural, social and historical experience, to locals and tourists alike. Delivering world-class, quality wines, sensory encounters and special experiences, it is an iconic example of the preservation of South African culture and heritage in the wine industry. It is still, after a history of more than 300 years, a fully operational farm and one of South Africa’s most visited tourist attractions where a wide range of quality estate wines are created and sold (Seven days a week). With a variety of other attractions, including the remarkable restaurants & museums a visit to Groot Constantia becomes an unforgettable experience. Groot Constantia had many different owners and consequently the Estate has also been divided a few times. Groot Constantia’s rich history shows how one man’s love of wine established South Africa’s first wine farm more than 330 years ago and how those 891 morgen of land formed the origins of the commercial South African wine industry, with Emperors and Kings such as Frederick the Great of Prussia and Louis Phillipe (King of the French) buying ‘Constantia Wyn’ at auctions across Europe. South Africa’s oldest wine became so renowned it appears in Jane Austen’s novel ‘Sense and Sensibility’ as a cure for a broken heart and is drunk to lift a character’s spirit in ‘The Mystery of Edwin Drood’ by Charles Dickens. Perhaps it even soothed Napoleon, as it was served during his exile on the island of Saint Helena. Groot Constantia is situated on an aesthetic Cape Peninsula overlooking False Bay. The vineyards are tucked in the steep valley on the eastern side of Table Mountain.
Meerendal Wine Estate is a family owned vineyard situated in the Western Cape. The hills of Meerendal rise above the flat surrounding Durbanville landscape, with an almost endless variety of slopes, soil types and microclimates. This makes it possible to grow a wide range of classic cultivars with equal success. Meerendal is a family run and owned vineyard with a history that started in 1714 when 60,000 vines were planted on the farm. For over 300 years, a tradition of producing quality wines has developed Meerendal into one of South Africa’s flagship wine estates. Thys Smit, is our passionate and dynamic winemaker. Thys holds a BSc in molecular biology and biotechnology from the University of Stellenbosch. He was nominated as a finalist for the 2019 Diners Club Young Winemaker of the year award.
Martini e Rossi captures the spark that set two men on a lifelong quest to make their stamp on Italian culture. Alessandro Martini - a spirited entrepreneur with a global vision - and Luigi Rossi - a creative muse whose botanical fragrances would lure noses along Turin’s via Dora Grossa. The year was 1863 when their newfound partnership was manifested in their first vermouth: the Martini e Rossi "Rosso". This original blend remains the same to this day, a famous brand all over the world. Our artisans of today are 8th generation Martini e Rossi masters. Each following in the footsteps of their predecessors. All dedicated craftsmen and custodians of Martini e Rossi’s quality and integrity. The only three people worldwide to know Mr. Rossi’s original recipe. Originally from a village just outside our home of Pessione, and a student of the world-renowned Scuola Enologica di Alba, where many MARTINI & ROSSI® experts have honed their craft. After 18 years of training, Musso succeeds the 30-year tenure of former master blender, Luciano Boero. MARTINI & ROSSI®’s original recipe remains guarded under lock and key. Our masters know it only by scent and taste. Over 500 botanical samples pass under Ivano’s nose each year, and only the combined experience of himself and Beppe can maintain Luigi Rossi’s legacy. Our first love. The original Martini e Rossi, conjured under the inspired nose of Luigi Rossi. Since the sun-blushed days of 1863, a devoted selection of regional herbs are at its heart, and natural caramel imparts its rich scarlet hue. An icon di Italia. Martini e Rossi and Rosso and Tonic, created in the 1970s to modernize Luigi Rossi’s original recipe into a refreshing long drink. Aromatic herbs spring to life with the addition of sparkling tonic water, while an orange wheel enlivens its fruited notes of lemon and raspberry.
The Cape’s first farm, established in 1682, has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Just 20 minutes from the bustling heart of the Mother City, Steenberg feels miles from the world. Steenberg Farm boasts the 5-Star Steenberg Hotel, with 24 rooms encapsulating the dictum of understated luxury, offering spectacular views and discreet, personalised service. The original Manor House has been lovingly restored and declared a Provincial Heritage Site. Here, the legendary elegance and traditions of the 17th century blend harmoniously with the most refined comforts and conveniences of our modern age. A diverse dining destination with two restaurants is complemented by a tasting of award-winning wines at the Tasting Room. A visually spectacular and technically challenging 18-hole golf course features as part of the beautiful scenery at Steenberg Farm. Steenberg remained the property of the Louw family until 1990 when it was purchased by J.C.I (Johannesburg Consolidated Investments), and re-developed into the glorious vineyard and hotel it is today. Graham Beck bought Steenberg Hotel and Steenberg Winery in April 2005. Steenberg Hotel has since flourished into a complete luxury destination, with two fine restaurants, an award-winning winery, a championship 18-hole golf course, illustrious private homes and a world-class spa set amongst the estate’s astounding natural landscape.
As the oldest wine-producing region in the Southern Hemisphere, Constantia’s uninterrupted history of wine making stretches back over 300 years. Constantia Uitsig is located in what can be described as the "Cradle of winemaking" in the Cape and has a long history, being part of the first wine producing estate in South Africa, dating back to the mid-1600s. Constantia Uitsig means "Constantia View" and is named this for its unique position in the valley, nestled between the east-facing slopes of Constantiaberg and False Bay, creating endless stretches of beautiful vineyards and mountains that surround the farm. Its unique position means that its vines benefit from the cool sea breezes, providing natural acidity and brilliant ageing ability, as well as Cape Town’s Mediterranean climate, with its rainy winters and long, dry summers. This position has made for the perfect grape growing conditions, with vines rooted in 200-million-year-old, well composed, well-drained granite with a high clay content, ensuring excellent water retention.
Quality and consistency is paramount at Eagles’ Nest. Our unique terroir, combined with passionate attention to detail in the vineyards, yields fruit that is crafted into wines which are the epitome of elegance, finesse and complexity. Eagles’ Nest was originally a section of Groot Constantia, the wine supplier to European nobility, established by Simon van der Stel in the late 1600s. Eagles’ Nest’s history reveals that it operated as a commercial farm producing export fruit, as well as vegetables for the local market, up until the 1960s. Over time the farm has had a number of owners, since 1984 it has been in the control of the Mylrea family. Following a devastating mountain fire in 2000 which destroyed all of the natural fynbos vegetation and Protea plants, as well as approximately 95% of the forestation, it was decided to move the focus of the farm to wine. Whilst the Constantia Valley is most famous for white wines, it was felt that Eagles’ Nest, with its unique terroir within the valley, would be more suited to red wines. With its East, West and North facing slopes, it is the steepest commercially farmed land in the Cape region, if not in all of South Africa. The land is located 10.5 km from the warm False Bay coastline and is in the direct path of the summer trade of wines. Along with the planting of vineyards, it was a priority to re-establish the natural fynbos on the estate. On the mountain 25 000 Silver Tree seeds were planted as well as thousands of proteas, ferns and other fynbos indigenous to the area. Eagles’ Nest now proudly houses one of the largest Silver Tree plantations in South Africa. We were very careful to select only seeds and plants that were indigenous to the region and that would thrive in the Constantia Mountains. The majority of seeds and plants were sourced from Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. The lower vineyards are at around 150 m above sea level, with the highest at approximately 400 m above sea level. Average rain fall is approximately 1100 mm to 1200 mm per annum. The total farm area is 38.4 hectares, with approximately 12 hectares are under vine. The vines will produce around 100 tons, as the steep slopes allow for a higher than normal vine density per hectare. Quality driven and a true reflection of our unique terroir. The maturation strategy for the red wine is to age one third in new wood, one third in second fill barrels and one third in third fill barrels for around 18 months. The wine will further bottle mature for 12 to 18 months before release. The maturation regime relating to the Viognier is to focus on freshness, with second, third fill and larger 500litre barrels used.
Cinzano's vermouths date back to 1757 and the Turin herbal shop of two brothers, Giovanni Giacomo and Carlo Stefano Cinzano, who created a new "vermouth rosso" (red vermouth) using "aromatic plants from the Italian Alps in a [still-secret] recipe combining 35 ingredients (including marjoram, thyme, and yarrow)". A global Italian icon, propelled from the hills of Piedmont to a world-class brand by the entrepreneurial determination of its founding fathers; each drop of Cinzano vermouth and sparkling wine is infused with nearly three centuries of determination and willpower to achieve the very best in quality and taste. As suppliers to the Royal Court, Cinzano was entrusted with the challenge and finally, in the mid-1800s, their Spumante (sparkling wine) was born, expanding the business into the production of sparkling wine. Santa Vittoria d’Alba became the heart of the Cinzano world and the business was ready to evolve from a local storefront to a global brand. Developing its communications strategy in line with the Belle Époque’s aesthetic, Cinzano adopted new mediums and techniques the era had to offer, from posters and postcards, to ads in media titles such as Telegrafo magazine, a prominent Italian daily newspaper at the time. Only the greatest Italian brands could afford to work with artists and illustrators and Cinzano was no exception, leading from the front. Bold in their style, Enrico and his brother, Emiliano, collaborated with the most daring artists of time, allowing the brand to evolve alongside popular culture. The Cinzano heirs continued their work with innovative inspiration and achieved such great commercial success that they were asked by the Savoy monarchs to offer their expertise to produce Italy’s first Sparkling Wine, upon the success of the incredibly popular French champagne that dominated the wine export market across the globe. The result: the birth of the Cinzano sparkling wines. A global Italian icon, propelled from the hills of Piedmont to a world-class brand.
This beautiful farm on the east-facing slopes of the magnificent Constantiaberg and barely 12 km from False Bay, originally formed part of the Constantia Estate, which was founded by Simon van der Stel, the first Governor of the new Dutch colony at the tip of Africa. First sold as a 200 morgen subdivision to Cornelis Brink in 1773, Buitenverwachting changed hands all too often. And yet it flourished as a wine farm, due mainly to the 90 000 vines planted in 1825 by Ryk Arnoldus Cloete, brother of the famous Hendrik Cloete of Constantia. From 1866, the fortunes of Buitenverwachting were inextricably linked to those of the Louw and Lategan families. One of the most colourful characters was Oom Danie Lategan, whose trademark was the freshly picked camelia he wore on his lapel every day. It was his daughter, Olivia Lategan, who was to forge the link between the Lategans and the Louws. Born at Buitenverwachting, she returned as mistress of the farm when she married George Louw. Imbued with a sense of history, the Mueller family has retraced the roots of Buitenverwachting. The farm was lovingly restored to its former glory, while extensive planting of the most selected of cultivars was initiated. The result was a maiden grape harvest of 100 tonnes - the first harvest the farm had seen in 30 years. An historic achievement that lived up to its name: Buitenverwachting - "Beyond Expectation".
The story of the Vinchio and Vaglio winery is a love story where the inhabitants of these two villages transformed a difficult and poor, inarable land with slopes so steep that some local sayings proved true: “S’ot dròca la colassion, it la treuvi pì!” (if you drop your breakfast, you won’t find it again!) or “S’ot dròca ël bertin, ot toca curije drera fin ant la val” ("if your hat blows off in the wind, you’ll need to run down to the end of the valley to get it"). This area with its steep slopes and overhanging vineyards at the edge of the woods has been tended and “tamed” to dramatic effort, where every single drop of the “Ruby of Vinchio” (Barbera wine) equates to thousands of drops (and certainly not an exaggeration!) of farmers’ sweat. However, the vineyards have never failed to reward their hard work. These vine rows, in fact, repay the industrious farmers with grapes of rare and exceptional quality. The sun usually shines all day on these hills, there is seldom hoarfrost or fog and no shadow. Great wines grow on these hills. The Rules of the Association stipulate that the President and the Vice-President must come from Vinchio and Vaglio Serra, respectively. This is because of an old rivalry between the two villages, which only ended thanks to the hard work of our company and their willingness to promote the local area. Over time, the animosity between these two offices has turned into a solid working relationship and the strong administrative background of both our President and Vice-President has undeniably played an important role in achieving this result. They have both been mayors of their hometowns. Lorenzo Giordano (of Vinchio) and Cristiano Fornaro (of Vaglio) both are keen oenophiles and, in particular, great connoisseurs of Barbera, though still appreciating the sparkling wines such as Alta Langa. The wines tell the story of the terroir and selected vineyards they come from and reflect uniquely the excellence which has built the reputation of Vinchio Vaglio, Vigne Vecchie, Laudana and Sei Vigne Insynthesis. The Barbera wines are projects that have brought our Barbera to the highest quality levels, thanks to small planting plots that are more than 50 years old. Albarossa, Grignolino, Ruché, Nebbiolo, Freisa, Bonarda, Arneis are all indigenous grapes of this range. Distinctive wines which express the intrinsic value of the territory.
Prunotto is located in Alba, in the heart of The Langhe, halfway between Barbaresco and Barolo, on the southeast side of the Tanaro River on a gentle hillside surrounded by vineyards stretching throughout The Langhe and Roero. Cantina Sociale "Ai Vini delle Langhe", a winemaking co-op, was incorporated in 1904 in the city council room of Serralunga's Town Hall presided by Mr. Giacomo Oddero, a notary public and a youthful Alfredo Prunotto as a witness. Among those present at the ceremony were prominent citizens who made important contributions to the history of Alba and the surrounding communities, as well as many small local producers. In the middle of the predicaments of World War that created seroius problems, Alfredo Prunotto met and married Luigina. Together they decided to take over the "Ai Vini delle Langhe" co-op and gave it their name. Their dedication and passion soon made the winery famous and it began exporting Barolo and Barbaresco all over the globe: first to South America and then to The United States, two markets that had recently opened to foreign trade. Prunotto was one of the few companies that believed in this commercial strategy. The Antinori family first became involved with the Prunotto winery in 1989 initially handling distribution and then in 1994, when the Colla brothers decided to retire, they took over production upholding the excellent quality standards that Alfredo Prunotto successfully achieved. The winery's production philosophy, always extremely attentive to details and deeply passionate about wine, brought Prunotto and the Antinori family together to face a new challenge: to explore and develop the potential of this new terroir where both local and international varieties can express the area's remarkable territorial identity. Prunotto’s vineyards extend over an area of approximately 65 hectares (161 acres) in the territories of The Langhe and Monferrato and are subdivided into smaller parcels of land and single vineyards where great red wines are produced. Respectful of regional traditions, white wines are also crafted such as Moscato d’Asti and Arneis as well as an innovative rosé and two brands of grappa, one from Barolo Bussia and one from Barbera d’Asti Costamiòle.
Our estate, it’s a part of us. Family-owned and family-run, Morgenster Estate has a long history dating back 300 years. Situated near the foothills of the Helderberg Mountain in Somerset West, we produce award-winning Bordeaux-styled wines, Italian cultivars and extra virgin olive oil. We aim to inspire people to dream big, through sharing our founder’s story, his persistence, tenacity and unflinching commitment to quality. We continue his legacy as Morgenster’s fine wines and olive oils go out into the world to the rhythm of: place, people, passion… In 1992 Giulio bought Morgenster, one of the jewels of the Cape. His first step was to restore the manor house, built in 1786. Then he turned his attention to the hill in his backyard, which reminded him strongly of his native home in Italy. With a lifelong philosophy of producing only the best, Giulio sought advice from experts, who suggested that Morgenster’s terroir was perfectly suited to red wine grape varieties and olives. While it is part of Italian culture to produce fine wines and olives together, the concept was an innovation in South Africa at the time. Giulio set out to produce world-class Bordeaux-styled wines and the highest quality extra virgin olive oil that South Africa had ever seen. Giulio passed away in 2018, and his two daughters, Federica and Alessandra, are carrying his dream forward.
Agriculture and a simple farm lifestyle is at the heart of Boschendal. One of the oldest farms in South Africa, founded in 1685, the farm has grown with the passing centuries into a cherished source of wholesome produce, great wines and happy memories. Set in the Drakenstein Valley surrounded by dramatic mountain landscapes, lush gardens and vines, the original farmstead complex is now a national monument with a rich and intriguing history of more than 300 years. Today, Boschendal is a Cape winelands icon and a cherished wine and food destination. Our vineyards and fruit trees have been joined by vegetable gardens and a growing herd of free-range, 100% pasture fed Angus cattle, reflecting our commitment to serving wholesome farm-to-table food. It is Boschendal's vision to bring inspiring ways of living that regenerate nature and actively support communities to thrive, through an exceptionally unique South African experience.
Founded on 1 February 1700, Vergelegen (meaning “situated far away”), has been under the ownership of some of the world’s great explorers and visionaries, each of whom, in their own way, have helped shape Vergelegen to what it is today: a world-class Estate. With Vergelegen’s award-winning wines, history spanning over 300 years, heritage, exquisite gardens and cuisine to suit all tastes, it comes as no surprise that Vergelegen Estate continues to be the choice of the discerning visitor seeking a total sensory experience. Think of Vergelegen to spend quality time with family and friends – wine tasting, heritage, environmental and cellar tours, two restaurants and the seasonal luxury Picnic in the camphor forest, are only a few of a myriad of enjoyable activities at Vergelegen. Vergelegen’s heritage core consists of the Homestead, Library, Mill Ruins, Slave Lodge site and surrounding gardens. The residential Homestead, dating back to the 1700s, with each room authentically furnished, reflects the layered historicism of the over 300 years of Vergelegen’s existence. The Homestead also houses an Exhibition Corridor, comprising a series of pictorial panels detailing the various eras of history, as well as significant visitors to the Estate.
Set between the world-renowned wine regions of Stellenbosch and Franschhoek, Delaire Graff Estate is located approximately 50 minutes from Cape Town International Airport and ideally situated for discovering the Cape Winelands. A private transfer service is available to Delaire Graff Estate for Lodge and Villa guests. Delaire Graff Estate – where you can experience the ultimate in luxury, combined with our own unique blend of South African hospitality. Nestled between majestic mountains and overlooking the vineyards of Stellenbosch, I visited the Estate for the first time back in 2003 and felt a strong connection in an instant – it was love at first sight. The incredible views provide the perfect backdrop to our outstanding restaurants, state-of-the-art winery, exclusive Lodges, exuberant landscaping, destination Spa and luxury boutiques. Our talented team harness a united vision and passion, and their continuing dedication brings the true beauty of this piece of paradise to our guests each and every day. I hope you enjoy your experience.
The Antinori family has been committed to the art of winemaking for over six centuries since 1385 when Giovanni di Piero Antinori became a member, of the “Arte Fiorentina dei Vinattieri”, the Florentine Winemakers’ Guild. For over six hundred years, the Antinori family has linked their name to excellence in the art of winemaking and as a passionate patron of the fine arts. Two different areas of expertise that have progressed together: Marchesi Antinori have often entrusted the important task of documenting their family’s values and history to the fine arts. Marchesi Antinori’s passion for viticulture is expressed through perseverance: their continuous pursuit for quality improvement, even in the smallest details. Research and development is an ongoing process both in the vineyards and in the cellars: selecting new clones of local and international varieties: experimenting with new techniques in the vineyards and vineyard altitudes, new approaches to fermentation and temperature control, experimenting with both traditional and innovative winemaking philosophies, using new types of oak for barrels, barrel size and age, and varying length of aging in the bottle before commercial release. "... We have a mission that has not yet been entirely carried out, something that drives us to express the vast potential of our vineyards and to reconcile new discoveries yet to be disclosed with the patrimony of Tuscan style. A patrimony which includes tradition, culture, agriculture, art, and literature, all of which represents the identity of the Marchesi Antinori company. One of our main strengths is the fact that we are Tuscan or, if you prefer, our fundamentally Tuscan character", says Piero Antinori driving the wine estates all around the world today with his two daughters Albiera and Allegra. Piero is a visionary and created new famous wines such as Tignanello with his knowledge and intuition driven by experience.
Moglie, madre, nonna, Paola Thaon di Revel ama i fiori e la natura. L'eredità è il suo background. È cresciuta in una famiglia dove la disciplina militare era un dato di fatto, così come la voglia di divertirsi. Sei sorelle e un fratello, in una grande villa chiamata “Cimena”, dove molti sono venuti in visita: da Umberto I, agli americani colti, ai vicini Bruni Tedeschi sulla stessa collina. Una vita dedicata al marito, Franco Reviglio e ai tre figli con tanti spostamenti e viaggi, in tutto il mondo. Oggi, i sette nipoti e la casa di campagna, regalano giornate intensamente soddisfacenti. Wife, mother, grandmother, Paola Thaon di Revel loves flowers and nature. Heritage is her background. She grew up in a family where military discipline was a given, as well as the desire to have fun. Six sisters and one brother, in a large villa called “Cimena”, and everyone came to visit: from Umberto I, to educated Americans, to the Bruni Tedeschi neighbours on the same hill. A life dedicated to her husband, Franco Reviglio and the three children with many moves and travels, all over the world. Today, the seven grandchildren and country house, make for intensely satisfying days.
Die GLS Bank ist in Deutschland die Refernz für sozial und ökologisches Banking. Wer bei der GLS Bank Kunde ist, kann sich sicher sein, dass sein Geld dazu beiträgt die Zukunft zu gestalten, die wir uns alle wüsnchen. Investitionen gehen in eigens sehr strickt aufgelegte Fonds welche das 1.5°C Ziel bereits erfüllen. Keine Kinderarbeit, keine Waffen, kein Genforschung oder andere negativ Themen - sondern erneuerbare Energien, Soziales und Kultur, ökologische Landwirtschaft, Ernährung, nachhaltige Wirtschaft und weitere positiv beitragende Vorhaben werden ausschließlich unterstützt. Als Kunde bei der Bank trägt man dazu bei, dass ausschließlich diese positiven Projekte gefördert werden. Der strickte Zuspruch zu sozial und ökologischen Projekten wird bei allen Produkten, die ein Kunde von seiner Bank kennt (Baugredite, Firmenkredite, Altersovrsorge, Anlagen, Investitionen etc) unabweichlich eingehalten. Privatpersonen, Firmen und Vereine werden darüber hinaus aktiv unterstützt ihrn eigenen Impact zu verbessern. Die GLS Bank ist eine Universal-Bank, bei welcher man nahezu alle Finanzdienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen kann - jedoch immer unter einer strickten sozial, ökologischen und nachhaltigen Perspektive. Die Bank ist überwiegend in Deutschland tätig. Es können alle Dienste online wahrgenommen werden und es gibt mehrere Filialen für den persönlichen Besuch. Desweiteren besticht die Bank durch Ihre Rechtsform, die Genossenschaft. Die mitgleiderbestimmte Gesellschaftsform ist darauf gegründet in Gemeinschaft einen gesellschaftlich positiven Beitrag zu leisten. Mit der GLS Bank gibt es keinen Bedarf mehr als Privatperson sowie Firma bei einer konventionellen Bank zu sein und indirekt Umweltvernichtende Projekte zu unterstützen. Die GLS Bank bietet den vollumassenden Banken-Service mit reinem und ehrlichem guten Gewissen. Klimaschutz kann so einfach sein: Werde jetzt Mitglied bei der GLS Bank. The GLS Bank is the reference for social and ecological banking in Germany. Anyone who is a customer of GLS Bank can be sure that their money will help shape the future that we all want. Investments are made in specially designed funds that already meet the 1.5°C target. No child labor, no weapons, no genetic research or other negative topics - only renewable energies, social affairs and culture, ecological agriculture, nutrition, sustainable economy and other positively contributing projects are exclusively supported. As a customer at the bank, you help ensure that only these positive projects are funded. The strict encouragement to social and ecological projects is inevitably complied with for all products that a customer knows from their bank (building loans, corporate loans, old-age provision, systems, investments, etc.). Private individuals, companies and associations are also actively supported to improve their own impact. The GLS Bank is a universal bank, where you can take advantage of almost all financial services - but always under a strict social, ecological and sustainable perspective. The bank operates predominantly in Germany. All services can be used online and there are several branches for personal visits. Furthermore, the bank impresses with its legal form, the cooperative. The member-determined form of society is based on making a socially positive contribution in community. With the GLS Bank, there is no longer any need to be a private person or company with a conventional bank and indirectly support environmentally damaging projects. GLS Bank offers the full banking service with a clear and honest good conscience. Climate protection can be so easy: become a member of GLS Bank now.
Hans-Juergen Wiegand is a man who lives his work passions and family, with determination. A philanthropist, who has held important positions in the chemical and automotive world, in particular with Daimler AG (Mercedes-Benz). He loves to travel, attaining knowledge and experience from different cultures. These experiences have shaped him, with a particular acumen in recognizing the best in human beings. Hans thrives on helping young people, to realize their dreams, as he has realized his own. Hans is an inspirational leader, with the competence to restructure and transform organizations. He is very flexible with people, and stands like a rock when it comes to principles. Whatever happens, he will always stay positive.
We’re in Quasano, in the Alta Murgia National Park. Here, 20 years ago, we decided to make our dream come true. We wanted to make the world a better place, based on the values we believe in, that are the respect for the environment, the enhancement of the territory, and sustainability. What did we have in mind? We thought of a precious resource of our land: the almond. We tell, grow, hand sort, carefully select, transform, and pack the almond of Toritto “Filippo Cea” for four generations. From the birth of our children to that of the building of our company. From choosing the land to purchase in the village of Quasano, to the planting of almond, olives and cherry trees. We enhanced the biodiversity of the Murgese territory with the transformation of the Toritto almond. Thanks to the flavor and properties of this precious seed, we developed a range of high-quality organic foods, that are good for the health and the environment. Our almonds are sustainably grown and insecticide-free, so you can snack away, knowing you’re enjoying a natural, healthy, and wholesome Pugliese produce. The Qua – Sani (in English, Here – Healthy) is a network that promotes personal and collective welfare through environmental and economic sustainability, always respecting and enhancing the local territory. The name comes from the old village of Quasano, in the countryside of Toritto, near Bari. In the name Qua – Sani, we also enclosed the essential elements of the project: quality of life, Health, Nutrition, Nature, Independency. Our organic farm bases on a short and sustainable circular supply chain. Fattoria della Mandorla property is surrounded by untouched natural bushland with an abundance of native Pugliese wildlife. We trusted our land and its potentials and convinced young almond farmers of Toritto to plant new orchards and not to abandon the old ones. Thanks to a constant commitment to research and development, we enhanced the almond, as a leading food for healthy nutrition. We created a range of healthy vegetable products, the first in the world based on almond oil and milk. The circular economy is a system where all the production phases are arranged to reduce or avoid wastes. In our supply chain, the hull, the shell, and the integument of the almond seed used as fertilizer and soil conditioner for almond orchards. The circular supply chain is a model based on the recovery of every raw material, with a positive impact on the social, economic, and environmental levels. Thanks to the use of energetic renewable sources, we avoid substances dangerous to the environment and reduce wastes. QUASANI PRO.
One of the biggest flaws of us Sicilians is having a poor memory. We easily forget if someone has wronged us, and that is not necessarily a bad thing, since then, but the problem is that we often forget our traditions and where we come from. One of the most beautiful things that Sicily has, besides art, the sea, the perfumes, the islets, the beaches, is certainly the pastry. I think we all agree that Sicilian pastry is unmatched all over the world And if anyone has any doubts just think of the top 5 typical Italian sweets that come to mind: Tiramisù, Cannolo, Cassata, Babà and the fifth most likely the Modica Chocolate PGI. In short, out of 5 famous Italian desserts, 3 are Sicilian, one from Campania and the other still has not understood whether Treviso, Tuscan or something else. You understand well that if Italy is the home of cooking and pastry and if 50/60% of the most representative desserts are Sicilian we can without a doubt confirm that pastry, even before Italian, is Sicilian. And we can go ahead with all due respect to the French and pastry chefs from northern Italy, also because they then have to explain to me what we should do with their pastry made from 7 gram micro bites, so we have to eat 49 to understand something, but oh well. That said, there is nothing about these desserts today that hasn't been handed down for CENTURIES. Cassata, Cannolo, Modica Chocolate IGP, nougat with sesame or almonds, almond biscuits, mpanatigghi are all sweets that have existed for more than 100 years. Now, considering that until half a century ago Sicilian men worked in the countryside and women looked after the house, in your opinion who has carried on these wonderful culinary traditions? Women. If we go specifically, it was the GRANDMOTS. Because when it came to retirement age and men could rest from their strenuous jobs and the children were already adults, grandmothers delighted in the kitchen taking back those sweets that they had always seen their grandparents make, and so on for centuries and generations. Also, because many years ago there were no specialized pastry shops. In short, if the most important pastry is the Sicilian one, and if the Sicilian pastry exists thanks to the grandmothers, we can only refer to them and their tradition every time we think of a dessert. This is why I decided to honor the memory of my Nonna Lina (Don Peppinu's wife, who passed away 2 months ago) by paying her homage and dusting off all those wonderful sweets of Sicilian tradition. A tribute therefore to all Sicilian grandmothers.
Been there, done that... doing it all over again! Herby, a product of South Africa, vintage '63, Internaut since '82. Roaming the world since the age of 23 to date. Jack of all trades, master of none. Techie, pilot, nomad. Can travel~live~work, anywhere. Global village citizen, living without boundaries, my primary passions are aviation, the sea and Ubuntu Synergy. I am, because we are. Together. We create unity, foster community, motivate affiliates to generate residual revenue, and facilitate networking events. It's time to LIVE your life! My mission is to help people from all walks of life, gain financial independence, while caring for the world around us. I believe charity begins at the cash register. Just say no to donations. Learn how to earn. Make sure you have a meal, an income, clothes, a home and good health. Constantly bombing your mind with books and exercise, are two battles that win the war of longevity. I want to grow old. There is no planet B. I'm a big fan of renewable resources and ethical commerce. Gardens, farming, trees and bees, and anything that carries fleas. Helping our paw-legged friends in shelters, finding furever homes much faster. Same for birds, horses, donkeys, circus prisoners and liberating zoos. Noble causes that need proactive participants. Anyone can help: Scholars, students, employment seekers, those just over broke. Single and stay-at-home parents. Business owners, administrators and managers of any ilk. Retrenched and retired folks who still have much to give. Everyone can become successful super affiliates. Generating residual income is easy, and I will be your guide. With 40+ years in technology, aviation and extensive travel, this digital nomad has a wealth of experience to share. Helping others navigate the fear of failure and proven pathway to success. Point-and-click easy here >> https://herbyolschewski.com/action/worksheet/
Lionel Poilâne (June 10, 1945 – October 31, 2002) was a French baker and entrepreneur whose commitment to crafting quality bread earned him worldwide renown. His father, Pierre Poilâne, started a baking business in 1932, creating bread using stone-ground flour, natural fermentation and a wood-fired oven. Lionel took over the bakery in 1970, continuing the traditional methods. Poilâne is widely known for a round, two-kilogram sourdough country bread referred to as a miche or pain Poilâne. This bread is often referred to as whole-wheat, but in fact is not: the flour used is mostly so-called grey flour of 85% extraction (meaning that some but not all of the wheat bran is retained). According to Poilâne's own website, the dough also contains 30% spelt, an ancestor of wheat. In addition to miches, the Poilâne bakery offers rye bread, raisin bread, nut bread, Punitions (shortbread cookies), and an assortment of pastries to its clients. Poilâne is perhaps one of the most famous names in the baking industry today. Poilâne mastered his single product and trained his apprentices in the physical baking process, which he believed to be the most important aspect of his vision. He believed as much of the work as possible should be done by hand, by one person taking responsibility for their loaves from start to finish. Lionel Poilâne laid the basis of a concept he called "retro-innovation"; combining the best of traditional elements together with the best of modern developments. The only deviation from his father's original formula was machine kneading, saving hours of work for his bakers. He was knighted as a Knight of the National Order of Merit for services to the economy in 1993. Pain Poilâne is produced in the Latin Quarter of Paris, where it is sold at the original boulangerie on rue du Cherche-Midi. A second Paris bakery on boulevard de Grenelle is located in the 15th arrondissement. The worldwide demand for Poilâne bread is met in a facility located in Bièvres which was built in the 1980s. The Bièvres bakery produces around 15,000 loaves per day in 24 wood-burning ovens, which are exact replicas of the ovens used at the Paris locations. These loaves are shipped worldwide. The firm opened a facility in London's Belgravia district in June 2000. On October 31, 2002, Lionel Poilâne was killed when the helicopter he was piloting crashed into the bay of Cancale, off the coast of Brittany. The passengers, Poilâne's wife Irena and their dog, also died in the crash. Poilâne was survived by daughters Athena and Apollonia, who now runs the enterprise. Apollonia is a graduate of Harvard University. Located at 8 rue du Cherche Midi in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, the original Poilâne, created in 1932, continues to be the flagship location of a bakery with international renown. In staying true to its founding principles—making high quality bread for all—and in creatively joining the arts of living well and eating well, Poilâne has flourished, offering its savoir-faire across France and all over the world.
Mandy Shrimpton is the quintessential people’s person. Mandy believes that success is measured by the quality of our human-relationships rather than the results we manifest through sheer will. Mandy firmly established herself as the heart of the non-profit organisation that she co-founded and ran with her adoring husband for 17 years. Mandy loves walking in nature with her family, hugging trees, and preserving the environment. She also enjoys being creative and is particularly fond of painting flowers. As a very happily married and devoted mother to four children, Mandy has cultivated a deep appreciation for the culinary arts and relishes the spare moments she gets to watch her favourite cooking shows. This initiative reflects how Mandy sees the world, helping to create positive synergy. Fostering unity and courteous community, building partner relationships and motivating affiliates. Born and bred in Africa, Mandy understands the concept of Ubuntu. I am, because we are. Together we can make the world a better place. Using her skills and experience to make a difference. Helping others see through the fog of new technologies, avoid common marketing mistakes and develop better business strategies. With a subtle blend of motherhood and effective project management, Mandy is the perfect professional partner, to show others the merits of this initiative. Shining a light on the path to prosperity, while not losing our footing in family values and humble humanity. Sharing is caring, while enriching ourselves spiritually and materially. We cannot give freely, if we don't have. "Sometimes the world makes more sense, through the eyes of a mother. Using protective instinct and family fortitude, to help one another." ~ Mandy Shrimpton
Italians have been baking pizza-like foods for hundreds of years. The modern pizza started appearing in the 17th century in Naples and the Margherita1 was born in 1889 in honor of the then Queen of Italy: Margherita. At Talia Di Napoli, we believe pizza is more than just a meal or a pastime— it’s an art form, it’s an obsession, it’s a way of life. As proud fourth-generation Napolitanos, we started Talia Di Napoli to represent our beloved city’s sacred pizza heritage using only time-honored traditions and the highest quality, all-natural ingredients. In Italy, we believe beauty, excellence and love are meant to be shared — and what better way to convey love than through pizza? So we set out to create something truly special that would allow the world to try authentic Neapolitan pizza — made in Italy, by master pizzaiolos, using all local, organic ingredients — without ever having to get on an airplane. Creating the perfect pizza is so much more than just an ancient recipe — it’s about working with the just-right suppliers that care as much about their products as we do. Rather than rely on the expertise of any given merchant, we tirelessly research all suppliers and switch as needed based on seasonality, expertise and region. If we need cherry tomatoes, we’ll go as far south as possible to ensure they are grown in the sun.
La nascita del Brunello di Montalcino risale all’Ottocento, quando alcuni agricoltori montalcinesi iniziano a sperimentare la produzione di un vino rosso con le uve di una vite tradizionalmente coltivata nella zona. Una vite chiamata “Brunello” o “Brunellino” che, verso la metà dell’Ottocento, viene identificata come una varietà del Sangiovese. Un’uva molto pregiata perché capace di produrre vini da lungo invecchiamento cioè vini rossi di altissimo pregio. Il padre precursore del Brunello di Montalcino fu certamente Clemente Santi. Nel 1869 un suo Vino Scelto (Brunello), della vendemmia 1865, fu premiato con medaglia d’argento dal Comizio Agrario di Montepulciano. Negli anni successivi il Brunello ottiene altri importanti riconoscimenti internazionali battendo i rossi francesi persino a Parigi e a Bordeaux. Per molti anni il Brunello rimase una rarità destinata a pochi raffinati intenditori. E’ solo nella seconda metà del Novecento che, da una prelibatezza per pochi, si trasforma in un simbolo mondiale del migliore made in Italy. Con la nascita delle DOC, il Brunello vive una fase da protagonista ed è nel gruppo dei primi otto vini a cui viene attribuita la denominazione di origine. Nel 1966 il Brunello di Montalcino diventa un vino Doc e l’anno dopo istituisce il suo Consorzio. Nel 1980 è la prima Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita DOCG e da quel momento tutte le sue bottiglie vengono chiuse da un contrassegno di Stato che garantisce la loro provenienza. Tuttavia la produzione del Brunello è ancora troppo piccola per affermarsi su scala internazionale. La prima cantina con una vera rete commerciale è degli anni ‘70 ma il Brunello conquista il mercato mondiale solo dopo il 1980 anche attraverso una crescita del numero delle cantine e delle bottiglie prodotte. Montalcino fa da battistrada anche al turismo del vino italiano con le prime cantine attrezzate per visite guidate e un intero territorio che ogni anno riceve migliaia di visitatori da tutto il mondo. Moltissimi riconoscimenti comprovano la qualità del vino: nel 1999 la prestigiosa rivista statunitense “Wine Spectator” inserisce un Brunello fra i 12 migliori vini del XX° secolo e nel 2006 incorona un Brunello in cima alla classifica mondiale.
As a designer of experience, Federica Piccoli focuses on the inter-connection between land, culture, food and wellbeing. Starting from the personality of the producer/locations, the sensory and emotional experiences are focused on recovering personal rhythm and perception of time and space, and on finding the starting point to fully live blissful moments. "The seven senses of wine", "Tasting ∞ Meditation", and "Esperienze immersive di degustazioni erranti" are examples of designed paths. Wine, chocolate, food and well-being is her passion. She is very active in the land of wine in Italy, from Piedmont Monferrato and Barolo down to Puglia Primitivo passing through Chianti and Montalcino in Tuscany. Federica Piccoli lived abroad for many years, these experiences made her appreciate more and more the importance of appreciating little moments of joy through high quality food and wine that she found in her homeland: Italy. She created a format for wine tasting through the cellars where the wine is produced that one must do at lest once in a lifetime.
Le orecchiette sono una pasta tipica della Puglia, regione del sud Italia. Il loro nome deriva dalla loro forma, che ricorda un piccolo orecchio. L'orecchietta ha la forma di una cupoletta, con il centro più sottile del bordo e con la superficie ruvida. Come altri tipi di pasta, le orecchiette sono fatte con semola di grano duro e acqua. Le uova sono usate raramente. Nella cucina casalinga tradizionale del sud Italia, la pasta viene arrotolata, quindi tagliata a cubetti. Ogni cubo viene pressato con un coltello, trascinandolo sul tagliere e facendolo arricciare (facendo un cavatello). La forma viene quindi invertita sopra il pollice. Le orecchiette si mangiano con broccoli, cime di rapa, cozze e funghi. Ogni famiglia pugliese ha la sua ricetta che si tramanda di madre in figlia. Secondo illustri studiosi dell'enogastronomia pugliese le orecchiette avrebbero avuto origine nel territorio di Sannicandro di Bari, durante la dominazione normanno-sveva, tra il XII e il XIII secolo. Nel cuore del centro storico di Bari c'è una via ribattezzata “la via delle orecchiette” o “via delle orecchiette”. La via in questione si chiama ufficialmente Strada Arco Basso, caratterizzata appunto da un piccolo tunnel che un tempo attraversato conduce alla più antica tradizione di Bari Vecchia, quella della produzione delle fantastiche e popolarissime orecchiette baresi. Le donne preparano le orecchiette chiacchierando e aiutandosi. Hanno un sapere antico che si tramandano di madre in figlia, di nonna in nipote. Ciascuna famiglia conserva i propri piccoli segreti per la lavorazione delle orecchiette che avviene davanti alla gente e sono una vera attrazione del centro storico di Bari, oltre a rappresentare uno spaccato originale della quotidianità pugliese. La buonissima pasta fresca (poi lasciata asciugare su banchi di legno) può essere acquistata anche dalle stesse signore; queste donne, infatti, per permettere ai turisti di portare a casa il gusto tipico delle orecchiette baresi, mettono la pasta fresca in semplici sacchetti di plastica così da permettere alle persone di tornare a casa con un gustoso “ricordo” pugliese. Orecchiette are a pasta typical of Apulia, a region of Southern Italy. Their name comes from their shape, which resembles a small ear. An orecchietta has the shape of a small dome, with its center thinner than its edge, and with a rough surface. Like other kinds of pasta, orecchiette are made with durum wheat and water. Eggs are rarely used. In traditional Southern Italian home cooking, the dough is rolled, then cut into cubes. Each cube is pressed with a knife, dragging it on the board and making it curl (making a cavatello). The shape is then inverted over the thumb. Orecchiette are eaten with broccoli, turnip tops, mussels and mushrooms. Each Apulian family has its own recipe that is handed down from mother to daughter. According to distinguished scholars of Apulian food and wine, orecchiette would have originated in the territory of Sannicandro di Bari, during the Norman-Swabian domination, between the 12th and 13th centuries. In the heart of old town of Bari there is a street renamed “the street of orecchiette” or “street of orecchiette”. The street in question is officially called Strada Arco Basso, characterized precisely by a small tunnel that once crossed leads to the oldest tradition of Bari Vecchia, that of the production of the fantastic and very popular orecchiette from Bari. The women prepare the orecchiette by chatting and helping each other. They have an ancient knowledge that is handed down from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. Each family keeps their own little secrets for the processing of orecchiette that takes place in front of the people and are a real attraction of the historic center of Bari, as well as representing an original cross-section of Apulian everyday life. The delicious fresh pasta (then left to dry on wooden counters) can also be purchased by the ladies themselves; these women, in fact, to allow tourists to take home the typical taste of orecchiette from Bari, put the fresh pasta in simple plastic bags so as to allow people to go home with a tasty Apulian "memory". The delicious fresh pasta (then left to dry on wooden counters) can also be purchased from the ladies themselves; these women, in fact, to allow tourists to take home the typical taste of orecchiette from Bari, put the fresh pasta in simple plastic bags so as to allow people to go home with a tasty Apulian “souvenir”.
Anyone can be a Heritage Ambassador. Help take our past into the future. Spread the word and generate revenue. Make heritage your business and earn with your passion for art and culture. ArtAcadia.org is an umbrella organization for everything pertaining to our heritage and respective cultures. Providing a platform for Heritage Ambassadors, to help take our past into the future. We are a passionate community that is compiling a comprehensive global directory and cultural map. Facilitating networking, training, work opportunities, events and marketplace.
Taking our past into the future with Carolina Reviglio! Carolina enjoyed a carefree childhood in the Piedmont countryside. With many cousins and friends, the passion for culture was instilled from an early age. Surrounded by beauty and art in the family mansion Cimena, expertly curated by her grandmother namesake, Carolina. On the paternal side of the family, her Venetian grandmother was equally influential. The unique character and rich culture of Venice, epitomizes Carolina. While travelling often, she feels most at home, in the isles of Venice. Schooled in Italy and the United States, lived in provinces throughout the length of Italy, Carolina considers herself truly Italian, with an international vision. “My country is rich in heritage, but poor in the pocket to keep it so. It saddens me to see so many buildings in a state of disrepair.” She has honed the skills of renovation and interiors of historic buildings, since 1987. Learning by trial and error, spurned on by failure and ultimate success, Carolina has grown and prospered. Now is the time to give back. Helping artisans of all disciplines to find work and ply their trade with pride. Matching projects to professionals and vice versa. As Heritage Doyenne, Carolina’s primary contribution to this unique initiative, is to encourage the participation of Heritage Ambassadors. This cause is yet another open avenue, to take our past into the future. By intertwining culture and heritage, to create more synergy. “Only once we fully understand where we come from… and truly appreciate our heritage… can we imagine a fabulous future filled with the richness of our past. Life is ours to design!” ~ Carolina Reviglio